World Peace Index

From Philanthropy to
Steve Killelea
Chairman – The Charitable Foundation
OECD Istanbul June 2007
The Charitable Foundation
Established in 2001.
Proceeds of a successful business career
Capital Invested target 10% growth, 5% of capital spent on projects each
Will Spend $5M USD this year
Overheads 7% of Expenditure
Projects in Myanmar, Cambodia, Loas, E. Timor, PNG, India, Tanzania,
Uganda, Sudan, Kenya, Rwanda
The Charitable Foundation
1. To Help the Poorest of the Poor
2. To do Interventions that are Life Changing
3. To Touch as Many People as possible
4. Have a Facility for ‘Good Samaritan’ Interventions
The Charitable Foundation
From Philanthropy to Peace
Regular travel in Highly Stressed Countries – what is the inverse
There is a lot of study on Conflict but Little on Peace
The Global Peace Index is a ground breaking study that ranks the nations
of the world by their peacefulness
Studying Pathology is not Studying Well-Being
If we could understand the three key drivers that create or sustain peace
and they could be taught would the world be a more peaceful place?
Executive summary…1
The Global Peace Index project was commissioned by Steve Killelea, an Australian
businessman and philanthropist. The reasons are:
That peace should and can be measured.
The belief that peace is a perquisite to resolving humanity’s major issues:
climate change, decreasing biodiversity, use of available fresh water,
over population
To better understand peace and inspire others to establish and fund
To change the focus, coverage and dialogue from war to peace.
Executive summary…2
We have taken it as given that peace is the preferred state for business to operate in.
For business to invest and thrive in an economy, it must have infrastructure.
Few national economies can operate effectively without the provision of public
goods and services. Examples: healthcare, infrastructure, education.
So too, the global economy is less efficient and effective without global public
goods and services.
Peace keeping and peace building, development aid and environmental
regulation are examples of global public goods and services.
Peace keeping: In the Global Peace Index, the use of the military force for peace
keeping purposes by the United Nations was rated as a positive score. Ghana is
nation with a high rating.
Further more, education was one of the highest correlating drivers to peace for
nations at the top of the GPI.
Outline of model
The Economist Intelligence Unit has compiled the Global Peace Index
 ranks for the first time 121 nations
 according to their relative states of peace
 using 24 indicators
 tested against a range of potential drivers or determinants of peace
 in order to be a new platform for further discussion and study
Defining “Peace”
“Our definition of peace is the “Absence of Violence”, this definition allows peace to be
also measured within a nation, peace is more than the absence of war. The perfect state
would have no police, jails or crime.
Absence of war or
If the country is not
involved in violent
conflicts with
neighbouring states or
suffering internal wars it
has achieved a state of
A more complete
evaluation of peace
should account for the
conditions which are
favorable to its
Freedom, human rights
and justice are included
The UN has defined a
culture of peace as one
involving values,
attitudes and behaviors
 reject violence,
 prevent conflicts by
addressing root causes
 solve problems through
dialogue and negotiation
And Measuring It
Two objectives
Rank the nations of the
world by their relative
states of peace and
facilitate cross country
Quantify and measure
the importance and
causality of a range of
potential drivers that may
create peaceful societies
Final Goal
 scoring model
 index ranking 121
nations across 24
 secondary dataset
of 33 potential
determinants of peace
coefficients showing
the highest
correlations among
sound and unbiased
measurement of
peace. Provides raw
material for a public
debate on peace.
Data Collation
Weighting and
Scoring of Index
Investigation of the
determinants of
 Quantitative and
qualitative approach
 Delivery in Microsoft
Excel format of the
scoring model and the
 One measure of
internal peace, one of
external peace, then
combined into one
consolidated index
 UN, World Bank,
International Institute of
Strategic Studies, Peace
Institutes, EIU
 EIU analysts,
international panel of
 Review of the existing
 Investigation of
causality and
 Econometric and
qualitative investigation
 EIU analysts,
international panel of
Publication of the
The Global Peace Index and
the map of states of peace
The top three findings
Ranking states of peace
1) Small, politically stable, democratic countries top the rankings
 15 of the top 20 are western or central European
 Most are members of a supranational body
 Island nations fair well
The search for drivers of peace:
2) Countries with internal peace have defining features
 Well functioning democracies, low corruption, regional
integration, high take-up of education, low hostility to foreigners,
high incomes
3) Countries with external peace have no clear defining features
 No clear path to external peace
Profile of a peaceful nation
Based on the initial research, peaceful societies are those characterized as countries
 very low levels of internal conflict
 efficient, accountable governments
 strong economies
 cohesive/integrated populations
 good relations with the international community
The future of the GPI
 will be reviewed and released annually
 will include more countries
 data sources will be improved further
 2007 data and results will remain a base, for time series analysis
The Global Peace Index shows that peace can be measured.