Document 9917736

Chapter 16 Section 4
United States Helps the Allies
 Cash and Carry Policy (1939)- allies could buy ships
and supplies, but had to transport them on their own
 Lend-Lease Act (1941)- President could lend
arms/ships to allies (Britain was too poor).
1. Hitler ordered U-Boats to sink ANY supply ships
(“wolf packs”).
2. FDR ordered navy to sink any German subs.
3. Used the convoy system used during WWI.
4. Response to the Battle of Britain
Building US Defenses
 FDR asked Congress to increase spending for national
 Selective Service and Training Act- 1st peacetime
military draft
1. All men ages 21-35 registered
2. ONLY served in the Western Hemisphere
*Election of 1940- FDR defeats Wendell Willkie due to
the fact they both preferred the same policies.
1. First and only President to serve more then 2 terms.
Four Terms total
Atlantic Charter
 Atlantic Charter- agreement between Churchill and
1. Free trade
2. right of people to choose own govt.
3. Allies’ peace plan for end of WWII.
4. US didn’t have to declare war.
Japan Prepares to Attack
 Hideki Tojo- leader of Japan
 Took over China and SE Asia
Japan controlled ALL of East Asia
2. US responded with an oil embargo (trade refusal)
which REALLY hurt Japan.
*US knew Japan was going to attack, but wasn’t sure
when or where.
1. Japan Negotiated fake peace proposals
Pearl Harbor
 December 7, 1941- “a day that will live in infamy”
 Attacked very early on a Sunday morning at the
military base Pearl Harbor (Hawaii)
 180 airplane attack
1. 2,403 died and 21 ships sunk (8 battleships)
2. Japan’s goal- cripple the US fleet so they couldn’t stop
Japan in the PACIFIC
*ALL but one member of Congress votes to declare war
after the attack.
 Pearl Harbor Actual Footage:
 Pearl Harbor:
Chapter 17 Section 1
Preparing for War
 Japan expected America to be afraid and avoid conflict
after Pearl Harbor
 5 million volunteers not enough
 Draft expanded and 10 million drafted
1. Only 8 weeks of training.
Role of Women
*George Marshall- founded Women’s Auxiliary
Army Corps (WAAC) in 1942
1. Women could serve in noncombat army roles
for status and salary, but not equal benefits
2. Nurses, ambulance drivers, radio operators, and pilots
*Many women also worked in factories.
Role of Minorities
*African Americans, Hispanics, Native
Americans, and Asian Americans served, but
often faced discrimination and rarely saw
 A. Philip Randolph- marched to D.C. with several
African Americans protesting racism in factory hiring
and the military.
1. FDR issued an executive order calling on employers
and labor unions to stop discriminating.
How US Mobilized for WWII
 Total War (cars to planes and tanks)
Factories focus on making weapons/war supplies and
not much else.
2. Rosie the Riveter- symbol for women working in
factories (men=soldiers, women=factories)
3. Propaganda Posters (similar to WWI)
Government Regulation
 Office of Price Administration (OPA)- set prices on
many goods.
 Raised and extended the income tax.
 Did NOT cut workers’ wages
 War Production Board (WPB)- ordered some factories
to produce war materials and some to produce
consumer goods.
1. Organized drives to collect supplies like scrap iron,
rags, cooking fat, etc.
 Rationing- establishing fixed amounts of goods
deemed essential for the military.
1. People received ration coupon books used to buy
scarce materials (limited in how much they could
2. Fuel rationing (less driving, carpooling, etc)
Chapter 17 Section 4
Economic Gains
 Unemployment fell to a 1% low
 Pay up 10%
 Could profit from buying war bonds
 Farmers benefitted from higher prices and better
weather (x3 $)
 Women got good factory jobs, but most had to give
them up after the war.
 Many migrated to North and Cal for jobs
Social Changes
 More single mothers (husbands fighting)
 Increased marriages (marry before fighting)
 GI Bill of Rights- provided education and training for
veterans paid for by the govt.
1. Provided farm and home loans for soldiers
*James Farmer- founded Congress of Racial Equality
1. Protested segregation and 3 day race riot in Detroit
*Zoot suit fad with Mexican Americans- beat up