DRMS Projects Summaries v4 NVE-CLP

Alstom GRID’s
Project Summaries:
Demand Response Management Systems
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1 | August 2013
Nevada Energy
Nevada Energy (NVE) is a large investor-owned utility based in Las Vegas, Nevada. The company generates,
transmits and distributes electric service covering 97% of Nevada, including the Las Vegas Valley. It serves about 2.5
million residents and over 40 million tourists annually with operating revenue of $2.9 billion. NVE has offered various
Demand Response (DR) programs over the past decade and currently manages a portfolio of Residential, Commercial,
and Industrial DR programs totaling 200+ MW of available DR capacity.
Company ID Card:
Customer: Nevada Energy
Country: United States
Installed Capacity:
6050 MW
Peak Load:
7407 MW
DR Managed Load:
200+ MW
Number of DR Programs:
11 - Residential
2 - Commercial
1 - Industrial
DR Program Types:
Residential A/C, CPP,
Dynamic Pricing,
Commercial Load, Irrigation
# of Customers Served:
2.4 Million
Network Model Size:
200+ substations
1300+ Feeders/Circuits
Number of Managed
DR Devices:
Device Types:
Cooper/Yukon, Carrier,
CSE, Building IQ, EcoFactor
Company Overview:
Nevada Energy (NVE) is an investor-owned electric
utility located in Las Vegas, NV, with a service territory
covering over 46,000 square miles maintaining and
operating one of the largest electrical distribution systems in the country and is integral to one of America’s
most popular tourist destinations. NVE’s electric distribution service reliability ranked among the best 25% of
electric utilities nationwide in 2010, and was the best in
the nation in 2009.
With a peak demand of 7407 MW and a peak generating capacity of only 6050 MW it is clear to see why
NVE has created a large Demand Response portfolio
of programs, technologies, and customer types.
In 2004 NVE launched its first formal Residential demand response program with a one-way paging system
used to temporarily switch off the air conditioning unit
compressors on hot summer days when the distribution
network was reaching critical capacity. This approach
was hard on the air conditioner equipment and not well
received by the utility’s customers. Over the years,
NVE launch new DR programs with the next generation
of technology without abandoning the legacy DR infrastructure and technology used in the prior years. By
2010 NVE had four different types of Load Management Systems (LMS) in operation: one from Corporate
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Systems Engineering (CSE), one from Cooper/Cannon,
one from Carrier, one from Comverge and was selecting a fifth, from Control4, which was scheduled to go
into production the following year.
To operate multiple, independent load management
systems required training across all five systems. Additionally, there was no global view or forecast of the
available DR by system or by zone or substation, and
no single system to register participants. The DR
events had to be created in the five separate systems
and there was no way to measure performance across
the five systems. The utility needed to know how much
usage was reduced when DR events were invoked to
validate forecasted estimates and to be able to offer
performance based compensation.
To add to the challenges, each of the five systems
used proprietary communications protocols and proprietary device technology, thus minimizing the utility’s
flexibility to select new devices without buying yet another load management control system.
e-terraDRBizNet was selected in June 2010 as the
Demand Response Management System (DRMS) that
would provide the command and control capabilities to
manage the entire fleet of DR programs and technologies for NVE.
Project Overview:
Demand Response Management System (DRMS)
e-terraDRBizNet 3.0 – “Retail DRMS”
Main Scope:
Provide a comprehensive end-to-end DRMS to be the
command and control system that manages all activities and data related to Demand Response for NVE.
The DRMS is the:
Single point of DR Program Management and
Single point of registration for all DR programs
including Residential, Commercial & Industrial
Single view of availability of DR resources across
the network model down to the feeder view
Single Command and Control event management
Single point of integration to back office systems
as well as to legacy and new DR devices
Calculation engine to measure customer
performance to calculate settlements
Single system of record for all data and
transactions related to DR programs and events
Primary DR Uses/Drivers:
e-terraDRBizNet 3.0 is designed to enable advanced
load management requirements for Retail electric distribution operators. The Retail version has a robust
suite of functionality built upon a modular architecture
that can be adapted to address the unique needs of
each customer. For NVE, we delivered the entire suite
of functionality including:
Program Management: allows for simple and
rapid creation of Retail customer programs that
can be offered to its customer base. Supports
Residential, Commercial, and Industrial-type DR
Marketing Campaign Management: tracks and
reports on the effectiveness of sales and
marketing campaigns to see which campaigns are
most effective in driving enrollment. The module
also tracks why people leave the DR programs,
thus allowing the utility to make the necessary
adjustments and refinements to these programs.
