Grade 11 - Understanding Canadian Law

Course Code: CLU3M
Course Name: Grade 11, Understanding Canadian Law, University/ College Preparation
Canadian History Since World War I,
Grade 10, Academic or Applied
Replacement cost: $80.00
Course Description:
This course explores Canadian law with a focus on legal issues that are relevant to
people’s everyday lives. Students will investigate fundamental legal concepts and
processes to gain a practical understanding of Canada’s legal system, including the
criminal justice system. Students will use critical-thinking, inquiry, and communication
skills to develop informed opinions on legal issues and apply this knowledge in a
variety of ways and settings, including case analysis, legal research projects, mock
trials, and debates.
Overall Course Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
explain what law is and why societies have laws, and describe the different categories of law
describe the sources of rights and freedoms in Canada and explain how particular rights and freedoms may conflict;
explain how a criminal offence is defined in Canada;
distinguish between private and public law;
describe the processes, legal institutions, and methods involved in bringing a civil dispute to trial and resolution;
use appropriate research methods to gather, organize, evaluate, and synthesize information;
Formative assessments are learning practices that provide important feedback to student progress. Summative assessments form the
foundation for final mark allocation at the end of a unit, term and exam. Please note that all assessments are subject to change in order
to best reflect the learning styles of each class and to respond to significant events that might impact Canada and Canadians.
Summative Assessment Breakdown
Examples of Summative Types
Presentations, written work…
ISU Essay (Independent Research Unit)
5 phase, structured research project
% allotments
Unit Breakdown
1. Heritage
2. Rights and Freedoms
3. Criminal Law and
4. Regulation and
Dispute Resolution
5. Methods of Legal
Inquiry and
analyse the contemporary impact of major historical developments in
Canadian law;
explain the law-making process in Canada, including how laws are
developed ,interpreted ,applied ,challenged , and enforced .
describe historical and contemporary barriers to the equal enjoyment of
human rights in Canada;
describe the rights and freedoms enshrined in Canadian law and explain
how they are interpreted, how they may be limited, and how they are
enforced in Canada and in Ontario.
describe the processes, legal institutions, and methods involved in
bringing a criminal case to trial and in resolving it;
analyse the purposes of sentencing, including those relating to
alternative methods of imposing sanctions or regulating behaviour;
explain how the criminal law applies to young people.
explain how the law applies to family matters;
analyse the role of law as it applies to contractual obligations and claims
for compensation for personal injury or loss;
explain the dynamic nature of law, including the way in which it evolves
in response to technology and changes in societal values.
apply the steps in the process of legal interpretation and analysis;
explain, discuss, and interpret legal issues using a variety of formats and
forms of communication.
Summative Assessments
Portfolio which may include the
following elements :
Research assignment, Written
reflection, organizer, presentation, etc.
Mind map,
Primary source analysis
Unit test
Draft essay
Note taking assignment
Unit test
Statistical Analysis
Research final essay
Unit test
Seminar presentation/ Essay
Audio-Visual Curriculum Delivery
Any Social Science curriculum has multi-media instruction as part of the delivery process. Peel District School Board Policy requires
parental permission for any media rated 14A-18A by the Ontario Film Board, regardless of the age of the student. By signing this
course outline, parents acknowledge that material up to and including 18A may be shown in the classroom. If you have any specific
concerns, contact the individual teacher.
Clarkson S.S. Assessment & Evaluation Policy
Students are expected to demonstrate HONESTY and integrity and submit assessments that are reflective of their own work. Cheating is defined as
completing an assessment in a dishonest way through improper access to the answers. Examples include, but are not limited to; using another
student’s work as your own, using an unauthorized reference sheet during an assessment, receiving / sending an electronic message to another student
with test questions / answers, etc.
In order to ensure that all assessments are free from cheating:
Students will:
review school policy with regards to academic honesty
submit their own work for evaluation to show evidence of skill and knowledge
use only teacher approved materials during an evaluation
demonstrate the qualities of good character and good intention (honesty, caring, respectful, responsibility,) when preparing evidence of
their learning.
If a student cheats on an assessment:
Students may be:
required to complete an alternate evaluation under direct supervision in a timely manner
required to write a reflective piece which demonstrates an understanding of the character attribute of honesty.
assigned a mark deduction
referred to a vice-principal
assigned a zero
Students are expected to demonstrate HONESTY and use proper citations and referencing when completing assessments.
Plagiarism is defined as the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's
own original work. Examples include, but are not limited to; copying another’s project (portions or whole) and paraphrasing parts of a book or article
without reference or citation.
In order to ensure that all assessments are free from plagiarism:
Students will:
Be required to complete a workshop in correct documentation
produce their own work
give credit through appropriate citations and referencing when quoting or paraphrasing the work of others
be diligent in maintaining and protecting their own work
seek clarification or assistance from teachers or other available resources
If an assessment is plagiarized:
Students may be:
required to rewrite or resubmit all or parts of the assignment
referred for remedial lessons on proper citation and references
required to do a reflection on the character attribute of honesty
referred to a vice-principal
required to sign a contract with the administration and teacher about commitment to academic honesty
assigned a zero.
LATE ASSIGNMENTS – assignments submitted after the due date and before the absolute deadline.
Students are expected to demonstrate RESPONSIBILITY and submit all assessments by the established due date. Students are responsible for
providing evidence of their achievement of the overall course expectations within the time frame specified by the teacher and in a form approved by the
teacher. There are consequences for not completing assignments for evaluation or for submitting those assignments late.
In order to ensure that all evaluations are submitted by the established due date:
Students will:
record due dates in personal organizers
consider other commitments including co-curricular activities in planning assignment completion
negotiate alternate due date well before due date, not last minute (a minimum of 24 hours in advance or at teachers discretion)
find out what they missed during absences
use school support systems (i.e. special education, counselors, extra help, …)
If an evaluation is submitted after the due date:
Students :
must notify the teacher and explain why the assignment was not submitted on the due date – in grades 9 & 10 a note from a
parent/guardian may be required
marks may be deducted for late assignments
may be required to complete the assignment with supervision
may be referred to a school based support team or a vice-principal
may be placed on a contract for assignment completion
MISSED ASSIGNMENTS – assignments either not submitted or submitted after the absolute deadline
In order to ensure that all evaluations are submitted:
Students will:
be responsible for meeting and knowing absolute deadlines for missed assignments
use personal organizers to manage time and meet deadlines
be responsible for maintaining on- going communication with their teacher
take responsibility for missed work during all absences
If an evaluation is submitted after the absolute deadline:
must notify the teacher and explain why the assignment was not submitted
students may be asked to provide a note from a parent/guardian
may be required to complete the assignment or an alternate assignment under supervision
may be referred to a school based support team or a vice-principal
may be placed on a contract for assignment completion
may be involved in an action plan to complete the required assignment within a given time frame
may be assigned a zero.
Student/Parent Acknowledgement
Please complete and return to your child/ward’s teacher this section to indicate that you have been made aware by your child/ward of the
basic academic and behavioural expectations of this course department and school.
To ensure regular and efficient communication between yourself and the course teacher, please provide a current phone number and email
address so that you may be made aware of any concerns regarding the academic success of your ward/child.
If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact _____________________ at ______________________.
Student Name (Print)
Student Signature:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name (Print)
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature(s)
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)Contact Phone #
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Email