Establishing a Practicum in the SLS Undergrad Program

Establishing a Practicum
in the SLS Undergrad Program
Rebekah Coelho, Marie Ganoot, Kristina Smith, & Kathrine Tatlonghari
SLS 480P
Over the course we've covered critical issues in
English Language Teaching. One of the issues we
explored was practicing empowerment in a
classroom. We have decided to practice
empowerment by advocating a practicum in the
Second Language Studies department here at
University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Mission Statement
In the growing demand for prospective employees, hands-on experience has
become a valuable necessity along with a degree. We value the importance of
providing a “one-stop” education for students and understand the value found in
graduating well-prepared and knowledgeable students for real world experiences.
The goal of S.A.I.U.P. is to advocate for a new practicum that will allow students
access to internships or hands-on experience in order to enhance learning and put
theories of Second Language Studies to the test. By providing this opportunity to
future SLS-students, we will create "home-grown" students that are well equipped
for the real world.
Why a Survey?
→After speaking with the heads of the SLS department, we
concluded that we needed an overall consensus of what the
SLS population felt about a practicum and what we were
willing to put-forth as students.
→A survey was the most plausible way of obtaining general
information from a large population, and by asking specific
questions (ie: How many hours are you willing to work for an
unpaid/paid position)
→ After compiling a list of questions that we believed were pertinent to the
survey we spoke with Kenny to see if he had any modifications or
additional questions to our survey.
→ We wanted to keep them in “the loop” as much as possible since they
have been working on getting a practicum for our department. It worked
out well because we needed them for support and they needed us to get the
facts of the student body to help develop their plan.
Brief Description of Survey
Survey made on Google forms.
14 questions
Distribution to students via email.
Questions were developed with the help of the SLS
undergrad program directors
We received permission to send our survey to the students
under the B.A. SLS list.
Goal: at least 40 responses from students.
Survey Purpose
This survey was created to gather and determine
the variety of work a student is willing to
accomplish if a practicum was included in our
SLS curriculum.
Survey Purpose
To determine the ideal practicum or internship
that would best benefit the largest number of
Comparison between interest of a paid position
versus a volunteer position
Determine what varieties of work experience are
students willing to do
Results of Survey
A total of 35 undergraduate students completed the survey.
22 students prefered the practicum to count as an elective
while 13 prefered to count it as a core class.
Preferences for Final Project:
o 23% = Create a lesson plan.
15% = Research/Reflection paper
12% = Portfolio
10%> = Other activities (curriculum design, discussion
and observational journal etc.)
Results of Survey
Q: On average how many hours per week would you be willing to teach for an unpaid position?
43% of students are willing to work 3-6 hours.
23% are willing to work 1-3 hours
20% are willing to work 6-9 hours
8% none
6% are willing to work 9-12 hours
Q: On average how many hours per week would you be willing to teach for paid position?
34% of students are willing to work 13+ hours
31% are willing to work 6-9 hours
17% are willing to work 9-12 hours
6 % 3-6 hours - 6% 1-3 hours - 6% none
Q: If offered a teaching position how likely are you to continue after the course is finished?
Results of Survey
Q: Would you prefer to work in a private or public institution?
o Both: 86%
Public: 6%
Private: 8%
What level would you prefer to teach? Or would you prefer to rotate
o 80% of students have specific levels to teach while 20% would rotate
Next step
We will report the data collected from the surveys to the
Second Language Studies undergraduate advisors Kenton
Harsch and Priscilla Faucette. We will also be reporting it to
the SLS program specialist, Emily Lee. This is to aid them in
developing the ideal practicum.
They may establish a practicum by 2015.