Customer Registration: tracks customer locations and manages the processes for enrollment
in programs and limits enrollment when prohibited
by program rules.
Device Installation and Workforce Management: is a comprehensive installation scheduling
and workforce management (WFM) module to
crews/companies schedules.
Device Management: tracks available devices
and associates them with customers when installed. Manages and monitors device availability
with the field devices, so that users know what
devices are online and available for dispatch.
Enables grouping of individual devices into resource groups so that they can be dispatched as
a group to make management and dispatch operations easier and more manageable.
Forecasting: provides available DR forecasting
that accommodates program constraints such as
device availability, weather, and profile including
decay and snapback, as well as real-time feedback of opt outs, and confidence levels of forecast
capabilities. e-terraDRBizNet can forecast available DR according to location/zone/DLAP and/or
network model including the substation, feeder
bank, and feeder/circuit.
Optimization: includes DR resource optimization
with multiple objective functions such as reducing
peak load during high cost energy periods, or
maximizing profit based upon market forecasted
NVE views Demand Response as an integral part of its
demand side management program efforts and uses
DR for many purposes within NVE across multiple internal organizations and drivers. The key business
uses of DR are as follows:
Operations: Reducing targeted load during
peak periods at substations that are overloaded to avoid blackouts.
Trading Desk: Reducing system load 15 to 30
minutes as non-spin generation comes on line.
Trading Desk: Reducing system peak load to
minimize purchasing real time energy at high
Engineering Planning: Deferring capital expenditures for substation upgrades by targeting where DR should be implemented.
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Event Management: provides operators with a
way to construct event dispatch schedules, which
could range from simple single resource group
quick dispatches, to multi-leg events for longer
events. These dispatch methods can be saved as
templates and easily recalled and launched by just
adding a start time and end time or event duration.
Notification Management: notifies devices using
supported protocols such as Open Automated
Demand Response (OpenADR) and/or people of
event dispatch schedules through email.
Local Control and Event Overrides: supports
customer overrides when participating in an event
while capturing and tracking the number of overrides per customer.
Meter Data Integration: provides two methods to
upload meter data for performance calculations –
standard Application Programming Interface (API)
and CSV Files (Excel spreadsheet).
Measurement and Verification: follows NAESB
standard baseline methodologies to calculate performance per customer event which currently
support all of PJM, Midwest ISO (MISO) and California ISO (CAISO) Wholesale CBL methods. Alstom Grid was instrumental in getting these baseline methods accepted by NAESB as industry
Dashboard/Reporting: provides a dashboard for
charts and reports of program operating data such
as Marketing Campaign performance, device installation work order summary, installation status,
device population status, service request summary, customer defection, forecast of available
DR per program, amount of DR called to date by
program and others.
Portal Access: provides customer portal APIs
that can be integrated with a utility’s existing customer-facing solution giving access to DR data
and allowing customers to update authorized information.
Integration: Provided the APIs and integration
design and support to a third party integrator to
move DR related data to and from NVE’s back office systems including: Customer Information System, Meter Data Management System, weather
forecasting, load forecasting, legacy load management systems, customer portal, new load
management systems, settlements and billing systems.
functionality requirements. Alstom also configured the
DRMS and provided custom software development and
support as needed. IBM Global Services managed the
overall systems integration work for the NVE systems.
Many innovations have been introduced as part of this
Several new modules were created during this project making Alstom’s DRMS the most comprehensive single system to manage the entire lifecycle
and operations of Demand Response programs.
All modules work seamlessly together and have
been developed by Alstom expressly for DR with
extensions available to support Renewable Distributed Energy Resources such as batteries, solar inverters, and wind resources.
