Ottawa Hybrid 2015 Round 13 Editors 2

Ottawa Hybrid 2015
Editors’ packet #2
(Dennis Beeby, Ian Dewan, Chris Johnston, Aaron Kozak, Brendan McKendy, Rodrigo Morante, Shelby Robert,
Ben Smith, Joe Su)
1. The creation of this man’s namesake law code was led by Henri Pussort. This man had to arrest Nicholas
Fouquet on the advice of his minister, after which Fouquet was found to have treacherous documents. This
man’s mistresses included Madame de Montespan and Madame de Maintenon, whom he may have secretly
married, and his most important (*) Secretaries of State were Michel Le Tellier and his son Louvois. He repealed
religious toleration with the Edict of Fontainebleau, and his economic policies were designed by Jean-Baptiste
Colbert. For 10 points, name this monarch who refused to name a chief minister after the death of Mazarin and
proclaimed, “L’état c’est moi.” He is also known as the Sun King.
ANSWER: Louis XIV [accept the Sun King or le Roi Soleil before it is mentioned]
2. One person practices this profession on the ship Endurance to learn more about Yamatai, and that person with
this job will be voiced by Camilla Luddington in her 2015 appearance. Another person to practice this
profession led her team to a planet owned by the Felman Lux Corporation, and Kent Nelson followed his
father into this profession, meeting the wizard (*) Nabu in the process. One person became a professor of this
field after being released from the Stormcage Containment Facility. Henry Walton Jones is one of these figures, who
has discovered the Sankara Stones, as well as the Crystal Skull of Akator. For 10 points, name this exciting
profession, which is practiced by Nelson’s Doctor Fate, River Song, Lara Croft, and Indiana Jones.
ANSWER: archaeologist [accept word forms; don’t prompt on similar]
Secret note to moderator: Do not comment on the grammar or lowercase letters in this tossup.
3. One of this author’s works describes the burial of a man “stout as a bridge, rugged as a bear, slickern a
weasel”, named sam. In another work, the narrator is given the offer to “spendsix/ dollars Kid/ 2 for the
room/ and/ four for the girl”. He also wrote that “the way to hump a cow is not/ to get yourself a stool/ but
draw a line around the spot/ and call it beautifool.” (*) He is more famous for describing someone “who used to/
ride a watermooth-silver/ stallion.” That poem ends with the line “how do you like your blueeyed boy/ Mister
Death”. He described someone “whose warmest heart recoiled at war” named Olaf. For 10 points name this poet of
“anyone lived in a pretty how town” who is known for bad punctuation and writing in all lowercase.
ANSWER: e.e. cummings (Edward Estlin Cummings)
4. This team hired Rick Ankiel as a "life skills coordinator," and they're the primary Major League team in
the careers of Elijah Dukes and Alberto Gonzalez. They shut out the Marlins in their final game of the 2014
season, and in the offseason they traded their top relief pitcher to the A's for Yunel Escobar. Giving up a walk
(*) to Joe Panik caused one of their pitchers to get pulled after eight-and-two-thirds innings in a recent playoff game,
and they gave up the fewest walks and fewest home runs in the Majors in 2014. Eliminated by the Giants in an 18inning game, this team stars Anthony Rendon and Ian Desmond, and they won the NL East under manager Matt
Williams. For 10 points, name this team with the pitchers Jordan Zimmermann and Stephen Strasburg, which started
playing in 2005 as the former Montreal Expos.
ANSWER: Washington Nationals [accept either; do not accept “Montreal Expos”]
5. When these structures undergo imbibition, their coat ruptures and the radicle emerges. During their
development, they pass through globular, heart, and torpedo stages, and they have a region of apical meristem in
the epicotyl. The earliest species with this feature was a Carboniferous type of fern. Parthenocarpic fruit lack
these structures, which are characteristic of (*) spermatophyta. In many species the majority of their volume is
taken up by a triploid food storage structure called the endosperm. Angiosperms are divided into monocots and
dicots on the basis of how many cotyledons, or embryonic leaves, these things contain. Germination is a process
undergone by, for 10 points, what objects that plants use to propagate themselves, which include the pits of stone
fruit and kernels of corn?
