Presents Male-Female Differences – Understanding Gender

Sexuality and the
Brain—XO and
you’re joking!
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Brain References
“It would appear that in most cases
life is sexually transmitted…”
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Whatever else human beings are, they are
relational, spiritual, and sexual (whether
or not they engage in sexual activity)
The brain is your primary
sex organ – sex begins
and ends in the brain
Sexuality impacts every
aspect of life, personal, professional—
at home, school, church, work, play …
Nature plus Nurture
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Humans are a combination
• Nature: genetics – genes,
chromosomes, DNA
• Nurture: epigenetics – environment,
hormones, cellular memory,
gene expression
But it is complex and not as fool-proof
and straightforward as one might think
Human Genome
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Your complete set of genetic information
encoded within 23 pairs of chromosomes
in the cell nucleus
(plus cellular memory
in protein strands)
A chromosome is a
single piece of coiled
DNA, a biomolecule that holds the blueprint
for how living organisms are built - 99% of all
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in your body is
found in chromosomes
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Pairs 1-22 are numbered by size and
appearance –
normally the
same in males
and females
The 23rd pair =
sex chromosomes
Sex Chromosomal Patterns
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
44 + XX
44 + XY
Ovum –
Sperm –
Default Setting
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
All fetal brains start out
looking very similar
Without a chemical bath, the brain’s
default position will result in an
Empathizing (female) brain that sprouts
more connections in centers related to
communication and to the processing of
Templating & Variations
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
When everything goes according to
to the perceived schedule, the brain
develops and templates as expected by
family, society, culture, religion, and etc.
Either a primarily Systemizing or
Empathizing brain in which the
brain matches its body housing
Templating mismatches (variations) do
Brain doesn’t
always match
its body
regardless of
Gender Brain Continuum
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Empathizing Brain
Equated more with
female brains – XX
Realizations Inc
Systemizing Brain
Equated more with
male brains – XY
Includes 95% of the population
Checklists of psychological maleness
or femaleness give two scores (no one
is completely empathizing or systemizing)
“We Have Chemistry!”
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
When you and a romantic partner “have
chemistry” – you're right!
Neurochemistry triggers
sweaty palms, butterflies
in your stomach, a sense
of attachment / anxiety /
excitement / anticipation, and so on
That’s all it is: Brain Neurochemistry
Hijacked Brain
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Your brain is the most outstanding
organ on this planet
It works 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year, from birth—until you fall in
romantic love
Then it gets hijacked by PEA or
phenylethylamine and you become
a Pea Brain
Brain Chemicals
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Falling in romantic love or being in love is
fueled by a tsunami of at least three
1. Phenylethylamine
2. Norepinephrine
3. Dopamine
Without this chemical impetus many likely
would never marry or have children . . .
1. Phenylethylamine or PEA
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
PEA is a naturally occurring
neurotransmitter that resembles an
amphetamine (stimulant); it triggers the
release of norepinephrine and dopamine
It is also found in some foods
such as chocolate and avocado
PEA is responsible for the elation
and head-over-heels sensations
associated with falling in love
Addicted to PEA …
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
The couple may not make it past the PEA
brain stage (if sexually active, PEA may last
a little longer)
Some move from one relationship to
another as soon as PEA begins to fall—
seeking that passionate PEA brain stage
If they marry, one or both may
have extramarital affairs trying
desperately to re-experience
that romantic hormonal tsunami
2. Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Both a hormone and a neurotransmitter,
it works with the autonomic nervous
system (acts largely unconsciously)
and regulates sexual arousal
PEA triggers the release of
norepinephrine, you feel the
effects in the form of sweaty
palms and a pounding heart
3. Dopamine: Feel-better Hormone
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Dopamine is released when you feel or
anticipate feeling better (50% is in the GI)
Release is triggered by phenylethylalanine,
adrenalin, and by sexual activity
Emory University: voles (a rodent) chose
their mate based on dopamine release when female voles were injected with
dopamine in the presence of a male vole,
they later selected him from a group
“Honeymoon” . . .
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Chemically speaking, the honeymoon is
over, about 18 – 48 months into a
relationship (especially if relationship
includes sexual activity)
You may have some small neurochemical
tsunamis but rarely like it “used to be” –
so grow up, get over it, and work
on building the relationship
(Hollywood relationships . . .)
Unconditional Love
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Unconditional love is a choice and requires
maturity, constant nurturing, and
Relationships that last longer than 18-48
months are assisted by three other
(different) neurochemicals:
1. Oxytocin
2. Serotonin
3. Endorphins
1. Oxytocin – Bonding Hormone
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Plays a role in the neuroanatomy of
intimacy, pair bonding (sexual activity
increases oxytocin) and maternal behaviors
Oxytocin crosses the BBB but is destroyed
in the GI Tract
Evokes a sense of contentment, reduction in
anxiety and stress, promotes feelings of
calmness and security when in the company
of the mate, and allows orgasm to occur
2. Serotonin
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
A neurotransmitter found primarily in the
brain and central nervous system or CNS
and in the gastrointestinal tract (90%)
It is believed to impact mood
and has been found to
contribute to feelings of
well-being and happiness
Increases with mild to
moderate physical exercise
3. Endorphins – Brain Opiates
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
As the brain develops tolerance
to “love chemicals,” it starts
to release endorphins—
produced during exercise,
love, and sexual activity
Endorphins can calm anxiety, reduce
stress, relieve pain, and increase
attachment and comfort
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Notices first the
person’s clothes,
eyes, and figure
Appreciation of
sex partner is more
romantic than sexual
Attracted to wealth,
position, skill, and
see possibilities
Realizations Inc
Attracted first to looks
(figure, face, clothing)
Decide in about seven
seconds if they want to
get better acquainted
More aggressive and
fall in love faster
(25% by first date)
Socialization Differences
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Males are encouraged to sow their wild oats;
females are not and there is more censure
for female sexuality
Even in the era of “free love,” promiscuity is
accepted as more of a male norm
Some cultures: females are encouraged to
LOOK sexual (arm candy for male partner)
but then punished emotionally if they
respond to flirting
Think Ahead
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
To compensate for the hormonal tsunami
that hits you when you’re “in love”
• Be clear about your standards
• Identify key characteristics for a partner
• Be the type of person you want to attract
• Do you want that individual as the parent
of your child(ren)?
Think Ahead, Cont’d
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
• Get to know the family—do you want
them as relatives for your child?
• The more you have in common, the less
energy it will require to keep the
relationship going
• Trying to change someone is
a dead end street
• The past is the best predictor of the
The Best and the Worst
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
Where there is an ongoing relationship of
caring. Where there is a sense of humor.
Where there is a sense of mutual mercy.
Where there is a sense that God has given
sex to you . . . there is nothing livelier.
But when it is merchandised as a
commodity for instant gratification,
there is nothing deadlier than sex.
―William Swing
(Your body is a temple…)
Know Better – Do Better
Arlene R. Taylor PhD
Realizations Inc
It is not that I do not know
what to do; it is that I do
not do what I know.
By itself, knowing is insufficient
Knowing must be practically
applied by choice in doing . . .
What do you know and what do you do?