Level 3 Chapter 4 Homework Packet

Level 3: Chapter 4
Homework Packet
Nom: __________________
Date: __________________
Clothing & Styles
Label each item of clothing or style.
1. ___________________
2. ________________
3. _______________
4. __________________
5. ________________
6. ______________
7. __________________
8. _________________
9. ______________
10. ___________________
11. ________________
12. _____________
Fabrics & Patterns
13. _________________
14. __________________
15. ______________
16. __________________
17. _________________
18. ______________
Clothing & Styles II
Label each picture in French.
1. _______________
2. _____________
3. ______________
4. _______________
5. _______________
6. ______________
7. ________________
8. ________________
Clothes & Adjectives
What do you think of my purple vest?
1. _____________________________________________________________________
I find it hideous.
2. _____________________________________________________________________
Marc, what do you think about it?
3. _____________________________________________________________________
I find it tasteless.
4. _____________________________________________________________________
I think it looks good!
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
JEANNE: What do you think of my black ankle boots?
7. _____________________________________________________________________
I think they look good!
8. _____________________________________________________________________
And you, Anne? What do you think about them?
9. _____________________________________________________________________
I do not like this type of clothing. Your ankle boots are plain.
10. ____________________________________________________________________
The Causative faire
Re-write each sentence, using faire to say that someone else will be
doing each task. Then, rewrite the sentence in the past.
EX: Nous faisons la vaisselle → Nous faisons faire la vaisselle.
Nous avons fait faire la vaisselle.
1. Je range ma chambre.
2. Elles gardent les enfants.
3. Vous lavez la voiture.
4. Il tond le gazon.
5. Tu débarrasses la table.
6. Nous nous rasons.
7. Elle se frise.
8. Je me coupe les cheveux.
The causative faire
Christiane never does things herself; she is always hiring people to do things
for her. Her assistant, Mathilde, asks her if she is doing these tasks herself,
and Christiane answers no, she is having it done. Give Christiane's answers
using the causative faire. Some questions are in the past or future, so make
sure Christiane's answers are in the correct tense.
EX: <<Tu nettoies ta robe noire?>> → Mais non. Je fais nettoyer ma robe.
1. Mathilde: <<Tu te maquilles?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
2. Mathilde: <<Tu vas promener le chien?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
3. Mathilde: <<Tu as sorti la poubelle?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
4. Mathilde: <<Tu t'es frisée?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
5. Mathilde: <<Tu vas laver la voiture?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
6. Mathilde: <<Tu as préparé le petit déjeuner?>>
Christiane: <<____________________________________________________.>>
7. Mathilde: <<Tu vas débarrasser la table?>>
Christiane: <<____________________________________________________.>>
8. Mathilde: <<Tu t'es fait une permanente?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
9. Mathilde: <<Tu as fait les courses?>>
Christiane: <<_____________________________________________________.>>
10. Mathilde: <<Tu vas te faire raser les jambes?>>
Christiane: <<____________________________________________________.>>
11. Mathilde: <<Tu n'as pas donné à manger au chat?>>
Christiane: <<_________________________________________________
Hair & Hair Styles
Describe each hairstyle.
Describe each person’s hair in terms of its length.
EX: Elle a les cheveux longs.
1. _______________________________________
Describe each person’s hair in terms of style.
2. ___________________________ 3. _______________________________________
4. ___________________________ 5. ____________________________________
6. ___________________________ 7. _______________________________________
Describe each person’s hair in terms of type (straight, wavy, etc.)
8. __________________________ 9. _______________________________________
Tell what each person is doing him / herself or having done.
Causative Faire 2
Re-write each sentence using the causative faire.
EX: Il se rase. → Il se fait raser.
1. Je me frise les cheveux.
2. Ils ont tondu le gazon.
3. Elles se sont maquillées.
4. Tu fais la lessive.
5. Nous allons laver la voiture.
6. Elle ne se coupe pas les cheveux.
7. Vous avez sorti la poubelle.
8. On va enlever la neige.
9. Il ne va pas se raser.
Interrogative & Demonstrative Pronouns
For each statement, ask a question using a form of lequel and celui. Make
sure they agree with the noun they are replacing.
EX: Tu as vu ce film? → Lequel?
Have you seen this film? Which one?
This one.
1. Elle va acheter les gants marron ?
2. Tu aimes cette mini-jupe écossaise?
3. Tu veux emprunter mon nouveau pendentif?
4. Tu vas porter des bottines?
5. Je préfère ton costume noir.
6. Tu aimes ces gilets gris?
7. Nous allons mettre nos bretelles.
8. J'adore ton sac Kathy Van Zeeland.
Reflexive Verbs & Salon Services
Translate each of the following into French using reflexive verbs. Remember
that in the past, all reflexive verbs use être and remember also to make past
participles agree.
1. She curled her hair.
2. He shaved.
3. I am putting makeup on.
4. We are giving ourselves a perm.
5. Y’all curl your hair.
6. They (girls) are shaving.
7. You (informal, feminine) put makeup on (past)
8. We (feminine) gave ourselves a perm.