ANSWER: seeds
6. The island country of Niue released a one-dollar coin featuring this Pokemon, which in Hey You Pikachu
asks you to help find missing poliwags. It is found in the Valley level of Pokemon Snap, where this Pokemon
must be used to knock a (*) Mankey off a mountain. In the Pokemon Adventures manga, Green steals this
Pokemon from Professor Oak, and in Pokemon Yellow, Officer Jenny gives the player this Pokemon after having
acquired the Thunder Badge. In the anime, this Pokemon joins Ash’s team after leaving behind his mischievous
sunglasses-wearing gang, who themselves go on to be firefighters. Given by Professor Oak to his nephew Gary, this
is, for 10 points, which first generation water starter?
ANSWER: Squirtle [or Zenigame]
7. Dave Van Ronk claimed that when this song was performed at clubs, the audience would start laughing at
the first verse. Appearing on Wednesday Morning 3AM, this song was supposedly written in the bathroom
with the lights off, and a mariachi version of it plays on Cinco de Cuatro after Ann tells Gob that she has a
child with a magician. (*) This song claims, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls,” and it
plays as Ben and Elaine sit at the back of a bus at the end of The Graduate. This song describes, “Ten thousand
people, maybe more/ People talking without speaking/ People hearing without listening.” For 10 points name this
Simon & Garfunkel song that starts with the lyrics, “Hello darkness, my old friend.”
ANSWER: “The Sound of Silence”
8. In a painting by Otto Dix, a “war invalid” can be seen biting one of these things, and Konrad Witz may have
trained an unknown “Master” of them. A clown tosses these things out a window in Netherlandish Proverbs,
and in one painting, a mustachioed man wearing a blue jacket and red shirt oversees three other men who are
all holding these items. The Le Nain brothers inspired a series in which peasants slump over and (*) smoke
pipes while they hold these items, and in another painting, a boy with a feather-hat and a dagger keeps one of these
in his belt. Salvador Dali used melting clocks and number-faces in designing a partial set of these items. For 10
points, name these items used by hustlers in a Caravaggio painting and by the two players sitting at a table in some
Paul Cezanne paintings.
ANSWER: Playing Cards [accept face card or heart card until “Master” is read]
9. One of these people wrote the memoir No Land’s Man and played the title character in The Mystic Masseur,
and another of them played the GQ writer Karen on Girls. A man with this job gave special rants and wrote
the book I’d Rather We Got Casinos. (*) One of these people appeared as himself in a scene from the movie
Rosewater, in which he recreated an interview with Maziar Bahari. Jordan Klepper and Hasan Minhaj joined this
group after a “senior black” member left it to start hosting The Nightly Show, and they are collectively known as
“The Best Fucking New Team Ever.” For 10 points, name these people that have included Samantha Bee, Steve
Carrell, and Larry Wilmore.
ANSWER: Daily Show Correspondents [accept Daily Show Contributor; prompt on other synonyms]
10. This man’s first term in office produced such pieces of legislation as the Fair Wages Act and the Farm Credit
Bureau. The Supreme Court ruled this leader overstepped his authority by denying a liquor license to a
Jehovah’s Witness in Roncarelli v. this man. This man, who rose to prominence after an electoral alliance with
Paul Gouin before pushing him aside a year later, forced out Alexandre (*) Taschereau from office by exposing
a patronage scandal at the Public Accounts Committee. The Asbestos miners’ strike and the publication of Refus
global were both in opposition to this leader. In 1957, the Supreme Court overturned this man’s anti-communist
Padlock Law. For 10 points, name this Union Nationale Premier of Québec, who presided over la grande noirceur, or
the Great Darkness.
ANSWER: Maurice (Le Noblet) Duplessis
11. Drew Westen advocated a prototype approach to this action, which is vulnerable to a "low base rate" problem.
A "case formulation" is often done instead of one of these actions. This action can use results from SADS or
SCID or a (*) “feelings thermometer,” and it often follows after an MSE. A set of hierarchical exclusion rules
governs this action in the event of comorbidity, and it is somewhat standardized by the use of structured interviews.
This action used to involve classifying abnormal behaviour on a set of five axes, and it usually entails looking at
assessment data, finding a cluster of symptoms, and consulting the DSM. For 10 points, name this process wherein a
psychiatrist decides that you have a mental disorder.
