Checklist of Key Ideas

Chapter 6 Revision
Checklist of Key Ideas
• A phase is a state of matter that is uniform
throughout, not only in chemical composition but also
physical state.
• A constituent is a chemical species. A component is a
chemically independent constituent of a system.
• The variance F, or degrees of freedom, is the number
of intensive variables that can be changed
independently without disturbing the number of
phases in equilibrium.
• Phase rule: F = C-P+2
Checklist of Key Ideas
• Thermal analysis is an experimental technique used
for detecting phase transitions.
p  p*B  ( p*A  p*B )x A
xA p
yA 
p pB  ( pA  pB )x A
p p
p *
pA  ( p  pA )y A
Checklist of Key Ideas
n l  n  l
n l
n  l
Checklist of Key Ideas
An azeotrope is a mixture of two (or more) miscible liquids that
when boiled produce the same composition in the vapor phase
as that is present in the original mixture.
Checklist of Key Ideas
Checklist of Key Ideas
Test 2
• 60 minutes
• Written questions: 6 questions worth a total of 30
• Calculations: 4 questions worth a total of 30 points
• Cheat sheet: One side of one page
• Exam starts at 10.35am