Choices, Choices by Craig L. Hayes

Choices, Choices
by Craig L. Hayes
In a few months we will all have to make a difficult choice. The
choice is not if we should re-elect Pres. Obama, we should not. The
choice is how difficult for us conservatives it will be to vote for Mitt
Romney. There is so much at stake for this country's future with this
Believe me, I am no Mitt Romney fan. I am not even a Republican
and I could never be a Democrat. I just know that Barack Obama has
been, is, and will be a disaster for this nation. Mitt Romney is a
moderate or more accurately a North East Republican liberal. He is not a
conservative as he always claims and I will point to his flip-flops on
abortion and Romney-care in Massachusetts as examples.
Some might point to his business savvy as proof of his conservative
roots. If generating wealth and expanding an investment portfolio are
examples of being conservative, then most Democrats in the Congress
are conservatives by this definition. Democrats love wealth and money
as much as anyone else, maybe more.
Pres. Obama is a socialist at least and is more likely defined as a
communist. He believes in communism just like his father, mother,
grandparents, stepfather, school professors, fellow students, friends, and
even his own minister for 20 years. He also likes having them in his
administration as Czars and advisors.
Mitt Romney has other problems. I believe his biggest problem is
that no one knows what he believes in and what his core beliefs on
capitalism and conservatism really are. He, at times, seems almost
apologetic for his success and his accomplishments as a businessman. I
do believe he is more of a corporatist then he is a capitalist or a
Pres. Obama has a similar problem to Mitt Romney. It is not that he
does not have core beliefs or it changes from time to time, it is this. If he
were to be honest with the American people on what he truly believes,
he would have never been elected President of the United States.
You see, progressives/Marxists have to lie about their beliefs in
order to obtain elected political office. Once elected progressives “seem”
to change and try to implement their true distribution of wealth ideas on
the American people.
The differences in these two men are not black and white (no pun
intended), but more like communist or liberal. Neither ideology is good
for America but Mitt’s ideology is just less destructive, or slower to
Let us now look at the two candidates and how they feel about this
country. Mitt, for all of his shortcomings is proud to be an American and
I know he loves this country. I also believe he honors and respects the
founding fathers and our founding documents. He may not be a
constitutional conservative, but I do not believe he would want to
destroy our Constitution.
Pres. Obama on the other hand comes from a family of communists.
He has friends that are terrorists, and believes in liberation theology,
social justice, the redistribution of wealth, the fundamental
transformation of America, and an all-powerful federal government. He
also looks at our Constitution as an “antiquated charter of negative
rights”. I am sure he looks at America and its founding as a terrible
injustice not only for the Native Americans but for all mankind around
the world. With all the hate and venom being preached to him by
parents, friends, teachers, and pastors, how could he love this country
and not be a communist?
Normally, I would tell others to vote for whatever candidate in the
political party that follows their core beliefs the closest. Normally I
would say this. This is not a normal election. The price of tyranny and
the loss of rights is too large a measure on the scales of liberty to not
vote for Mitt Romney. I stand firm with the belief that President Obama
needs to be fired.
Our choice will be between a man who loves this country and is a
good man and a man who does not love this nation and is a communist.
Our choice will be between a man who would never knowingly do
harm to the citizens or businesses of this country and a man who has
used his office and administration to wage war on the citizenry and
Our choice will be between a man who made his own fortune in the
business world and a man who believes the fortunes of others are to be
taken by him and re-distributed.
Our choice will be between a man who believes in individual liberty
and freedom and a man that believes in a supreme federal government
that rules over the people.
I know history will look back at us and either say they chose to slow
the march of tyranny and voted for Mitt Romney or they will say they
voted for Barack Obama and their own slavery to the state. Choices,
choices, not so hard now, right?