ANSWER: (psychological) diagnosis [accept word forms; don't prompt on “therapy” or “assessment”]
12. David Niven’s character’s house is shelled on orders from a character with this name played by John Huston;
that character dies and Niven assumes this name. In comics, a character with this short name is the first
Muslim member of the X-Men, though an X-Men/Avengers crossover “House of [this name]” refers to the
initial of a different villain. In an early sound film, (*) Hans Beckert is unwillingly given this identification after a
balloon salesman recognizes the whistling of “In the Hall of the Mountain King.” In a long-running film series, a
character with this alias has been played by Bernard Lee, and in 2012, it was assumed by a minister named Gareth
Mallory after the on-screen death of Judi Dench. For 10 points, give this letter that tags Peter Lorre as a murderer in
a Fritz Lang film and is the alias of James Bond’s boss.
Answer: M [prompt on “Messervy”, “Monet”, or “Magneto”]
13. A layer of down and a layer of water were used in a three-chamber model of this item by Adair Crawford, and
one type of this item has ignition wires, a jacket, and a stirrer. An isoperibol type of this thing keeps the outer
temperature constant, and you compare samples to reference samples (*) in a differential scanning type of this.
A guinea pig was placed in one of these devices built by Laplace and Lavoisier, and a steel vessel submerged in a
water bath makes up one of these instruments used on combustion reactions. q of a reaction should equal negative q
of this instrument, which is commonly used in "bomb" or "coffee cup" models. For 10 points, name these
instruments that isolate a reaction to measure its temperature and heat.
ANSWER: calorimeter
14. As a junior, this player won the 2008 Roland Garros Championship, where she defeated countrywoman Elena
Bogdan. This player was named the WTA’s Most Improved Player in 2013, the year in which she won her first
grand-slam match and six WTA titles. In 2014, she reached her first major final but lost to Maria Sharapova
in three sets at the French Open, and later she was swept in the semi-finals at Wimbledon (*) by Eugenie
Bouchard. At the 2015 Aussie Open, she lost in the Quarterfinals to Ekaterina Makarova, though she is still ranked
third overall going into Wimbledon. This short, aggressive player jumped up the rankings after undergoing breast
reduction surgery at age seventeen. For 10 points, name this Romanian woman.
ANSWER: Simona Halep
15. This thinker rejected the Binarium Famosissimum of universal hylomorphism and plurality of forms, and
scholars in this man’s tradition include Étienne Gilson and Jacques Maritain. G.E.M. Anscombe was influential
in the analytical branch of his tradition, which revived interest in virtue ethics. (*) Late in life he had a mystical
experience that caused him to describe all his work as “mere straw,” and his discussion of self-defence introduced
the Doctrine of the Double Effect. The School of Salamanca expanded upon the work of this man, who said the via
negativa was the best way to know through reason the properties of a being that is ipsum esse subsistens, and also
gave five ways to prove that being’s existence. For 10 points, name this author of Summa Contra Gentiles and
Summa Theologica.
ANSWER: Saint Thomas Aquinas, OP or Doctor Angelicus [accept Saint Thomas of Aquino or the Angelic
Doctor; prompt on Saint Thomas]
16. In the Wonder Years, Kevin Arnold asks a girl, “Would you like some butter?” after she speaks in this
manner. In Mad Men, Megan tells Don Draper that she spoke in this way to receive more tips. The
receptionist at the (*) Independence Inn tells Lorelai Gilmore he hates people who speak like this, though he
himself does too. A cartoon character hits on Penelope and makes kissy noises while speaking in this way, and
Marge’s slender fingers are complimented by a man who always speaks in this way except when ordering onion
rings. For 10 points, name this particular way of speaking done by a seductive bowling coach on The Simpsons and
the Looney Tunes skunk Pepe Le Pew.
Answer: Speaking in a French Accent (Prompt on speaking with an accent, accept Speaking in French)
17. During a tribute week for George Harrison on Conan this musician covered the song “Wah-Wah”. In his
second album this musician sings about being sentenced to be beheaded after a chains of events that started
with eating a (*) Satanic taco. The drummer James Gadson can be seen standing in the background of one of this
man’s music videos while he sings, “What does it mean to fake your death? To wake up tainted?” In his biggest hit,
from the album Mellow Gold, he yells “get crazy with the cheese whiz” and says, “Soy Un Perdedor….So why don’t
you kill me?” For 10 points name this alternative rock musician known for “I Think I’m in Love,” “Devil’s Haircut,”
and “Loser.”
