Class: Health Teacher: Heather Jefferson Lesson Plan Week: 11/17

Class: Health
Teacher: Heather Jefferson
Lesson Plan
Week: 11/17-11/21
*****Begin talking about Drugs, Tobacco, and Alcohol (we will not cover everything or have exam)
Standards/TEKS: 4A, 5H, 5I, 5K, 5L
Title: Narcotics, Stimulants, and Depressants/ Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs/ Staying Drug Free
Explain the difference between drug misuse and drug abuse
Discuss the effects of narcotics, stimulants, and depressants on the body
Define narcotics, stimulants, and depressants
Identify ways to avoid using drugs
Describe alternatives to using drugs
Outline the risks of using marijuana
Explain the dangers of hallucinogens and how inhalants affect the body
Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, textbook
Ask questions about research on dehydration and heat stroke/ something different from
Collect Logs/grade
Give back test/ discuss (corrections?)????
Nency/ Luis review/ Luis take test
-Warm-up: Why do you think some drugs are illegal? Least at least two dangers of illegal drug use?
Briefly describe the most important reason teens should avoid drug use.
-Read and discuss aloud with students Chapter 11 on Drugs
Activity: Health Skills Activity (pg. 284), enrichment activity, concept map
Assessment/Assignment: Review Chapter 12 on Tobacco
Review: Describe one way to be drug free?
Standards/TEKS: 3B, 4C, 5H, 5I, 8A, 5J, 7A
Title: How Tobacco affects the body/ Tobacco and Society/ Choosing to be Tobacco Free
Identify several forms of tobacco
Identify the harmful substances in tobacco
List the harmful effects of tobacco on the body
Explain the impact of addiction to tobacco
Discuss both physical and psychological addiction to tobacco
List the harmful effects of second hand smoke on nonsmokers
Discuss why some teens start using tobacco
Identify strategies for avoiding tobacco use
Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, text book
- Discuss Project details/ partner (begin on Thursday)
-Read/discuss chapter 12 on Tobacco (grade)
-Warm-up: Tobacco use is hard to hide. List signs that help you identify a person who smokes or chews
tobacco. What can be done to reduce the number of people in your community who use tobacco? Why
do some teens begin using tobacco?
Chapter 12 in text book
Review Previous Lesson, Chapter 11 on Drugs
Handout for students to follow along
Activity: Discussing: Name places you know of that have banned smoking either partially or completely.
Discuss why those places would consider the substances in tobacco smoke harmful enough to ban
Assessment/Assignment: None, Discuss Project and answer questions
Review: Name reasons smoking is harmful to the body.
Standards/TEKS: 4C, 5H, 5I, 7A, 4A, 5D, 5J, 8A, 12D
Title: What Alcohol does to the Body/ Alcohol and Society/ Choosing to be Alcohol Free
Describe the effect of alcohol on the body
Explain why alcohol affects each individual differently
Identify the special problems alcohol causes in teens
Discuss the serious dangers of drinking
Describe the three stages of alcoholism
Discuss why some teens use alcohol and identify ways to refuse alcohol
Explain how the media influences our view of alcohol
Describe the alternatives to alcohol for fun and relation
Materials/Resources: text book, pen or pencil, paper, journal notebook
Project Topic Due
Procedure: Chapter 13 on Alcohol
-Warm-up: Discuss project. List two or three ways you think alcohol negatively affects the body. Write a
refusal statement that you can use to avoid the pressure to use alcohol.
Activity: Analyzing: ask students to discuss what changes in behavior alcohol can cause and why? Pg. 321
Assessment/Assignment: Chapter 13, Lesson 1 Review #’s 1-6 (HW due tomorrow)
Review: Name as many negative effects of alcohol on the body as you can.
Other: sub tomorrow
Standards/TEKS: 4A, 5H, 5I, 5K, 3B, 8A, 7A, 4C, 12D
Title: Research for Project (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs)
Find information on Alcohol
Find information on Tobacco
Find information on specific Drugs
Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook
Procedure: Computer Lab
Warm-up: (5 minutes) tell students they will be going to computer lab to work on project
Collect HW
Quiz (allow the students 10-15 minutes to complete quiz without book, collect for me to grade)
Students will go to the computer lab and work with partner to research information on alcohol,
tobacco, or drugs (30 minutes)
Print or save information to student drive
Activity: Discuss format for PowerPoint
Assessment/Assignment: Bring information to class tomorrow to begin working on PowerPoint.
Review: Work on project tomorrow in class!
Other: Sub tomorrow (Thank you!)
Standards/TEKS: 4A, 5H, 5I, 5K, 3B, 8A, 7A, 4C, 12D
Title: Computer Lab
Begin to create PowerPoint with information researched on alcohol, tobacco, and different
Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, text book
Warm-up: (5 minutes) tell students they will be going to the library to work on PowerPoint
Activity: students will go to computer lab to start working on PowerPoint project with partner
Assessment/Assignment: None
Review: Be ready to finish PowerPoint Monday and Present Tuesday.
Other: Thank you!