June 28, 2015 - Hurley Reformed Church

Date: June 28, 2015
Welcome! We’re glad you’re here today. Today we remember how God has
blessed us in the past, and we have faith He will continue to do so in the future.
May you be strengthened by the Gospel, challenged by the present realities, and
renewed in the hope that is ours in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Greeting you this morning are Ellen Richards and Roberta Falatyn. Ushers are
Sonnie Howe and Kathy Musialkiewicz,
Sanctuary flowers are placed by Ellen Richards.
Nursery Care for toddlers and infants is available in Room 7 and is provided
By Jen Meyer, an experienced caregiver. If you feel your child could be a
disruption to the worship experience, please take advantage of this option.
Deacon of the month is Bill Beesmer. Contact Bill at 914-388-3246 if you
are in need of a deacon’s assistance.
Reach out to those who need your support in their day to day needs: Gordon
Kent in Ten Broeck; Friedel Borst; Andrew Holbrook; Don Hornbeck (Barbara
Hornbeck’s father); Dolores McGoldrick; Esther Keator; Florence Prehn at Hudson
Valley Senior Residence; Lori Pinkham in Wingate at Ulster; Bob Williams in
Golden Hill; AnneMarie Kurtz.
Our Mission of the month for June is our very own Youth Group! They are going
on a Mission trip to a Reservation in New Mexico. There are about 10 young
people interested in taking part. The RCA is helping with planning and pricing of
tickets, however it will be a costly trip. While our kids are expected to contribute,
we are collecting to help offset the costs. We don’t want cost to keep a HRC
teenager from being able to go, so please give generously to the Mission fund
this month!
Activities this week
After worship: Stone House Day Committee
The Women's Ministries Bible study group will meet for the first time on
Tuesday, July 21, at 1 PM in the Dutch Room. Our initial study will be focused on
the life of a woman in the Bible and how her story still speaks to us today. For
further information, call Nancy Sweeney at 336-5267 or e-mail her at
Join us in Schadewald Hall after worship for fellowship. Refreshments are
provided by the Hauck family. Contribute your baking talents to the fellowship
hour! There is a signup sheet next to the kitchen doors. Contact Hal Hauck.
I would like to thank our friends in the congregation for the prayers and
compassion during my ordeal with surgery. I am still recovering and I am
comforted by your kindness. Annemarie and Fred Kurtz
The Quilt is done!! (YAY!) It is displayed for all to see.
Stone House Day: All Bakers Needed! The Women’s Guild will host their
annual Bake Sale at Stone House Day. Please leave your baked goods on
Friday, July 10, or Saturday morning (on the stage in Schadewald Hall).
Stone House Day: The committee needs your help distributing posters and rack
cards throughout the Hudson Valley. These are available at the table in
Schadewald Hall.
Stone House Day: Volunteers are needed. Please sign up at the table in
Schadewald Hall. Please sign up for kitchen, parking, docents, setup/take down.
Jewelry gladly accepted for our sale on “Stone House Day.” Please give to
Friedel Borst or Shirley Ruth. Thank you.
Deeds and Needs: Last week, we had 28 deeds posted -- 16 were bid on and
won. There are 12 deeds still available for bidding after service today.
Contributions for the month of June. Property and Maintenance envelopes
will be used to remove the underground fuel oil tank in the parsonage and install
a new oil tank in the parsonage basement.
Tech Help Needed! The church’s Technology Committee is looking for someone
in the church who would be willing to help setup a new website. We are currently
looking for a new platform to work with. Any help sure would be
appreciated. Is there a Webmaster out there somewhere? See Marilyn More for
more information
Margaret (Peg) Baldinger finished her journey in her way on June 23, 2015.
Our deepest sympathies and condolences to Bill and family.
The office is looking for historical documents concerning Hurley Reformed
Church, especially about the pastors/ministers who have served her. If you have
any documents or know where documents are, please let Dorothy know. Thanks.
I do not think of all the misery, but of the glory that remains. Go outside into the
fields, nature and the sun, go out and seek happiness in yourself and in God.
Think of the beauty that again and again discharges itself within and without you
and be happy. – Anne Frank
Date: June 28, 2015
Youth Group News!
I cannot believe another school year has ended. We have a lot of things going
We just participated in the Relay for Life and raised about $950. The kids had
a great time and also enjoyed the non-sleep sleepover at the church. It took a
few days for Shannon and I to recover.....but these kids are a pleasure to be with
so it was worth it!
Our Mission Trip is coming together. We have had some generous donations
towards our trip which we are extremely grateful for! We will be flying out
on July 21 and returning the 25th. The kids are very excited about this endeavor
as are we. The pastor for the Jicarilla Reformed Church is also excited about our
I am looking for prayer partners for the kids. This would be someone that would
pray for their partner and perhaps send them with a goodie bag for the trip. I
could use a few more volunteers. The identity will be a secret until we return from
the trip and Pastor Bob will have a special dinner so that the partners can be
revealed and can meet each other. This is a great opportunity to get to know the
youth of our church. I can promise you they are a great bunch of kids who are
thoughtful, kind and lots of fun to hang with! If you are interested please email
me at eeyorelovesclouds@yahoo.com or call me at (845)943-0745.
I cannot wait to experience this mission with our youth. I also am excited to share
the experience with the congregation when we return! Thank you all for your
continued support and prayers! They are our future and I think we are in good
hands with this crew!
Christine Henning