18. This work says that the stars in Orion could easily be redrawn into constellations called "Jesus" or "the
Bunch of Grapes," and it explains that you can find anything nearby if you move in a spiral. This book
includes a rant against yellow foods (*) and a long explanation of the Monty Hall problem, and on a stressful
subway trip in this book, the hero loses his pet Toby the Rat. Christopher's mother is revealed to be alive in London
halfway through this book, whose chapters are all numbered with prime numbers and whose title animal is
discovered upside-down with a garden fork sticking in it. For 10 points, name this Mark Haddon novel written from
the perspective of a boy with Asperger's.
ANSWER: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime
19. Directed by Don Hall and Chris Williams, this movie features wanted posters of Flynn Ryder and Prince
Hans. A character in this film claims he uses both sides of his underwear to “recycle” and gives his friend a
nickname based on food he spilled on his shirt sometimes. Prior to this film, the short (*) Feast was played
about Winston, a Boston terrier that loves people-food. A video replay reveals that Professor Robert Callaghan held
a grudge towards Alistair Krei for sending his daughter into an unsafe teleporter in this film, and a fire in the San
Fransokyo Institute of Technology destroys the main character’s microbots and kills his brother Tadashi Hamada.
For 10 points, name this Disney film about the robotics prodigy Hiro Himata and his inflatable robot BayMax.
ANSWER: Big Hero 6
20. This movement was opposed by a Malcolm MacDonald-written White Paper. Hans Kohn argued against
British influence on this movement, which was supported by the novel Altneuland and the newspaper Die Welt.
Later leaders of this movement met at the Biltmore Conference and formulated the One Million Plan, and
earlier leaders included Max Nordau and the botanist Otto Warburg. The essay “The Iron Wall” discussed
this political movement, (*) which largely began with a Congress in Basel in 1897. A member of Lloyd George's
government endorsed this political movement in a 1917 letter to Baron Rothschild. For 10 points, identify this
political movement founded by Theodor Herzl and advanced by the Balfour Declaration, whose goals were achieved
in 1948 by the creation of a state on the Arabian Peninsula.
ANSWER: zionism [accept variations; accept descriptions like "creating Israel" or "Jewish homeland in the
middle east"]
21. This author wrote about king Suleiman bin-Daoud making a palace disappear to help a butterfly brag to his
wife. This author wrote about two "loafers" who pretend to be correspondents for The Backwoodsman and
who show off a "contrack" they made that forbids them from taking up with women. In that story by this
author, a character bleeds when his wife bites him, (*) causing the priest Billy Fish to realize that he is "nor god
nor devil but a man!" This author wrote about a creature who misunderstands advice from a baboon, in a story where
title process turns out to be that an Ethiopian friend puts fingerprints all over the main character. For 10 points, name
this colonial author of "The Butterfly that Stamped," "The Man Who Would Be King," and "How the Leopard Got
His Spots."
ANSWER: Rudyard Kipling
1. “For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror/ which we are barely able to endure, and it amazes us so/
because it disdains to destroy us.” For 10 points each:
[10] Name this collection of German poetry which also discusses the “caution of human gesture/ on Attic steles.”
ANSWER: The Duino Elegies (accept Duineser Elegien)
[10] These entities are often mentioned in The Duino Elegies. The first elegy famously opens with the question of
who would hear the writer if he cried out among the orders of these winged entities.
ANSWER: angels
[10] The Duino Elegies were written by Rainer Maria Rilke, who wrote 55 sonnets to this mythological figure,
likening his song to a “Towering tree within the ear.”
ANSWER: Orpheus (also accept Sonnets to Orpheus or Die Sonette an Orpheus)
2. It was established after the Butlerian Jihad, and its members included Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam and
the Lady Jessica. For 10 points each:
[10] The Missionaria Protectiva was established by this secretive school, whose breeding program to develop a
Kwisatz Haderach inadvertently produced him a generation early in Paul Atreides.
ANSWER: the Bene Gesserit
[10] The Bene Gesserit first appeared in this book by Frank Herbert, in which the Atreides are forced to relocate to
the title desert planet, Arrakis, home of sandworms and Fremen and the drug “spice.”
