Citing your sources

Copyright, Citing Sources And The Perils Of Plagiarism
Information Overload
Citing your sources gives authority to what you have to say
Do you know everything there is to know about:
Post-impressionist art
How to take a tractor apart and put it back together again
Even if you were an expert in any of these fields, you wouldn't know
absolutely everything about them.
When an expert writes a paper they cite the original works they used as
Citing the sources demonstrates that they are familiar with, or even building on,
the work that others have done.
Demonstrating that you have read what the experts have to say gives
weight to your work.
Why Should You Cite?
It's the law and it's there for you too
If you saw a Corvette idling by the road, nobody in sight anywhere, would it
be right or wrong to jump in and take it for a spin, even just around the
When you see someone's work in a book or on the Web that says exactly
what you want to say in your paper, is it right or wrong to use it without
documenting its origin?
Taking the Corvette for a spin is a form of stealing, even if it's temporary.
Using someone's work without giving credit is stealing, too.
Why Should You Cite?
There are two reasons why you should bother citing
your sources:
Number 1 — It's illegal
You could be caught and be expected to pay the price.
SCHOOL: If an instructor finds out, it could mean more than just a
zero or an 'F' on a paper. Institutions impose penalties ranging from a
failing grade on the assignment or for the course itself, to suspension,
expulsion, and transcript annotations so that future schools or
employers viewing your transcript will see a note indicating that you
IN THE 'REAL' WORLD: If the originator finds out, he or she could sue
Why Should You Cite?
Number 2 — It could affect you one day
If you wrote a best-selling novel or invented an anti-gravity backpack,
wouldn't you want to receive what's due to you based on its success?
Let's say you are that best-selling novelist and you found a copy of your
novel made available on the Web to everyone who wants it. That means
people are getting your work for free and you aren't getting the
royalties from its distribution.
Or, let's say you are that inventor. Someone copies your anti-gravity
backpack, calls it something else and puts it up for sale at Wal-Mart
before you do. They make all the money, and you are left penniless.
Well, that doesn't happen because the law protects you.
Plagiarism - What it is, how to avoid it
DEFINITION #1: Plagiarism is copying something without crediting the source.
DEFINITION #2: Plagiarism is stealing.
The difference between quoting and paraphrasing
When you write a paper, you read a lot of material about the topic. This
helps you to examine the various aspects of a topic to understand it. By the
time you have thoroughly researched what has been written, you will start
to form ideas of your own, see patterns, and be able to think about the
topic in your own words.
Along the way, you probably took a lot of notes, copied articles, and
searched the Web looking for information. The material you find and
include in your paper is what you have to list (or reference) in your
Plagiarism - What it is, how to avoid it
DEFINITION #1: Plagiarism is copying something without crediting the source.
DEFINITION #2: Plagiarism is stealing.
Quoting: to state what someone else has written, word for word, using their
Sometimes something you read is exactly the point you want to make, and is
written so well you want to use it directly. You can do so legally by quoting.
Anything you directly quote must be put in quotation marks and referenced.
Paraphrasing: is to say the same thing, but in your own words.
Sometimes you like the content of a paragraph or section of something you
read, and want to paraphrase, or restate it in your own words for your
Although it is not illegal, paraphrasing in scholarly papers must be cited as
a professional courtesy. You need not use quotation marks unless the
statement is word-for-word as it appears in your source, but if you
paraphrase in papers required for school, you must acknowledge you are
doing so with a footnote/endnote or parenthetical
How do you avoid plagiarizing?
Give the author of the material credit by " documenting" or " citing" your
sources (terms which mean you credit your source).
Give credit whenever you use a direct quote by placing it in quotation
marks and giving the author credit.
Give credit whenever you paraphrase (state/write in a different way) a
thought, idea, or words within the research paper and at the end of the
paper in the bibliography
Give credit within a research paper through footnotes or parenthetical
Give credit at the end of a research paper in the bibliography.
Common Knowledge
What you don't have to cite
You don't have to cite some things because they're common knowledge and are
not considered the work of any particular person.
Examples of common knowledge are:
There are four seasons in the year.
There 365 days in a year.
The U.S. entered World War II after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The state bird of Georgia is the brown thrasher.
How can you tell if something is common knowledge?
Common knowledge is information that the majority of people either know or can
find in a number of sources.
Common knowledge is factual information that is beyond dispute.
If you're not sure whether something is common knowledge or not, go ahead and
provide a reference for it.
Where did you get that information?
" Where did you get that dress?"
When you reply, " I got it at Macy's," you are citing the source.
Citing on paper is the same thing. When you cite a piece of information,
you're telling everyone where you got it.
There are many different styles of citation. For example:
Modern Language Association (MLA) bibliography style is used in literature
American Psychological Association (APA) style is used in psychology and many
social science classes
MLA style gives very specific instructions on citing lines from a poem, but the APA style
doesn't (after all, how often do you need to quote poetry in a biology paper?)
Style Manuals
What are style manuals and why do you use them?
Style manuals are books that illustrate how to correctly format and record
information. They are most frequently consulted for information on
formatting citations, but they also include a variety of other information that
is useful for research, including where to find information for the
bibliography, general rules of punctuation, formatting footnotes, spacing,
indention, form of author's name, etc.
When your professors publish an article, they follow a style manual, too.
Using the right citation style is an important part of learning to do research
in your field.
There are several different styles used in research with style manuals for
each style. Only three of the styles are shown here. The three that are
shown below are styles which are frequently used in colleges and
Style Manuals
Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed., NY:
Modern Language Association, 1999.
