28th Sunday 2015 - Maidstone South Roman Catholic Parish

 Wed 30/9/2015 – No 6 – D. Pawley
 Sat I 3/10/2015 – No 4 – R. Reader
 Sat II 3/10/2015 – No 4– Fr. R. Sugg
 COLLECTION – Holy Family £320.64: Headcorn £200.43
Last week, we received a cheque from the Inland Revenue for £6766.52 –
this being the Gift Aid refund! Do you Gift Aid? Please see Denise Lintern or
Fr. Roy. Let’s maximise our income.
 REPOSITORY – John & Brenda Duffy who look after the repository in the
church porch have asked me to tell you that Christmas cards and other festive
items are now for sale. Please visit and browse after Mass.
 PARISH JUMBLE SALE – POSTPONED! We have had very little response to our
request for jumble and so, we have had to postpone the jumble sale on Oct 17
until the New Year. Please start saving your jumble.
 PARISH COUNCIL – The next Parish Council meeting has had to be changed
from Monday 21st September to Monday 12th October at 7:30pm. Sorry for
any inconvenience. Everybody is invited and welcome to attend.
 MACMILLAN CANCER SUPPORT – Please join us for a “cup of tea/coffee
and cake” in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Friday 30th October from
2-4pm in the Parish Hall. We’d be most grateful for donations of cakes or
biscuits but most of all we hope you’ll be able to join us and support this
worthy cause. All welcome and please bring a friend. Ann Green.
 CONFIRMATION – 5 young people from our Parish are receiving the
Sacrament of Confirmation this Sunday 11th October at St. Francis Church
Maidstone at 3pm. Please keep Anna-Maria Dean, Tara Lewis, Oscar Knight
Marcelina-Maria Koziel and Aoife Cooper in your prayers.
Many thanks to the catechists, Peggy Arnold and Fr. Roy for all their time
and hard work instructing these young people in their faith.
( If you would like something published in the newsletter or if you have any
comments about it, please contact me, Dave Arnold at: davidarnold@me.com or
telephone 01622 734340. )
Holy Family RC Church
Holy Family
Bicknor Road, Park Wood
Maidstone, Kent ME15 9PS
Tel: 01622 752 637
Website: www.msrcparish.org.uk
Email: r.tablizo@hotmail.co.uk
Parish Priest: Fr Roy Tablizo MA
St Thomas of
28th Sunday – (cycle B)
Sat 10 Oct 15
6:00pm MASS
Rita Noble
Sun 11 Oct 15
10:30am MASS
Confirmation of candidates.
Mon 12 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Holy Souls
Tue 13 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Wed 14 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Stephen Kenny RIP
Thu 15 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Fri 16 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Sat 17 Oct 15
6:00pm MASS
ST IGNATIUS - Well being of Breda Cass
Sun 18 Oct 15
10:30am MASS
ST LUKE – Thanksgiving (private donor)
Confessions – 5:00pm to 5:45pm every Saturday
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:00am MASS
16 Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Oct 15
9:00am MASS
Oct 15
9:30am MASS
Confessions after 9.30am Mass Saturday
Entrance Antiphon: If you, O Lord, should mark our iniquities, Lord, who
could stand? But with you is found forgiveness, O God of Israel.
Next Sunday - 2nd collection for Missio – formerly APF.
Thursday, 5 November
Coffee Morning after 9.30 Mass
Saturday 28 November
Joint Parish School Christmas Fair (t
Thursday, 3 December
Coffee Morning after 9.30 Mass
Saturday, 5 December
Parish Christmas Party - evening
 ROSARY – October is the month of Our Lady. The Rosary will be said after all
Masses. Please join us if you can. Please leave the church quietly if you can’t.
 DEANERY DAY OF REFLECTION – This is a day for readers and extraordinary
ministers and has been provisionally booked for 24th October, 9.30 to 1pm at
Bearsted and 16th April 2016 at Tenterden. It is a condition of your ministry
That you should attend at least one of these days each year.
CAFOD HARVEST DAY – Please make sure you return the collection envelope  RCIA – Please talk to Fr. Roy if you know of anyone interested in joining or
with your Fast Day donation as soon as you can. Thank you all very much for
finding out more about the Catholic faith.
supporting CAFOD not just for Harvest and the Spring collections but
throughout the year. We will soon let you know how much you raised. We’ve  HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL – officially opened on 5th September 1965. Our Parish
bowed to pressure and will be having a bacon roll morning on Sunday, 11th Oct.
School therefore celebrates 50 years this year – it’s GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY!
after the 10.30 Mass. We hope as many of you as possible will join us; there is
There will be a 50th Golden Anniversary Mass on Wednesday 21st October and
no charge but we would appreciate donations for CAFOD. So, please make a
Archbishop Peter will be the principal celebrant. More details to follow.
date in your diary for SUNDAY 11th OCTOBER after the 10.30 Mass. Thank you
from Mary, Anne & Bill.
 MAIDSTONE ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION – are holding a Barn Dance on Sat.
24 October from 7:30 – 11pm in Holy Family Church Hall. Tickets £7 each;
bring a plate of food for a shared buffet table & your own drink. Tickets from
Denise Lintern 01622 749539.
 ST JUDE – On 24/25/28 October – celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the
National Shrine of St Jude at Whitefriars, 35 Tanner Street, Whitstable.
ME13 7JW. The programme includes regular celebrations of the Eucharist,
Blessings with the oil of St. Jude and other devotions.
 Please remember in your thoughts and prayers, all those known to us who are
ill, especially: Richard Martin, Brian Mason, May Terry, Ray Sweeney, Ann
O’Reilly, John Duffy, Oliver Jessel, Fr. Peter Madden, Peter & Aisling Hawkins,
Mary Drumm, Pat Tirant, Angela Collins, Laura Harstedt, Kath Harvey, Ernie
Carter, Elizabeth Stonnell, Albert Skinner, Jimmy Donlon, Nora McLellan,
PatrickFeely, Alex Sarte, Pam Wiles, Brigitte & Michael Aris, Richard Cheeseman
and Albert Edermaniger.
 ANNIVERSARIES – Please pray for the repose of the souls of Raphael
Avallone, Catherine Sullivan, Francis Feely, Philip Morley, Jerry Lenihan,
George Vassie, Bernard Moran, Anthony Cunningham, Dominic McDonald,
John Monk, John Coldrick and Francis Reynolds.