Mid-Term Review Answers

NAME ________________________________________________
World History Review
(use a dark color other than black like red, blue, or green to input your answers)
The _______________ River is the longest river in the world. Nile
The banks of the aforementioned river are called the _______________. Blackland
Upper Egypt is the _______________ part of Egypt. Southern
_______________ is the stone most things in Egypt are made out of. Limestone
The pyramids were most likely built by slaves
6. The _______________ was the head of the state and seen as a god. Pharaoh
7. Egyptian pictoral writing is called _______________ and means “sacred carvings.”
8. The ancient language was written by _______________. Scribes
9. This pictoral writing was written on _______________. Everything
10. __________ is the main Babylonian god. Marduk
11. King named __________ (ruled 1792-1750 B.C.) became the greatest ruler of this new
empire. Hammurabi
12. __________ wrote Hammurabi’s Code. Hammurabi
13. The kind of writing the Babylonians used is called __________. Cuneiform
14. The Babylonians had a __________ calendar. Solar
15. Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World came from Babylon? Hanging Gardens
16. Where is Babylon located? Along the coast of the Euphrates River
17. Which civilization invaded and took over the city of Babylon in 1595 B.C.? Hittites
18. What are 2 details Herodotus gives us about the city of Babylon? Herodotus claimed the
outer walls were 56 miles in length, 80 feet thick and 320 feet high. Wide enough, he said, to
allow a four-horse chariot to turn. The inner walls were "not so thick as the first, but hardly less
19. What is your favorite color? Brown
20. What does Moses mother do with baby Moses after she finds out about the kings edict to kill
all newborn Hebrew males? Place him in a basket and float him down the Nile
21. What does Moses find on top of the glowing mountain? Burning bush
22. What does Joshua put on the door of Dathan to protect Lillia, the woman he loves? Lambs
23. What are 3 of the miracles God performs through Moses? staff into a snake, water into blood,
split the red sea
24. At one point in the film Moses asks God what he should be called. What name does God
give? I am
25. What are 3 of the Egyptian Gods? Osirus, Isis, Horus, Seth
26. What Book helps Egyptians in the afterlife? Book of the Dead
27. In 1 way describe how an Egyptian priest looked or dressed? bald, white robes
28. In 2350 BC __________ from Lagash created the world’s first __________ army. Sargon I &
29. The Akkadian Empire is most likely the civilization that built what is known as the
Tower of Babel
30. Who is Enheduana? Fused the two cultures by identifying gods from Sumer and Akkad with
each other and appointing members of his own family to religious temples in Sumerian temples.
Also, Worlds first Author.
31. Who is Naram-Sin? Reigned as a god-king of the Akkadian empire which was never richer or
more well off than under his rule… also murdered many many people including his sister
32. How was the Egyptians belief in resurrection rooted in what they observed each day? rising
and setting of the sun
33. Natron is made up of mostly 2 ingredients. What are they? salt and baking soda
34. During the mummification process the heart was left in the body. Why? was considered the
center of intelligence in the body
35. The _____ is the life force or spiritual double of the person. Ka
36. The _____ is represented as a human-headed bird that leaves the body when a person dies.
The face of Ba was the exact likeness of that of the deceased person. Ba
37. The _____ is the spirit of Re (representing light), the transfigured spirit of a person that
becomes one with light after death. Akh
38. What kind of boats do mummies travel on to go through the underworld? Solar Bark
39. How many gates did the deceased have to pass through to reach the Hall of Osiris? 7
40. In the Hall of Osiris, according to the Book of the Dead, if your heart weighs more or less
than a _______________, then the goddess _______________ will devour your soul. Feather Amemet
41. After a pharaoh passed the final test in the afterlife he would become one with which god?
42. The _______________ is a mechanical irrigation device used to put water from the canals
into the fields. Shaduf
43. What were the 2 main staples of the Egyptian diet? beer and bread
44. What two rivers generally define the boundaries of Mesopotamia? Tigris and Euphrates
45. What is the name of the first known civilization? Sumer
46. What were Ziggurat’s made out of? mud bricks
47. What is Polytheism? belief in many gods
48. A _________ is a series of rulers from one __________. Dynasty Family
49. This first civilization created the first known system of writing called __________. Cuneiform
50. What is the most well-known piece of literature from this first society? Epic of Gilgamesh
51. This first civilization developed a math system based on the number __________. 60
52. What color is Lapis Lazuli? Blue
53. What kind of meat did the working class of Egypt usually have to eat? fish
54. What were most of the houses made out of? straw, mud, water… bricks
55. What part of the Egyptians everyday appearance would most easily show their social stature in
society (other than make-up and jewelry)? wigs
56. What kind of Calendar did the Egyptians have? Solar
57. How many acres does the Great Pyramid of Giza cover? 13
58. What number does
represent? 1,000,000
59. Small fishing boats called skiffs were made of _______________. papyrus
60. What significance is there to the many images of Pharaoh’s hunting? reinforce the prowess of
the Pharaohs… reinforce their godlike abilities
61. Pick 1 of the 2 and define it. Artifact or Culture Culture - is a way of life of a group of people-the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about
them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
62. Give 3 non-food benefits to early society that were due to Agriculture. Artifact - an object
made and/or used by people in the past, such as coins, pottery, tools and is typically an item of
cultural or historical interest.