The Retail DRMS can be configured to use all or
only a subset of modules to meet the requirements
of a more limited scope customer. This modularity
allows the Retail DRMS platform to scale down to
operate as an advanced LMS for pilots or small DR
programs and seamlessly upgrade to full DRMS
functionality by turning on additional modules as
needed, when needed. Alstom’s Retail DRMS can
be used to manage anywhere from 1MW to over
1GW of Demand Response capacity.
End Result:
NVE’s DRMS now manages:
14 active DR Programs, 11 Residential, 2
Commercial and 1 Industrial program
80,000 residential, and C&I devices
Over 200 MW of available DR
Across over 200 substations and 1300 feeders
Managing 5 device technology types
Environmental Benefits:
Below is NVE’s estimated annual environmental benefit
from its Demand Response programs for 2013.
Demand Response
Year KW Dioxide
11,170,000 223,000
Project Methodology:
Alstom provided the domain expertise to manage the
DRMS requirements gathering, software configuration,
implementation, support of integration to back office
systems, and DRMS testing. Alstom also provided the
Business Analysts to review the NVE programs, processes, data flows, integrations, user roles, and key
4 | October 2013
Company Contact:
Mark Triplett
Managing Director, DRMS
Global Business Development
Mobile: 01-916-247-5171
China Light & Power
China Light & Power (CLP) is a large vertically integrated utility with over 6900 MW of generation and has 14,200
kilometres of transmission and high voltage distribution lines in a network involving 13,750 substations. CLP primarily
serves the Hong Kong area and parts of southern China. As part of their Zero Carbon Generation initiative, CLP
launched an Automate Demand Response (AutoDR) pilot program to learn more about DR, AutoDR, and customer impacts and behaviors operating DR Programs. CLP had not implemented formal Demand Response programs in the
past, but has made a strategic initiative to implement 50MW of DR by 2015.
Company ID Card:
Customer: CLP
Country: Hong Kong
Installed Capacity:
6908 GW
Peak Load:
6769+ GW
Number of DR Programs:
1 C&I Program
DR Program Types:
1 C&I AutoDR Program
# of Customers Served:
2.4 Million
Network Model Size:
17,300 Substations
Number of Managed DR
Devices: <20
Device Types:
GridLink (OpenADR)
Company Overview:
CLP is a large vertically integrated utility with over 6900
MW of generation and has 14,200 kilometres of transmission and high voltage distribution lines in a network
involving 13,750 substations. CLP primarily serves the
Hong Kong area and parts of southern China, but has
generation operations in India and Australia as well.
CLP serves 2.4 million customers, which includes 80%
of Hong Kong’s population. CLP operates one of the
most reliable networks in the world. A typical CLP customer would have experienced an average of only 2.6
minutes of unplanned power interruptions each year
between 2010 and 2012.
As part of their Zero Carbon Generation initiative, CLP
was interested in learning more about the value, operations, and control of Automatic Demand Response (AutoDR) technologies, implemented in commercial buildings, enabling reduction/shift of electricity load from
buildings through their existing building management
systems (BMS). This pilot project was developed to
demonstrate an end-to-end solution for CLP’s Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers to automate
load shed in response to a DR event. It is expected that
a total of 1.5MW demand reduction per DR event in the
summer (June – October) of 2013 is achieved. CLP’s
near term goal is have a portfolio of 50MW of DR by
2017 and 100MW of DR by 2023.
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CLP had not had formal DR Programs in the past,
therefore CLP:
Did not have trained personnel in DR
Did not have DR marketing experience
Did not have device technology experience
Did not have building energy audit experience
Did not have DR device installation
In addition, CLP had a very tight timeline to implement
the program and technology since they wanted to test
the DR Program, DRMS, and device technology during
the summer months and gain customer feedback during the hot season and not wait until the following year.
