Redding School of the Arts Kindergarten Mandarin Immersion

Redding School of the Arts
Mandarin Immersion Program
Welcome Students and Parents to
Redding School of the Arts Back to
School Night for
Mrs. Newham’s &
Miss Kang’s Mandarin Immersion
School Hours
School begins at 8:00
The morning recess bell will ring at 7:55. Students
need to be in the classroom at 8:00. All doors
except the main door will be locked after 8:00. The
only way your child can enter the building is the main
door. At that point, Mrs. Jennifer will see your child
as they walk in the main lobby and deem them tardy.
We encourage you to come ten to fifteen minutes
early each morning so that your child has time to
play on the playground and meet new friends.
Lunch will be from 10:55 -11:35. School lunches need
to be paid in advance or sent in the same day with
their name and homeroom teacher. Please label
your child’s lunch bag with their first and last name.
Please send your child with enough snacks to make
it to the last recess which is at 1:25.
Snack cart will be available for students to purchase
snack items for 25 cents each. It will be made
available soon after school has started.
Jamba Juice will be available for purchase on
Friday’s at the 1:25 recess. Cost is $2.00.
Schedule- Mrs. Newham
8-8:10 Greetings/Attendance
12:15 -12:50 Music/Reading
8:10-9:05 Envision Math/Science/ 12:50-1:25 Music/Reading
Social Studies
1:25-1:40 Recess
9:05-9:20 Recess
1:35-2:15 Envision Math
9:20- 9:55 Music /Reading
2:15-2:30 Clean up/Good-bye
9:55- 10:30 Music/Reading
10:30-10:55 Writing/Social
Art 1X/week – TBA
Studies/Carpet Time
Sound Club 1x/week
1o:55 -11:35 Lunch
P.E. 1x/week - Monday
~Switch groups ~
11:35-12:15 Writing/Science/
Social Studies/Carpet Time
Schedule- Miss Kang
12:30-1:00 Mandarin
1:00-1:25 Writing/Drawing
8:10-9:05 Maximize Math
1:25-1:40 Recess
9:05-9:20 Recess
1:40-2:15 Mandarin/Science
9:20-9:55 Mandarin
2:15-2:30 Clean up/Good-bye
9:55-10:30 Mandarin/Science
10:30-10:55 Writing/Drawing
10:55-11:35 Lunch
Art (1x weekly) - TBA
~Switch groups~
Sound Club (1x weekly) - TBA
11:35-12:30 Maximize Math P.E. (1x weekly) – Mondays
Library 1:50~2:20 Thursdays
Social Studies Themes
The theme for this year is Geography;
Early Man; Mesopotamia; Egypt (with
historical stances regarding Ancient
China; Islam; Christianity; and Judaism);
Greece and Rome.
Life Science: Sustainability (The three R’s);
geography; animal and plant life cycles; and
human body
Earth Science: archeology (fossils and
dinosaurs); volcanoes/rocks; seasons;
weather; water cycle: energy;
oceanography; and astronomy
Physical Science: Solids, liquids, gas,
light and sound
RSA has adopted Envision Math as the math
program and was chosen because it aligns well with
the Common Core Standards that will be
implemented in the very near future. Kindergarten
students will be doing kindergarten math. The
content is broken down into domains and then it is
broken down into clusters. There are 5 domains;
Counting and Cardinality; Operations and Algebraic
Thinking; Number and Operations in Base Ten;
Measurement and Data; and Geometry. Each
student will be given a letter with a password to
access the website for future games and activities.
Reading (Mrs. Newham’s class)
There will be a reading log that will need
to be turned in weekly. Reading
homework will be assigned MondayThursday. Each log will contain weekly
sight words to learn and practice
writing. To begin with, I ask that you
read to your child. As they progress with
reading, they may read to you.
Better Chinese
The homework given to the students from the
English portion will be math games and occasionally
math sheets. I will also be assigning a sight word
activity per week that will need to be turned in by
the end of the week. Mandarin math sheets will be
finished in Miss Kang’s class. Usually, there is no
Mandarin homework. Mandarin flash cards will be
sent home in an occasional bases for students to
review at home. The flash cards are meant to stay at
home, not in their folder. Please do not send the
cards back.
School Folders
Students will be given homework folders with their
name. It is important to set up a consistent time and
place to do homework. For example, homework
may be completed as soon as you arrive home from
school and it is done at the kitchen table. Having
your child designate a specific spot in the house to
keep their folder where they remember is good in
teaching them responsibility. It is never too early to
teach them responsibility and good study habits. We
will also be putting in important papers in their
folders so please be sure to check their folders daily.
Behavior Management
Positive reinforcement – sticker chart and
character counts awards (lead to School wide
recognition; weekly awards; and treasure chest
Consequence – Stop Light –
Green =first warning
Yellow= Sign “the book”
Red = Sign the book and do a rethinking letter
Further offenses = office referral
Our classroom policy is that you wait three weeks
before volunteering in the classroom. This allows
the teachers and the students’ time to get
accustomed to the rules and routines of the
classroom and the school. We will be putting a list
on the website for parents to look over to see
how they may be interested in volunteering. You
can e-mail us and let us know your preferences.
Volunteers will be filled on a first come basis.
Field Trips
There will be some field trips we annually
attend. One of which is a pumpkin patch field
trip to learn about the harvest season. If you
are interested in driving students on field trips,
you must fill out a driver’s application, provide
insurance coverage, and provide a copy of your
driver’s license and driver printout. This can
take some time so please do this right away if
you are interested.
Lake Siskiyou School Camp Out
If you are not going to the campout, a “takehome package” will be sent home with your
child next Wednesday or Thursday. The package
needs to be finished and sent back to school the
following Monday in order for your child to
receive the credits.
If you would like to send in treats for your child’s
birthday please let us know in advance so that we
can save time at the end of the day. We encourage
things that are simple. Healthy snacks are good
too! The bite sized cupcakes are perfect size for
kindergarten students. Please do not send your
child to school with party invitations to distribute
unless you are inviting the entire class. If you are
not inviting the whole class, you may give them to
us so we may discreetly place them in the folders.
Assemblies will take place on Mondays in
the amphitheater. They will start at 8:10.
Parents are welcome to attend. Assemblies
can consist of singing school songs,
character traits skits and watching
Label jackets and sweaters
It is important you label outer wear with
your child’s name or initials. You would be
amazed at how much clothing is donated to
good will due to clothing not being labeled.
Conferences will be held the week of October 8th 12th. This will be a minimum week with dismissal at
12:30. This will be a time where we will discuss your
child’s academic and behavior progress. This is also a
time to ask questions you may have. Families will be
limited to 15 minutes of conference time as we have 50
families we will need to conference with. We will be
posting on the website the available times we will be
available. If there are time slots that conflict with your
work schedule, please let us know and we will work
something out.
Minimum Days
Dismissal for minimum days are 12:30.
Minimum days will occur on almost every
We will be posting bi-weekly newsletters on our
webpage. Newsletters will consist of
educational activities for the week; weekly
homework, and any school or classroom news.
Since we are a green school, we will not be
sending out paper copies of the newsletters.
Parents/Teacher Communications
The best way to communicate with us is via e-mail
and telephone. The RSA phone number is 247-6933.
Our e-mail is and If you would like to meet with us
in person, please try to set up a time using the
above-mentioned ways. Although you will often see
us out on the playground during recesses and out in
the pick-up area, these are not convenient times for
us to talk as we are watching students and we
cannot fully give you our attention. Thank you for