Unit 2 - Forging a New Nation

Unit 2 – Forging a New Nation
I can summarize and evaluate the ideas and events that lead to the outbreak of
the American Revolution.
 How are the French and Indian War and the American Revolution connected?
 What happened at Fort Duquesne?
 What is the purpose of Ben Franklin’s Join or Die illustration?
 To what does Thomas Paine appeal in his pamphlet, Common Sense?
 Why is it called the “Boston Massacre” despite the fact that so few people died?
I can evaluate the influence of the Enlightenment upon the development of
government. (As found in Declaration of Independence)
 What sorts of thinking characterized the Enlightenment period?
 Who are some Americans associated with Enlightenment thought?
 How did the Enlightenment concept of “natural rights” impact the development of
American government?
 What are the “inalienable” rights listed in the Declaration of Independence?
I can summarize the key turning points of the Revolutionary War.
 Why was the colonists’ defeat at Bunker Hill significant?
 What battle marked the end of major conflict in the American Revolution?
 Why were the British largely unsuccessful in the Southern States?
I can identify the reasons for the creation of the Constitutional Convention.
 What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?
 What was the significance of Shays’ Rebellion?
 What divisions did Shays’ Rebellion show in the Massachusetts population?
 What was the purpose(s) of the Constitutional Convention?
I can analyze the key developments and outcomes of the Constitutional
Convention. (Bundle of Compromises)
 What issues required compromise at the Constitutional Convention?
 What is the Great Compromise?
 How did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention deal with the problem of
I can interpret the ideas and principles of the US Constitution. (Limited
Government, Popular Sovereignty, Federalism, Checks and Balances, Separation
of Powers, etc.)
 Why was the principle of Checks and Balances included in the Constitution?
 What philosopher introduced the idea of Separation of Powers?
I can explain the development of the Bill of Rights.
 What were the arguments of the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?
 What promise did the Federalists make to insure the ratification of the