As a result, there was just 12 weeks from contract signature to the pilot go-live. This resulted in more challenges that included:
Limited time to recruit DR customers
Not enough time to implement the DRMS in
the CLP data center
Compact schedule to train local Alstom
resources for building energy audits and
device installations
Compact schedule to perform building energy
audits and determine how much DR load was
available and controllable
Compact schedule to perform the device
installations, provisioning, and testing
Compact schedule to configure and stand up
the DRMS to meet the needs of the CLP ADR
Program and resulting performance metrics
and settlement calculations
Compact schedule to train CLP DRMS
Operators, perform the ADR system site
acceptance testing, and move the system into
Project Overview:
Demand Response Management System (DRMS)
e-terraDRBizNet 3.0 – “DRMS Lite”
Main Scope:
CLP views Demand Response as an integral part of its
near term and long term initiative of developing Zero
Carbon Generation alternatives. This initiative is driven
by pollution standards and the difficulty and time it
takes in building new fossil fuel or nuclear generation.
Electricity demand continues to grow in the greater
Hong Kong area and meeting the needs of this growth
remains a major challenge.
Provide a turn-key end-to-end AutoDR solution to be
the command and control system that manages all activities and data related to Demand Response for CLP,
and have the system operational in less than 12 weeks.
The AutoDR solution scope included:
Supporting CLP in the creation of Marketing messaging and collateral to recruit commercial and
industrial ADR customers
Performing building energy audits to determine
the available load reduction capability
Installing AutoDR devices that are OpenADR
Hosting a secure DRMS as the command and
control system for the AutoDR Program with the
ability to:
o Manage the AutoDR program
o Enroll customers
o Provision and communicate with
AutoDR devices
o Create DR events
o Send Notifications
o Measure DR performance
o Calculate payment to customers
Training CLP personnel on DR and DRMS
Training CLP personnel to test the system end to
Supporting a security intrusion test from a third
party security intrusion company
Primary DR Uses/Drivers:
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e-terraDRBizNet 3.0 is the Retail version of the Alstom
Grid DRMS suite of products. The Retail version has
many modules and can be configured to use only the
core set, or the entire suite of modules and capabilities.
For CLP we delivered a subset of the total available
Retail modules, and as such, the version deployed is
referred to as “DRMS Lite”. The functionality included:
Program Management: allows for simple and
rapid creation of Retail customer programs that
can be offered to its customer base. Supports
Residential, Commercial, and Industrial type DR
Customer Registration: tracks customer locations and manages the processes for enrollment
in programs and limits enrollment when prohibited
by program rules.
Device Management: tracks available devices
and associates them with customers when installed. Manages and monitors device availability
with the field devices, so that users know what
devices are online and available for dispatch.
Enables grouping of individual devices into resource groups so that they can be dispatched as
a group to make management and dispatch operations easier and more manageable.
Forecasting: provides available DR forecasting
that accommodates program constraints such as
device availability, weather, and profile including
decay and snapback, as well as real-time feedback of opt outs, and confidence levels of forecast
capabilities. e-terraDRBizNet can forecast available DR according to location/zone/DLAP and/or
network model including the substation, feeder
bank, and feeder/circuit.
Event Management: provides operators with a
way to construct event dispatch schedules, which
could range from simple single resource group
quick dispatches, to multi-leg events for longer
events. These dispatch methods can be saved as
templates and easily recalled and launched by just
adding a start time and end time or event duration.
Notification Management: notifies devices using
supported protocols such as Open Automated
Demand Response (OpenADR) and/or people of
event dispatch schedules through email.
Local Control and Event Overrides: supports
customer overrides when participating in an event
while capturing and tracking the number of overrides per customer.
Meter Data Integration: provides two methods to
upload meter data for performance calculations –
standard Application Programming Interface (API)
and Excel spreadsheet.
Measurement and Verification: follows NAESB
standard baseline methodologies to calculate performance per customer event which currently
support all of PJM, Midwest ISO (MISO) and California ISO (CAISO) Wholesale CBL methods. Alstom Grid was instrumental in getting these baseline methods accepted by NAESB as industry
Dashboard/Reporting: provides a dashboard for
charts and reports of program operating data such
as device population status, forecast of available
DR, amount of DR called to date by program and
Project Methodology:
Alstom provided a turn-key system and as such provided the Project Management to manage the end-to-end
system requirements gathering, energy audits, device
installation, DRMS software configuration and hosting,
system testing, and customer training. Alstom also
provided the Business Analysts to review the CLP desired C&I program, processes, data flows, integrations,
user roles, and key functionality requirements. Alstom
also provide the Energy Audits, device installation services, the “GridLink” devices, and marketing support
services. Alstom also configured the DRMS and pro-
7 | October 2013
vided custom software development and support as
A twelve (12) week delivery from contract execution
date to go-live was our fastest deployment of a DR solution to date. As a result, we did have to create a few
new reusable tools and processes to ensure an efficient and effective delivery method. They included
such things as:
Standardized Energy Audit methodology and data
collection methods.
