1. Read the opening of “The Prologue,” lines 1


1. Read the opening of “The Prologue,” lines 1-40 or to the beginning of the knight’s description.

2. Together, answer questions 1-6.

3. Assign each pair characters, the number of characters for each pair depending upon class size. “The Prologue” contains 23 sections for character sketches.

4. Each pair should read the section dealing with their characters several times. Answer the questions for the characters.

5. Using the question/answers for each character, each pair should write character sketches of their characters, covering all aspects of the character presented by Chaucer.

6. Once the written sketch is completed, each pair should draw a picture of each of their characters in the top two-thirds of their paper.

Colored pencils on legal-size, unlined paper work well for this assignment.

In the bottom third of the paper, students should write a 3line quote from your character’s section.

7. Going in order through “The Prologue,” have students present the manuscript page containing the picture and

Character sketch to the class. Students could read Chaucer’s words first or just read their sketches for each character.

1-6 Classwork 5

1. In the spring time – Represents rebirth

2. To Canterbury

3. At the Tabard Inn…Southwark which is 45 miles from

Canterbury. Suburban London on the Thames River

4. Going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury

5. 29

6. Each pilgrim’s (1) personality; (2) behaviors/demeanors;

(3) attitude; (4) appearance
