fn final study guide - Canon-MacFCS


Foods and Nutrition--Final Exam

Go to the class wiki page www.canon-macfcs.wikispaces.com

for copies of all PowerPoints and articles

-- Format: matching, short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blank (no word banks)

The following content will be covered on the final exam (100 pts)

 Choose My Plate--be familiar with food group slogans, food examples from each group, and general information regarding the plate design and the 5 food groups--see powerpoint presentation.

 Be familiar with the 6 nutrients--carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals and water--know examples from each group, main functions, subgroups within each nutrient

 group, and health benefits.

 ABCs and DMVs of a healthy diet--know what each letter (ABC DMV) represents

Disordered eating--be familiar with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and obesity--know definitions of each, causes, signs/symptoms and treatment options associated with each disorder.

Foods and Nutrition--Final Exam

Go to the class wiki page www.canon-macfcs.wikispaces.com

for copies of all PowerPoints and articles

-- Format: matching, short answer, multiple choice, fill in the blank (no word banks)

The following content will be covered on the final exam (100 pts)

 Choose My Plate--be familiar with food group slogans, food examples from each group, and general information regarding the plate design and the 5 food groups--see powerpoint

 presentation.

Be familiar with the 6 nutrients--carbohydrates, proteins, fat, vitamins, minerals and water--know examples from each group, main functions, subgroups within each nutrient group, and health benefits.

 ABCs and DMVs of a healthy diet--know what each letter (ABC DMV) represents

 Disordered eating--be familiar with anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and obesity--know definitions of each, causes, signs/symptoms and treatment options associated with each disorder.