Rapid DRMS Configuration requirements gathering
Rapid DRMS system configuration of DRMS Lite
A DRMS Lite version that includes the Performance and Settlements modules, which can be a
starting point for future pilots or small projects that
would require these modules.
Note: The Retail DRMS can be configured to use all or
only a subset of modules to meet the requirements of a
more limited scope customer. This modularity allows
the Retail DRMS platform to scale down to a simple
DRMS for pilots or small DR programs and without upgrading, just simple configuration, the system can be
extended to turn on the additional modules as needed,
when needed. So Alstom’s Retail DRMS can be used
to manage 1MW of DR as shown in this CLP case
study, or up to 1GW of DR or more.
End Result:
Within a week of receiving the award, the Alstom team
had experts on the ground doing energy audits at one
of CLP’s facilities and a local five-star Hong Kong hotel
to support its fast-track ten-week delivery schedule.
The project did go-live on schedule where CLP is now
managing large air conditioning units (up to 400 ton
A/C units), water cooled chilling towers (up to 1000 ton
units), air handling units, commercial boilers for bulk
laundry (up to 375KW units), and industrial devices
across a variety of types of business, which include a
large hotel, a shopping center, a health club, a school,
a set of office buildings, and a printing company.
Company Contact:
Mark Triplett
Managing Director, DRMS
Global Business Development
Mobile: 01-916-247-5171
PJM Interconnection is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in 13 north eastern States in the US and the Washington D.C. area. The PJM region has a peak load of
158,000 MW and has been operating active wholesale Demand Response programs for over a decade. FERC has
mandated that Demand Response (DR) resources be treated in the energy market equal to a traditional generator, and
PJM has been the most progressive supporter of the FERC rulings in this area including opening the Capacity market to
DR resources. As a result, PJM has the most active DR programs in the world with a total DR capacity reaching over
14,000 MW. Since 2010, PJM has been using Alstom’s Wholesale DRMS ‘e-terraDRBizNet’ to manage its DR programs and resources.
“The increase in demand resources follows the introduction of two new demand resource products in addition to the existing product—one available throughout
the year and another available for an extended summer
period,” said Andrew Ott, PJM senior vice president –
Markets. “There was more than a 50 percent increase
in the amount of demand resources that cleared this
year over last year.”
PJM Press Release, Valley Forge, Pa. – May 13, 2011
Company ID Card:
Customer: PJM
Country: United States
Installed Capacity:
180,000 MW
Peak Load:
158,000 MW
Number of DR Programs:
6 – Economic
1 – Emergency Capacity
DR Program Types:
Day Ahead Scheduling Reserve,
Sync Reserve, Regulation,
Emergency Capacity
# of Customers Served:
58 Million
Network Model Size:
~15,000 Buses
Market Participants:
Available DR Capacity
14,000 MW
Company Overview:
PJM Interconnection is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of
wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey,
North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Acting as a neutral, independent party, PJM operates a
competitive wholesale electricity market and manages
the high-voltage electricity grid to ensure reliability for
more than 60 million people.
During 2012, generation owners announced plans to
retire an unprecedented amount of capacity. If all of the
plans materialize, more than 14,000 megawatts of coalfired generation will be removed from service by the
end of 2015 – enough to produce as much electricity as
used in the state of Indiana for a year.
PJM’s DR Capacity resources were critical in enabling
the coal fire generation plants to be retired. In addition,
two large transmission upgrade projects with a combined cost of over $3.2 billion were scraped siting DR
capacity was adequate to support peak load.
