New Media CMT 3331

Guddoy Baboo Ridhish Kumarsingh
New Media CMT 3331
Middlesex University
Mauritius branch Campus
Name: Guddoy Baboo Ridhish Kumarsingh
Student Number: M00419607
Coursework: 2
Lab Tutor: Girish Beekaroo
Guddoy Baboo Ridhish Kumarsingh
A flash news is an urgent or immediately item of important news, usually an
announcement often interrupting a radio or television program. (The Free Dictionary,
2015). The flash news was created using Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Premiere
Pro CS6 and Adobe After Effects CS6. The flash news is for targeted for all audience
especially parents and kids to apprise them of the activities being held at Grand Baie
La Croisette.
Ideation Process
The theme for the flash news is on Christmas Celebration at Grand Baie La
Croisette. This idea was inspired while visiting the place; it was decorated for
Christmas, there were lots of promotions and was expecting a lot of people to visit it
on Christmas day and to apprise the population on the event being organized. Some
ideas were from videos on
Shooting the videos
For shooting the videos and pictures at Grand Baie La Croisette, the camera of
IPhone 4S was used as it has an 8 megapixels camera. It can be carried easily and
more practical to shoot compared to a digital camera. It has backlight sensor, fast
processor, low light performance, good contrast and HDR to improve dynamic range
in stills. The shooting of the videos at Grand Baie La Croisette were shoot at night so
as the decorative light could be clearly seen as it was very attractive to see and was
shoot without Flashlight. For the picture of the pine leaves, shooting in the studio and
interview of the event manager, a Canon Power Shot A2300 16.0 Megapixel camera
was used as the camera gives high quality resolution and fast performance as it has
the best camera shake correction to capture more dynamic and exciting images with
the 5x Optical Zoom with 28mm Wide-Angle lens. Also no need to be a professional
cameraman to use the camera as it AUTO recognizes 32 predefined shooting
situations, then automatically picks the proper camera settings. (Canon, 2014). For
shooting in the studio, the camera was put on a tripod to avoid camera shake with
lights installed on the right and left of the news reporter, Miss Laksha Ramlugan to
reduce shadows and lights at the top of the camera for more brightness. Another
video to be shoot with this camera was shoot at in the parking of Grand Baie La
Croisette due to its attractive background with the News Report, Ridhish Guddoy and
the Event Manager, Miss Archana Singh a bit early before dawn so as everything in
the video could be clearly seen in the video, like the face of the report and event
manager, the light and decorations at the back
Technical Manipulation
For editing pictures, Adobe Photoshop CS6 was used to make the logo of the news
channel and the background to replace the green screen in the studio. This software
was used as it is amongst the best platform for editing and making pictures. The logo
of the news channel has been made using a blue background, text tool and adding 3D effects to the text. The background was made using a gradient red as background,
using brush tool to make the leaves and stars. Using selecting tool, the pine tree
leaves were cut from its background to the new background. A white text wishing
Merry Christmas 2014 was then added using Edwardian script ITC font.
Adobe After Effects CS6 was used to create the intro, breaking news and the credits
scenes. This software has been used, as it is well known for its video-effects
powerhouse, it adds impressive text and vector paint tools. It is used to create, edit
and animate text using versatile typographical tools. (Grotta, 2003) For the intro
scene, a blue background was used with gradient dark blue to light blue with text
Cambria bold white color. Scattering triangulation effects was added using the plexus
plugin by adding plexus path object, plexus noise effect, plexus points render, plexus
lines render, plexus triangulation render. Glow plugin was added twice to the text
layer. Camera settings was added with a new adjustment layer with 3D on to make
the animation be like passing through it with a zoom in and out effect. A CC force
Guddoy Baboo Ridhish Kumarsingh
motion blur was added using a new adjustment layer. The breaking news scene has
been made using a blue background and red text, with the text appearing and
disappearing every 1-second using opacity effects. Another scene to be made on
Adobe After Effects was the credit scene using animated text coming from bottom to
top and left to right using position tool and its background was made by adding 4color gradient effect to a blue solid layer.
Also Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 was used for creating, editing and montage of the
flash news as it offers a lot of editing tools with tutorials for producing very good
works and dovetails nicely with Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe After Effects CS6.
It has a simple interface, has audio editing tools, lots of video manipulation and
effects, good texts tools and good control over stabilization. A background was used
to replace green screen on 2 videos using sixteen point garbage matte and ultra-key
effects. Music was downloaded from YouTube to put in the intro, breaking news and
credits scene (Sony Entertainment, 2014). The logo of RNC News had been added
to the flash news. It was re-scaled to a small size and positioned to a top right
position in the flash news. The videos had been reduced to 25 seconds and 7
seconds. 2 video of the interview between the news report and event manager was
reduced in duration and change the color of the videos to make it look like the videos
were shoot at night using brightness and contrast effect. A still title “Breaking News”
was added to the flash news with red background, white text and using position
effect to make it move on the flash news. Also a crawl title was added for the text to
move from right to left until the news is over by changing the crawl option, with white
text and black background. Also 3 videos were added between the video of the news
reporter interviewing the event manager to display what were being organized at the
mall. Video transitions were used throughout the video to fade sudden cut between
the video for smooth playing of the flash news. Transitions used were cross dissolve
and center peel.
Reflective Conclusion
During this coursework, it was an opportunity to further our skills and knowledge on
digital media as we learnt how to shoot a video, how to edit it, how to use Adobe
Photoshop CS6, Adobe After Effects CS6 and Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. The flash
news was wonderfully done with all the information needed, effects, animations and
sounds. The videos were of very good quality. The sounds also were very smooth.
Things that went bad were that winds were blowing on the microphone of the camera
creating noise. The videos filmed at night were of rather low quality. Improvements
that could have been done are that a very good camera should be used with a
microphone to be placed close where the person is talking for better sound quality.
Overall, the flash news is very satisfying.
Works Cited
Canon. (2014, November 8). Canon. (C. P. A2300, Producer, & Canon) Retrieved
November 8, 2014, from Canon:
Grotta, S. W. (2003, october 1). PC MAG. Retrieved January 15, 2015, from PC
Sony Entertainment. (2014, september 8). Theme Music, KBC 2014. Theme
Music, KBC 2014 . Mumbai, India: Sawan dutta.
The Free Dictionary. (2015, January 13). The Free Dictionary. Retrieved January
15, 2015, from The Free Dictionary: