women's reproductive rights

The American Few have been at war with the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA)
since 1942.
Based upon the false concept of an “American Exceptualism” and an equally false concept of the
superiority of Christian values, they continued to attempt to “defund” and/or control and/or destroy the
PPFA within the United States of America.
The America Few have lost, are losing, and will lose their national and their international wars upon
women’s reproductive rights: no matter what well funded strategies they employ to impose their
extreme, Christian, conservative, and often contradictory values on the rest of us (the many).
The American Few’s values are legally wrong; their values are ethically wrong; and their values are
morally wrong. In truth, the American Few are an embarrassment to the citizens of the United States of
Margaret Higgins Sanger Slee (1879-1966) was an American sex educator and writer, was a birth control
activist, and was the founder of the American Birth Control League (ABCL). Higgins-Sanger-Slee was a
true, American heroine.
Margaret was born in Corning, New York. She was the sixth child of 11 children. Her mother, Anne
Purcell-Higgins, went through 18 pregnancies before dying of tuberculosis and cervical cancer. Her
father, Michael Hennessy Higgins, was an activist for women’s suffrage (the right for women to vote)
and free, public education.
Margaret opened the first, family planning and birth control clinic on October 16, 1916 in the
Brownsville neighborhood (46 Amboy St.) of Brooklyn, New York. She was arrested nine days later for
attempting to provide reproductive services to poor families. She served 30 days in prison for her
“illegal” actions.
In 1921, she founded the ABLC. And, it became part of the PPFA in 1942.
Today, the PPFA has over 820 clinics, and it has a total budget of over one billion dollars. It provides
reproductive services to over three million individuals and their families. It has been active in the courts
(through its regional chapters) since 1973. PPFA has been involved in a number of U.S. Supreme Court
cases with varying success. The rulings of the Court have been more favorable to the American Few
over time (since Roe v. Wade) due to a number of political and composition issues.
The PPFA is a Member Association of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
The IPPF was founded in 1952 in Bombay, India. Now, it is a global, non-governmental organization with
the general aim of promoting sexual and reproductive health. It advocates the right of individuals to
make their own choices in family planning. It consists of more than 149 Member Associations in a 189
countries throughout the world.
The IPPF is funded by governments, trusts, and foundations.
IPPF is the major international organization in the advocating of women’s rights to reproductive
services. (That is, it is a pro-choice organization that promotes access to contraception and safe, health
The IPPF and the PPFA have been in conflict with the Few (with the world’s extreme, Christian,
conservative, social forces): both nationally and internationally.
Nationally, the Roe v. Wade decision (1973) would be a major example of this battle.
The U. S. Supreme Court decided that a right to privacy under the due process clause in the 14th
Amendment to the U. S. Constitution extends to a women’s decision to have an abortion. But, that right
must be balanced against the state’s interests in regulating abortions: for protecting the mother’s health
and for protecting “prenatal life.” In disallowing many state and federal restrictions concerning
abortion, the Roe v. Wade decision prompted a “national debate” that continues today.
The killing of George Richard Tiller (and other reproductive health providers) is yet another example of
the so-called “debate” within the United States.
Dr. George Richard Tiller (1941-2009) was an American physician from Wichita, Kansas. He was the
director of a medical clinic (in Wichita) which provided legal, reproductive services for women.
Operation Rescue, a “pro-life” group, and through one of its branch’s (which moved from California to
Wichita, Kansas to specifically focus upon Dr. Tiller’s personal and professional activities), continued and
intensified Operation Rescue’s alleged criminal harassment.
On August 19, 1993, a Shelly Shannon shot Dr. Tiller in both of his arms. At the time, this anti-abortion,
assassin, saboteur, and rhetorician was part of the anti-abortion movement for at least five-years. She
was an ardent fan of a Michael Griffin, the convicted murderer of Dr. David Gunn. On May 31, 2009, a
Scott Roeder, shot and killed Dr. Tiller in his place of worship. He shot Dr. Tiller through his eye. Roeder
was the criminal of record (along with Shannon’s earlier, attempted murder).
(The actual criminals were Operation Rescue‘s national and local leadership (Randall Terry and Keith
Tucci), the State of Kansas (its Attorney General), and William James “Bill” O’Reilly (“news”
correspondent) and his unethical like. Of course and in their published interviews and writings, they
stated that they had “nothing to do with it.” Based upon the applications of any, reasonable, ethical,
and moral standards, they were responsible. Eventually, the “court of public opinion” will decide- no
matter what they have to say….
Extremists have difficulty in understanding the preceding truth and the following truth: lying (or lying to
oneself), fails over the course of time- no matter what your social position is and no matter what your
ability is to control of the media. Just ask one of the non- convicted criminal of World War II, Adolf
Hitler. If the anti-abortionist extremists act like Hitler, they are Hitler- if they realize it or not. Of course,
it is difficult to ask Hitler. He committed “suicide” on April 30, 1945. He shot himself because the truth
was about to devour him.)
And, internationally (outside the United States), a major example of this battle would be the Mexico City
Policy or the Global Gag Rule which was created (with the active assistance of the Vatican) and
instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 (through the United Nations International Conference on
Population). This intermittent policy states that “all non-governmental organizations (NOGs) that
receive federal funding are to refrain from performing or promoting abortion services” in other
countries as a form of family planning. The Global Gag Rule has been a “political football” between the
Republican and Democratic Parties for the past 27 years (with, for example, Reagan and Bush (G.W.)
instituting it, and with, for example, Clinton and Obama rescinding it).
In summary, the American Few do not represent the citizens of the United States of America. They will
lose their battle to deny women the right to safe, reproductive health services- nationally and
internationally. The American Few are illegal; they are immoral, and they are unethical. Their real gods
are wealth, greed, and power. They are an insult to true Christian, conservative values. The true heroes
of American society are not their heroes.
Thank you, Margaret, thank you George, thank you PPFA, thank you IPPF, and thank you the Greatest
Generation: to hell with those individuals who do nothing in the presence of evil (paraphrase of Edmund
Burke PC).
Post Script:
And, the Few are really, really the personification of evil. They want to reduce the “surplus” population
(paraphrase of Charles Dickens). As a matter of fact, they are trying, continually, to make a business out
of it-of course, they want this business to be unregulated. Profit does not want legality and morality.
Unregulated profit feeds on the very existence of the many: to hell with oligarchy.