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In 2002 PJM launched its first Wholesale demand response program as a competitive resource to economic
energy. The results were impressive even in its first
year with over 6,000 MWh of DR clearing the market.
This additional virtual generation supply was naturally
expected to help reduce overall energy prices and relieve network congestion during critical peak periods,
but the volume had to increase to have a real measurable effect. Over the next 5 years the participation of
DR in the economic markets grew 100X to over
600,000 MWh clearing the market at an average of just
over $74 per MWh.
PJM managed the DR resource locations, registration,
event management, meter data for measurement and
verification of performance and calculation of the resulting settlement billing determinants – all using an inhouse PJM IT build DR system. The PJM system
worked adequately for the first five years, but the system was not flexible or scalable enough to grow and
change as PJM needed it to if it were to continue on the
same growth trajectory.
PJM’s system and current processes could not scale.
Many internal processes were manual, and there were
no external web services API to automate the Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) interactions with PJM.
More specifically, PJM’s DR system:
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Was cumbersome and inflexible when creating
a new program for the market.
Did not have an automated process for new
location registrations, which involved multiple
third parties
Did not have an automated dispute resolution
Could not scale to manage tens of thousands
of wholesale locations or allow locations to be
aggregated into larger ‘aggregated resources’
There was not a single system of record for all
things related to DR, such as program
creation, registrations, disputes, events, meter
data, and performance calculations
Did not provide a flexible framework to
manage ever changing and more complex
customer baseline load (CBL) calculations
Did not provide web-services APIs to automate
functionality for customers with high volumes
of DR resources and transactions
Project Overview:
Primary DR Uses/Drivers:
Demand Response Management System (DRMS)
PJM and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
(FERC) view Demand Response as an integral set of
virtual supply side resources, known as Virtual Power
Plants (VPPs), that can compete and be deployed to
provide energy and capacity services alongside traditional generation assets.
e-terraDRBizNet 2.0 – “Wholesale DRMS”
Main Scope:
Provide a comprehensive end-to-end DRMS to be the
command and control system that manages all activities and data related to Demand Response for PJM.
The DRMS was required to:
Provide ease of Program management and
creation of new programs and program types.
Automate the new location registration approval
process, which facilitated a parallel process
securing the approvals of Load Serving Entity
(LSE/Retailer) and the Electric Distribution
Company (EDC)
Provide dispute resolution management if a
location/resource was denied participation during
the approval process
Scale to manage tens of thousands of wholesale
locations and allow locations to be aggregated
into larger ‘aggregated resources’
Be the system of record for all things related to
DR including being the system of record for
managing all meter data including updates
Provide web-services APIs to automate the GUI
functionality for customers with high volumes of
DR resources and transactions
Integrate with PJM’s Market Management
System, Settlements, Weather Data systems, and
Automated Dispatch System.
Single Command and Control event management
Single point of integration to back office systems
as well as to legacy and new DR devices
Calculation engine to measure customer
performance to calculate settlements
Single system of record for all data and
transactions related to DR programs and events
From an economic energy perspective, DR resources
can be bid into the Day-Ahead and Real Time economic energy markets providing additional supply and thus
helping keep the price of energy low. DR resources
can also compete in providing Ancillary Services, again
adding virtual supply and putting competitive volume
and pressure on traditional generation resources.
From a forward Capacity Market perspective, DR also
plays a significant role in ensuring that future loads are
met with the necessary generation and transmission
capacity to meet the growing demand.
e-terraDRBizNet 2.0 is designed to enable advanced
wholesale level load management requirements for
Regional Transmission Operators. The Wholesale version has a robust suite of functionality built upon a
modular architecture that can be adapted to address
the unique needs of each customer. For PJM, we delivered the entire suite of functionality including:
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Program Management: allows for the creation of
Wholesale DR programs supporting a host of
Economic Energy, Ancillary Services, and Emergency Capacity programs.
Resource Management: manages information
about customer locations such as commercial
buildings, small industrial complexes, big box
stores, or large directly controlled customers.
These locations can be entered via a web enabled
screen or by utilizing e-terraDRBizNet’s web
services technology for an automated process.
