ACC 220 1001

INSTRUCTOR: Richard Kloes, CPA
PHONE: Home: 423-2158
Work: 423-8330 x 2258
Mon & Wed: 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Tue & Thu: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Fri: Available all day by appointment
FALL 2014
Author: Klooster/Allen/Owen
Title: Integrated Accounting for Windows – 8th edition; ISBN # 9781285462721
Publisher: Cengage
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Integrates the principles of accounting and the concepts of
data processing. Students will become familiar with computerized accounting
systems which are realistic examples of systems used in business today.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: To enable students to become familiar with computerized
accounting systems as they relate to the accounting process and the different areas
in the accounting field. Please refer to page viii in your textbook for the three major
learning objectives of this course. Specific chapter learning objectives can found at
the beginning of each chapter in your textbook. Each objective can met by
successfully completing a combination of the evaluation areas as described below.
EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE: Your final course grade will be weighed on
based on the following areas:
Student Exercises/Audit Questions 408 points 930 to 1000 = A 730 to 769 = C
Comprehensive Problems (3)
198 points 900 to 929 = A- 700 to 729 = CFinal Exam
140 points
870 to 899 = B+ 670 to 699 = D+
Final Project
200 points 830 to 869 = B 630 to 669 = D
File Submissions
54 points 800 to 829 = B- 600 to 629 = DTOTAL POINTS
770 to 799 = C+ Below 600 = F
Instructors no longer have the ability to give students a “W” for the course should
they fail to complete it. Accordingly, if you feel you will not pass the course, you
must drop the course no later than Friday, October 24 to receive a “W”. If you drop
the course at any time after this date and do not pass the course, I am required to
issue the grade of an “F”.
STUDENT EXERCISES/AUDIT QUESTIONS: At the end of each chapter, you will be
required to complete and submit your answers to Student Exercises and Audit
Questions. The Student Exercises consist of Matching, True-False and Questions
about the information in the chapter. The Audit Questions relate to the chapter
COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEMS: During the course of the semester, you will be
required to complete three comprehensive problems – After chapters 5 (54 points),
8(48 points) and 10 (96 points).
FINAL EXAM: After Appendix A, you will be required to take a final exam based on
the information in Chapters 1 –Appendix A. The exam will consist of True-False
questions and Multiple Choice questions. The exam is open book and you have an
unlimited amount of time to take the exam. YOU ARE EXPECTED TO DO YOUR
FINAL PROJECT: After Chapter 11, I will be sending you a final project to complete.
It is a recap of everything that you have learned in the semester. I will be sending
more on this later on in the semester.
FILE SUBMISSIONS: You are required to send me the file that you used to answer
your audit questions with. There is a link provided to attach your file with. You will
receive 3 points for each file that you submit.
1. After each chapter, a sample problem is provided for you to do. Although this is
not required, I would highly recommend that you do this. It is not graded and
exactly the same as the problem that you will be doing for a grade. The answers
to the sample problems are provided for you in the book, so you know if you did it
right or not. You do not have to send me the file for the sample problem.
2. Notice on page 25 in your book, there is section entitled: “Student Solution
Checking” MAKE USE OF THIS FEATURE! This feature enables you to check
your answers before you send me the answers to your audit questions. If after
using this feature, you still have an error that you still cannot find, let me know
and I will help you out.
3. Audit Questions:
a. Make sure you have the audit questions in front of you as you enter the
information. Answer them as you progress through the problem.
b. Pay particular attention to what the questions are asking you. They may ask
for information for the current PERIOD or the YEAR. Make sure you enter the
correct amount for what they are asking.
MY POLICY ON ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: You are expected to do your own work in
this class. I do not tolerate ANY form of academic dishonesty. The college’s academic
integrity policy can be found at the following link.
Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade for the
class and be immediately removed from the course. In addition, students allowing a
classmate to plagiarize their own work will also fail and be immediately removed.
Please don’t try it. It is not worth it. .
MY AVAILABILITY: The best time to get a hold of me is from Monday through
Thursday. I am consistently checking my email during this time all throughout the
day and promise to have a response to your emails or phone calls within 24 to 48
hours depending on how involved the response is. Fridays are hit and miss as I
usually have meetings scheduled. I occasionally check my email on Saturday so you
might get lucky then. . On Sundays, I go into the “witness protection program”, so
you will have to wait until Monday for a response. .
1. Technical Issues: The prerequisite for this course is ACC201. You must have taken
ACC201 before taking this one. You are also expected to have some computer skills
and be able to successfully navigate through Canvas and the software program used
with this course. This will be required in order to complete all of the assignments in
this course.
2. Should you have any technical difficulties with either Canvas or this software, they
can be resolved by going to the following sites:
Canvas: . Then click on “Tutorials and Help”
Cengage: by calling Cengage Learning Customer & Sales Support at 1-800-3549706. Before calling this number, please let me know what the problem is and I
might be able to solve it for you.
3. Netiquette rules: Although not required, I highly encourage you to interact with
your fellow classmates and well as myself throughout the semester. When using the
discussion forum, emails or any other form of communication in this course, you are
expected to treat your fellow classmates (and instructor ) with the same respect
and professional courtesy that you would like to be treated. Let’s make this both an
educational and fun class.