Rhythm - Peony Music

Rhythm Stations Ideas
Rhythm Bingo – Cheryl Lavender’s game or your own version
Rhythm Trashketball – Use any flashcards you have and follow the
included instructions. GREAT cards available at laytonmusic.wordpress.com
(search for rhythm flashcards)
Pick-a-Rhythm – using flashcards, post 6 cards on the board, labeled
1-6. Choose one rhythm to read aloud as the students listen and raise their
hands if they can tell the number of the correct rhythm. Choose one student
to answer aloud. If correct, that student chooses another of the rhythms to
read aloud to the class and chooses the student who will answer. Change
out the cards for new rhythm flashcards periodically. There are also some
PPT screens included on your disk that can be used instead of flashcards.
Note Value Yahtzee – create a dice and answer card and play
Rhythm Strips – Artie Almeida’s Proficiency Pack.
Rhythm War – like the original card game only using rhythms.
Rhythm Math – Create a worksheet that requires students to
I have student
partner up and write rhythms for their partner to read. They can also quiz
each other in dictation style.
add/subtract/multiply or divide note values!!
Computer games:
o Rhythm quiz from Music Tech Teacher site
o Matching Rhythms and Sounds from Music Tech Teacher site
o Rockin’ Rhythm Master from Classics for Kids site
SmartBoard Activities:
o Note Tree
o One and Two Sounds on a Beat
o 4 Beat Rhythms