Registration Management: Registrations are the
enrollment of DR resources into programs along
with the related program participation parameters
(such as the committed load and M&V method).
e-terraDRBizNet also supports and manages the
aggregation of smaller DR resources within a single registration.
Event Management: provides comprehensive
functionality to capture, manage, and report on
DR events. Events can be of any type – emergen-
cy, load management, DA cleared schedules, RT
dispatches, regulation, outages, etc – and the information can be integrated in real-time or batch.
Notification Management: is mechanism for realtime DR communications between the system operator, the utilities, and demand response aggregators (CSPs). It handles downstream communications, such as advance notices, real-time price
signaling, and event alerts. It also handles upstream (response) communications, to support
availability inquiries, opt-in/out confirmations, and
participation levels.
Meter Data Management: While e-terraDRBizNet
is not a Meter Data Management (MDM) system,
it can work with these systems as suppliers of interval meter data. It supports either direct integration into available MDM system(s), automated
loading via web-services, or manual loading via
Excel spreadsheets. At PJM the system needed
to support the latter two methods.
Measurement and Verification: follows NAESB
standard baseline methodologies to calculate performance per customer event which currently
support all of PJM, Midwest ISO (MISO) and California ISO (CAISO) Wholesale CBL methods. Alstom Grid was instrumental in getting these baseline methods accepted by NAESB as industry
Regulatory Reporting: Beyond the reporting facilities provided, DRBizNet enables regulatory reporting by capturing the required resource attributes and program registrations during data entry.
This includes location information (city, state, zip,
zones, etc), business segment (residential, industrial, school, data center, etc), state and meter
qualification dates, reduction methods (HVAC,
lighting, manufacturing, onsite generation, etc),
and fuel types (coal, gas, solar, oil, etc).
Workflow Management: e-terraDRBizNet’s embedded Business Process Management (BPM)
engine can be configured to handle complex multiparty registration workflows. It enforces the program specific business rules for participant routing, communications, tasks, approvals, timeouts,
default actions, escalations, disputes, and auditing.
Job Management: Besides managing process
workflows, e-terraDRBizNet also manages a variety of automated system jobs. Jobs can be a database stored-procedure, a set of Java routines,
or an OS script. They can be configured to run repeatedly (essentially real-time) or on a periodic
batch basis (hourly, nightly, etc). To help monitor
and manage these jobs, e-terraDRBizNet provides a job manager that is accessible through the
GUI by business power users (i.e. market operators) to schedule, pause, re-run, and check the
execution status. This feature dramatically reduc-
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es the support costs of e-terraDRBizNet by giving
the market operators more control over lower level
system functions to directly address business,
system, and data exceptions.
Project Methodology:
Alstom provided the project expertise to manage the
DRMS requirements gathering, software configuration,
customizations, implementation, support of integration
to back office systems, and DRMS testing. Alstom also
provided the Business Analysts to review the PJM programs, processes, data flows, integrations, user roles,
and key functionality requirements.
Alstom also
worked with PJM’s IT group to support systems integrations.
The Wholesale version of e-terraDRBizNet is the first
and only Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) Wholesale
Demand Response Management System in the world.
It has been deployed at PJM, Midwest Independent
System Operator (MISO), the California Independent
System Operator (CAISO), and Transpower New Zealand, the transmission operator for the country.
End Result:
PJM’s now manages the world’s largest set of Demand
Resources with tens of thousands of aggregated
wholesale resources, representing over 14,000 MW of
Demand Response, with over 200 participating CSPs,
and over 1000 registered users of the system. With
over a decade of DR experience and the largest DR
market in the world, PJM is considered the undisputed
leader in Demand Response at the wholesale level.
From a DRMS Project perspective, the PJM DRMS
project won the Demand Response/Energy Efficiency
Project of the Year for 2009 and was presented to Alstom (UISOL at the time) at DistribuTECH 2010.
From a financial and market benefit perspective, the
two following articles highlight just a couple of extraordinary savings examples that PJM, its market participants, and ultimately the consumers in the northeastern
US states have saved as a result of PJM’s robust DR
Company Contact:
Mark Triplett
Managing Director, DRMS
Global Business Development
Mobile: 01-916-247-5171
12 | October 2013