[10] In the world of Dune, the Padishah Emperor and the houses of the Landsraad gain wealth through the control of
this trading company. Baron Harkonnen plans to win a directorship in this company.
ANSWER: Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Mercantiles [or the CHOAM Company]
3. Versions of this concept include Von Neumann—Bernays—Gödel and New Foundations. For 10 point each:
[10] Name a certain branch of mathematics. The susceptibility of its naïve version to such paradoxes as BuraliForti’s and Russell’s led to the development of its axiomatic version.
ANSWER: set theory
[10] This axiom is present in ZFC set theory, but not in vanilla Zermelo—Fraenkel set theory. Given the rest of ZF,
it is equivalent to the existence of non-Lebesgue measurable sets, the well-ordering theorem, and Zorn’s lemma.
ANSWER: the axiom of choice
[10] This early axiomatic set theory developed by Russell was introduced in Principia Mathematica. It divided sets
into its eponymous strata – sets at higher strata cannot be members of those at lower.
ANSWER: the Theory of Types [accept type theory]
4. This unfortunate soul may have been flayed alive, and his body skinned, stuffed, and kept as a trophy. For 10
points each:
[10] Name this Roman emperor, the only one to have been captured as a prisoner of war.
ANSWER: Publius Licinius Valerianus
[10] This empire’s ruler Shapur I captured Valerian at Edessa. This empire was founded following the fall of the
ANSWER: Sassanid Empire [or Sassanian Empire; prompt Persian Empire]
[10] According to legend, the Parthians had earlier poured molten gold down the throat of this dead Roman, a filthy
rich member of the First Triumvirate who died at Carrhae.
ANSWER: Marcus Licinius Crassus
5. This film makes use of black and white scenes in chronological order and colour scenes in reverse order. For 10
points each:
[10] Name this breakout film by Christopher Nolan in which an amnesiac attempts to find his wife’s killer.
Answer: Memento
[10] The amnesiac Lenny was played by this Australian actor who also played a not-title “queen” in Priscilla, Queen
of the Desert and a not-title king in The King’s Speech.
Answer: Guy Pearce
[10] Teddy, the friend Lenny concludes is the killer in Memento, was played by this New Jersey actor that had
success in the 90s as deputy marshal Renfro in The Fugitive and the turncoat Cypher in The Matrix.
Answer: Joe Pantoliano (prompt on “Joey Pants”)
6. Name some rap producers, for 10 points each.
[10] This west-coast producer did the mixtape Ketchup, and he wrote generic ratchet beats for "Rack City," "Don't
Tell Em," and most YG songs.
ANSWER: DJ Mustard (Dijon McFarlane)
[10] This Atlanta producer made the song "Mercy" and some Gucci Mane mixtapes. He did the song "23" and the
whole Bangerz album with Miley Cyrus.
ANSWER: Mike Will Made It (Mike Williams; prompt on “Williams”)
[10] This producer worked with Chad Hugo in the Neptunes and N.E.R.D. His album Girl included the songs
“Happy” and “Come Get It Bae.”
ANSWER: Pharrell Williams (prompt on “Williams”)
7. This position is named for a defender was reportedly slapped by Saint Nicholas during heated debate at the First
Council of Nicaea. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this early heresy which holds that Christ was created by, and is distinct from and subordinate to, God the
ANSWER: Arianism
[10] Arianism, like many Christological heresies, contradicts this doctrine. The Nicene Creed refers to it when it
describes Christ as consubstantialem Patri.
ANSWER: The Trinity [or three-person God or similar]
[10] These heretics held that there was both a good and evil God, the latter of whom created the material world.
Known for their relatively equal treatment of women, they were wiped out by the Albigensian Crusade.
ANSWER: the Cathars
8. This character is warned by a king not to give Legolas “hope where there is none.” For 10 points each:
[10] Name this Elf that does not exist in Tolkien literature, but was introduced to the films to develop bonds between
Elves and Dwarves.
ANSWER: Tauriel
[10] Tauriel, a Mirkwood Elf in The Hobbit franchise, was portrayed by this Canadian actress who is famous for
playing Kate on Lost.
ANSWER: Evangeline Lilly
[10] Tauriel is fond of this relatively beardless Dwarf portrayed by Aidan Turner. He is poisoned in The Desolation
of Smaug, is tended to by his brother Fili, and dies defending Tauriel in The Battle of the Five Armies.