63. Define Pre-History. - any place where there was a society without writing
64. What are 2 of the 6 common characteristics to cities? larger than villages, unrelated people,
formal organizations, centers of trade
65. What was the 1st real style of writing called? (not cave paintings) cuneiform
66. Who wrote Hammurabi’s Code? Hammurabi
67. What were the first calendars based on? the stages and passing of the moon
68. Mentuhotep II was the Nomarch of Thebes. During the 39th year of his 51 year reign, he
succeeded in re-unifying all of Egypt, thus beginning the ____________-______________.
Middle Kingdom
69. Amenemhet extended Egypts southern border 200 miles to the ____________ Cataract. 2nd
70. What was the “Story of Sinuhe” and the “The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor” about?
71. Thutmose III was called the ___________ of Egypt as he was short. Napoleon
72. Amonhotep II executed the Seven Princes of Tikhsi on a stage in front of a crowd with a
__________. Mace
73. Thutmose IV had a dream. What was it? Had multiple older brothers
Had dream that if he could find then clear away the Sphinx and fix it up he would become
Pharaoh. He did so… became Pharaoh and nobody knows what happened to his older brothers.
74. Amenhotep III made Egypt richer than it had ever been mostly by the tributes he received
from the Nubians/Kushites. He is mostly remembered as one of Egypts greatest builders and for
being the first Pharaoh to marry a commoner. What did he build for his wife Tiye? a barge
75. Tell me about the lives, accomplishments, and weirdness of Akhenaton (Amonhotep IV) and
his wife Nefertiti as well as their effects on Egyptian society. girly man, sun god Aton, lessened
76. Mentuhotep II was the Nomarch of Thebes. During the 39th year of his 51 year reign, he
succeeded in re-unifying all of Egypt, thus beginning the ____________-______________.
Middle Kingdom
77. Amenemhet extended Egypt’s southern border 200 miles to the ____________ Cataract. 2nd
78. What are 3 of the military advancements that made it so easy for the Hyksos to take over the
Egyptians? bronze arrow, Chariots, Leather armor, laminated bows
79. Even though the Hyksos were good rulers, why were they hated? they were foreign
80. It is during the Hyksos period that the Story of _______________ takes place. This is also
the longest ongoing part of the Bible. Joseph
81. What outrageous order did Apophis give to Seqenere knowing that he would disobey? What
excuse did he use to give that order? Get rid of the royal hippo pond. The hippos were keeping
him up at night
82. How did Seqenere die? axe to the face, spear to the head… by assasins
83. This Pharaoh expanded the border south to the 3rd cataract and East to the Euphrates River.
He also started the tradition of Pharaohs being buried in the Valley of the Kings. Which Pharaoh
is it? Thutmose I
84. Which Pharaoh married his half-sister Hatshepsut? Thutmose II
85. Tell me any 2 facts about Hatshepsut other than she was a she, the first female Pharaoh, or
that she was married to a Pharaoh that was her half-brother. had a daughter Neferure, didn’t like
Thutmose III b/c he wasn’t hers, was Regent of Thutmose III, took power for herself, built many
temples and monuments, images of her are as a man
86. Who is King Tut’s father? Akhenaton
87. Why is Tutankhamon famous? his tomb is the only Pharaohs tomb to be found un altered
since its burial
88. Why did Tutankhamon die so young at the age of 18? Incestuous family gave him awful genes
89. Ramses II had over __________ children and over __________ wives. 100 & 100
90. At the age of __________ Ramses II was a captain in the Egyptian army. 10
91. Ramses used _______________ slaves for building projects. Israelite
91. How many ruling Ptolemy’s were there before Rome took over? 11
92. Who did Cleopatra have a son with? Caesar
93. How did Cleopatra die? Suicide by Asp bite to the boob
94. How did Mark Antony die? Suicide by falling on his sword
95. Macedonian King _______________ took over all of Persian Empire including Egypt where
he built Alexandria. Alexander the Great
96. Menes created the city of _______________ so that he could be in a good position to rule his
newly unified Egypt. Memphis
97. Menes was in his 80’s when he died hunting _______________. Hippos
98. Menes was the first king to unify _______________ and _______________ Egypt. Upper &
99. Menes built a great Palace at the city of Memphis and afterwards the ruler of Egypt was called
Pharaoh which means _________________________. (hint: 2 words) great palace
100. Menes established a strong central government with 42 _______________ (counties). nomes
101. Egyptians had 3 kinds of writing; what were they? Hieroglyphics, demotic, and hieratic
102. What was the name of the 1st Pharaoh to have a pyramid built? Djoser
103. What is the kind of pyramid that he had built called? Step Pyramid
104. What is a cataract on the Nile River? are shallow lengths (or white water rapids) of the Nile
105. What are 3 things Imhotep is remembered for? Started 1st medical school, could perform
cataract surgery, later worshipped as a god, was a genius, designed Djoser’s pyramid
106. _______________ was the 1st Pharaoh to declare himself a _______________ and he had
the Great Pyramid at _______________ built. Khufu Giza
107. Khafre had the 2nd largest pyramid built as well as the Great _______________ which was
supposedly sculpted to look like him. Sphinx
108. Pepi II ruled for _______________ years, longer than any other ruler anywhere in the world
at any time. 94
109. After Pepi II, the Old Kingdom quickly dissolved into barely controlled chaos. What are the
2 main reasons that the Old Kingdom fell apart? droughts and incest (weak rulers)
110. The Feudal Period of Egyptian History is described as a 150 year period where the 42
_______________ (county governors) took control of Egypt and there were no Pharaohs.