Othello Act V group read and questions

Othello: Act V
English 12 / Dye
Name: ______________________
Directions: Assign 12 group members to read the following parts of Act V.
Iago (the puppet-master villain) –
Roderigo (Iago’s minion) –
Cassio (Othello’s ex-lieutenant)–
Othello (tragic hero) –
Gratiano (Desdemona’s uncle)–
Lodovico (nobleman) –
Bianca (Cassio’s strumpet) –
Emilia (Iago’s smart wife) –
Desdemona (Othello’s sweet, naïve wife) –
Montano (Governor of Cyprus, who we all thought was dead) –
Stage directions –
Sound effects –
Directions: After reading Act V, discuss with your group to answer these questions, but each student should turn in
his or her own answers. Be thorough and use a two to three sentences to answer.
Act V, scene i
1) Why do you think Roderigo is so willing to murder Cassio? What did Iago tell him to convince him it was
2) Why do you think Iago doesn’t stay and kill Cassio after injuring him?
Act V, scene ii
3) What evidence proves that Othello still loves Desdemona? Cite some lines to prove your point.
4) Despite his apparent love for Desdemona, Othello still kills her. What do you think are his reasons for this?
Consider the fact that he no longer seems heated and rash in this last scene.
5) Why does Desdemona respond, “Nobody; I myself,” to Emilia’s question of who did this to her? How is this
6) When does Emilia realize that her husband really is the root of the treachery? Cite the line(s).
7) Why do you think Emilia was willing to die to make known the truth about Desdemona’s death and her
husband’s lies and deceit?
Overall –
8) What ultimately caused Othello’s downfall? What do you think is his tragic flaw?
9) What is Iago’s true motivation for his evil behavior?
10) Is Othello truly a tragic hero?
11) How might Desdemona fit as the tragic hero of the play?
12) Defend or refute the idea that Othello “loved only too well.” Which character has the best notion of love?
13) Iago is considered to be one of Shakespeare’s darkest villains. Which of his acts is the most sinister? Explain
your choice.