9. In the Suburbia level, this thing is out the window of a haunted house, and in the Hangar level, it's unlocked by
grinding a helicopter blade. For 10 points each:
[10] Name these VHS items found on high rails in every level.
ANSWER: secret tapes [prompt on partial]
[10] Secret tapes are a goal in this series of easy Activision games, where players grind rails and get big air to do flip
tricks and grab tricks.
ANSWER: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
[10] The goals "Ollie the Magic Bum" and "Collect Five Spray Cans" are in the level of Tony Hawk 2 set at the
skatepark in this California city.
ANSWER: Venice Beach
10. He played Barney Stinson’s “gay brother from another father” on How I met Your Mother, and he hosted Don’t
Forget the Lyrics before Mark McGrath did. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this TV comedian who did most of the singing parts on Whose Line Is it Anyway.
ANSWER: Wayne Brady
[10] Since 2009, Brady has appeared on a remake of this game show that was originally hosted by Monty Hall. Its
contestants must choose between given prizes and mystery prizes which are hidden behind curtains or in boxes.
Answer: Let’s Make a Deal
[10] Wayne Brady wrote and performed this Disney TV show’s theme song, with lyrics such as, “Head to the beach/
grab some rays,” and, “Go to the mall / Lot of fun / Pizza run!”
Answer: The Weekenders
11. In this play, Iyaloja leads the women of the market, one of whom is taken and impregnated by the title figure.
For 10 points each:
[10] Name this play in which the District Officer Pilkings causes a double-suicide following the death of a local
king. It is set in the Yoruban village of Oya, and was written by Wole Soyinka.
ANSWER: Death and The King’s Horseman
[10] This is the name of Elesin’s son. He is a doctor educated in England, and commits suicide to act as a messenger
to the dead king when he learns that his father has failed in his duty.
ANSWER: Olunde
[10] Elesin tells a story where one of these things is sent to welcome death as it approaches. In a Yoruba creation
myth, land is created from one of these things scratching at a small patch of sand or dirt.
ANSWER: a bird [accept Not-I Bird or chicken, hen, or rooster]
12. One participant in these events claimed to have “no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the
institution of slavery in the states where it exists.” He changed his mind a few years later. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this series of 1858 debates for an Illinois Senate seat, which quickly became about slavery.
ANSWER: The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
[10] Named for the second site of the debates, this idea was championed by Stephen Douglas, asserting that the Dred
Scott decision wasn’t so bad, because states could still oppose slavery by refusing to pass laws favourable to it.
ANSWER: Freeport Doctrine
[10] The debate over popular sovereignty led to formulation of many constitutions for Kansas, the first of which was
this constitution written by anti-slavery supporters in response to a contested election.
ANSWER: Topeka Constitution
13. This song was first recorded for the movie Footloose, with a later music video directed by Jeffrey Abelson. For
10 points each:
[10] Name this song whose singer asks, “Where have all the good men gone?” while looking for someone “fresh
from the fight” and “larger than life.”
ANSWER: “Holding Out for a Hero”
[10] That song was first recorded by this woman who has to deal with lots of floating curtains and a “gang of
dancing ninja men who know how to twirl” in the music video for her song “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”
ANSWER: Bonnie Tyler [accept Gaynor Hopkins]
[10] Bonnie Tyler performed this song for the UK at the 2013 Eurovision Contest. She suggests this is what you
should do “when your ship is sinking” or when “you’re reaching out for something and there’s nothing.”
ANSWER: “Believe in Me”
14. He is the youngest player to record 30 points, 10 Rebounds, and 5 Blocks in a game, and he was part of the 2012
US National team coming out of college. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this NBA center and former #1 draft pick from Kentucky, the reigning Player Efficiency leader,
nicknamed “The Brow.”
ANSWER: Anthony Davis
[10] Davis is the starting center for this Southwest division team that recently got swept by the Warriors and fired
coach Monty Williams.
ANSWER: New Orleans Pelicans (Accept either name)
[10] In 2015, the Pelicans acquired this point guard from the Miami Heat in a three way deal. This two-time NBA
champion is the player with the most playoff experience on the Pelicans
ANSWER: Norris Cole
15. Haydn wrote one of these “in tempore belli” and a Lord Nelson one, and Franz Schubert wrote a Deutsche one.
For 10 points each:
[10] Name these musical settings of a certain religious service, which may be brevis or solemnis, and generally open
with a Kyrie.
ANSWER: mass [or missa or eine Messe]
[10] This composer wrote two masses: a Mass in C Major, and his far more famous 1823 Missa Solemnis. The
Missa Solemnis is a work of his late period, like his Grosse Fuge and Ninth “Choral” Symphony.
ANSWER: Ludwig van Beethoven
[10] The longest section of the mass is generally this one, which is symmetrical about the central “Crucifixus” in
Bach’s Mass in B Minor. In Mozart’s incomplete Great Mass in C Minor, this section ends after the “Et incarnatus
est” movement.
ANSWER: the Credo [accept Nicene creed or Niceno–Constantinopolitan creed or Symbolum Nicaenum]
16. One work in this form depicts a dog riding a scooter, and another shows a man executing a backflip instead of
stopping a robbery on the street. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this form used by artists like Marcus Johns and Andrew Bachelor.
ANSWER: Vine [prompt for more specific on "video" or "web video"]
[10] The current most-subscribed Vine artist is this blue-eyed teen, who goofs around with his little sister Skylynn
and with Cam Dallas.
ANSWER: Nash Grier [accept either]
[10] Another Vine star is this accused rapist, who dated Jessi Smiles and filmed his dog riding a Roomba once.
ANSWER: Curtis Lepore
17. Answer some questions about some important laws of physics, for 10 points each.
[10] The three versions of this man’s law all state that the flux through his namesake type of surface is a constant
times the charge contained therein. For the magnetic version, that constant is zero.
ANSWER: (Johann) Carl (Friedrich) Gauss
[10] Gauss’ laws for electricity and magnetism, together with Faraday’s law of induction and another, make up this
set of equations named after a Scottish physicist.
ANSWER: Maxwell’s equations [do not accept Maxwell relations]
[10] The last of Maxwell’s equations states that the permeability of free space times the sum of the current density
and the product of the permittivity of free space and the time rate of change of the electric field is this operator
applied to the magnetic field.
ANSWER: curl [accept nabla cross product]
18. Because it’s hard to save the world when you’re falling in love, answer some questions about an anime trope for
10 points each.
[10] This magical girl anime features five girls infused with the DNA of rare animals. Zooey or Ichigo must fight the
Cyniclon aliens and deal with her feelings for Mark or Masaya.
ANSWER: Mew-Mew Power or Tokyo Mew Mew
[10] In this other magical girl anime, Sakura falls hard for her brother’s friend Julien when she isn’t busy stealing
the namesake magical items created by Clow Reed.
ANSWER: Cardcaptors or [Cardcaptor Sakura]
[10] One of the guardians of the Clow Cards is this video-game- and cake-loving little guy who hates being called a
stuffed animal.
ANSWER: Kero or Kerobaros or Cerberus
19. In this work, one character reads three Moscow newspapers a day, while claiming to read none because of
principle. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this work in which Dimitri Gomov and Anna Sergueyevna have an affair in Yalta that leads to their
falling in love.
ANSWER: “The Lady with the Toy Dog” (also accept Lady with the Lap Dog, Lady with the Dog, or Dama s
[10] “Lady with the Toy Dog” is by this Russian author of plays like The Cherry Orchard and The Seagull.
ANSWER: Anatoly Chekhov
[10] In this other Chekhov short story, Andrei Kovrin sees visions of the title character, who claims that Kovrin is
the elect of God. Kovrin is then treated for megalomania.
ANSWER: “The Black Monk” (also accept Chyorny monakh)
20. A sequence has this property if, for any epsilon greater than zero, there exists a natural number n such that for all
natural numbers m and k greater than n the distance between the mth and kth terms is less than epsilon. For ten
points each:
[10] Name this type of sequence, whose terms get arbitrarily close together for sufficiently large n. All convergent
sequences have this property.
ANSWER: a Cauchy sequence
[10] A metric space has this property if all Cauchy sequences in the space are convergent. An inner product space
with this property is a Hilbert space.
ANSWER: completeness
[10] A subset of a topological space is this if every open cover of the set has a finite subcover; in a metric space it is
equivalent to its sequential variety, where every sequence in the set has a convergent subsequence.
ANSWER: compactness