Used for literature, arts, and humanities papers.
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. 6th ed. Washington:
American Psychological Association, 1994.
Used for psychology, education, and other social sciences papers.
The APA guide was published too early to provide formats for electronic sources. They have a Web
site which provides this information: Electronic Reference Formats Recommended by the American
Turabian, Kate L. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.
7th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.
Designed for college students to be used in various subjects.
Style Manuals
Where do you find style manuals?
Reference section of academic libraries
The reference section of some public libraries
How do you know which style manual to use?
The instructor for a course will usually indicate the style you should use to
write the paper and prepare your bibliography.
The style used is also determined by the subject area in which you are
conducting research and writing a paper. If you don't know, then ask.
Keep in mind that style manuals are updated as it becomes necessary to
add or modify information in them. Therefore, at some point in time, the
style manuals shown above will be updated as later editions (and have
different covers).
The Styles
Although the styles are different, all styles require the same three pieces of
information. That is:
author (when a work has an author),
publication information
The following examples illustrate how the same information about a book is
recorded differently according to a specific style:
List, Carla. Introduction to Information Research. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt, 1998
List, C. (1998). Introduction to information research. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt.
List, Carla. 1998. An introduction to information research. Dubuque, Iowa:
Note that all three styles include the same information (author, title, publication information) recorded in a
slightly different fashion (placement of items, italics, parentheses).
Where You Give Credit
Bibliographies, footnotes and parentheticals
You give credit in two ways: within the paper in footnotes or parentheticals and at the end of a
paper in the bibliography.
Bibliography: A list of sources used in a research paper.
It is composed of a list of citations. Citations include the author, when listed on the work,
the title, and the publication information of a work. The bibliography usually appears at
the end of a research paper. Depending on the style used, it may be called
bibliography, references, works cited, or other terms.
Footnotes and parentheticals
Most styles use either footnotes, endnotes, or parentheticals. Footnotes are placed at the
bottom of a page, and endnotes are placed on a separate page at the end of the
paper. Most word processors will do these for you automatically.
A parenthetical is a brief reference in parentheses at the end of a sentence referring the
reader to a full citation in the bibliography. The name 'parentheticals' comes from the
fact that this type of citation is enclosed in brackets — which is another word for
Both footnotes and parenthicals are ways in which the researcher gives credit within a
research paper.
Copyright Law
What is it?
Copyright is about protecting creators. Whenever someone creates
something new by putting pen to paper, choreographing a dance,
designing a graph, or taking a photo — it is theirs from the moment of its
creation forward. And the creator's rights to benefit from that work
(literary, artistic, musical, dramatic, written or unwritten) — financially or
otherwise — is protected by law.
Copyright law protects authors from having their works copied without their
permission. (Title 17 of the United States Code; Copyright Act of 1976).
When the creator of a work dies, the rights to benefit from a work passes
to his/her family and continues for 70 years after the creator's death; at
that point, the work enters the 'public domain.'
Public Domain
Definition: Works which are not owned by someone, and therefore not protected
by copyright. A work may be in the public domain because:
it was created before copyright laws (example: the Bible),
its copyright protection has expired (example: Moby Dick),
it never had copyright protection or its protection was lost
it was dedicated to the public domain.
In addition, the following items are never covered by copyright:
works created by the U.S. government (except under contract).
reprints of works in the public domain (but a license may restrict use.)
ideas, facts, and common property (i.e., calendars and phone books)
federal laws and court decisions
words, names, slogans and phrases
most blank forms
recipes, discoveries, procedures, and systems (but not the words that describe them.)
Fair Use
The reasonable limits of copyright protection
There are limitations on copyright protection. The Copyright Act allows "
fair use" of copyrighted materials for three purposes:
Creative fair use by authors who copy from other works to create their own work.
Personal fair use by individuals who copy from works for their own learning or
Educational fair use by teachers, scholars, and students who copy for teaching, scholarship
or learning.
There are four factors that determine whether a use is fair:
The purpose of the use. — Is it for commercial or non-profit educational use?
The nature of the work. — Is it a creative work, a compilation, or a derivative work?
The amount used in relation to the work as a whole. — The greater the amount used the
more likely the use will infringe on the owners' right of duplication.
The effect of the use on the market or potential market for the work. — The greater the
market impact the less fair the use.
Fair Use
Example of Fair use
• You bought a CD and want to make copies of a song to use in a
• You bought a CD and want to make a copy of a song to use in
a play — you will be charging at the door.
Fair use because: You already paid for the CD. You are using
the song one time only. You aren't profiting monetarily from the
Not fair use because: You will profit from the venture. The
composer of the song is due royalties.
• Your professor wants you to read an article from a 1985
magazine. She puts it on reserve in the library for your class to
• The required textbook for your class is very expensive. You pool
your money with your classmates, buy one copy of the book, and
make photocopies of it for everyone else.
Fair use because: The magazine is no longer sold, so you couldn't
buy a copy even if you wanted to. If the professor didn't put it on
reserve, students would still read the library's copy.
Not fair use because: The author of the book is getting (almost)
nothing for his work. The book is in print and available for
purchase. What you have done is not that different from walking
into the bookstore and stealing twenty copies of the book.
• You're creating a Web presentation for your philosophy class
on ethics and you've found this 'Far Side' cartoon that gets across
your point perfectly. You scan in the cartoon and upload it to
your presentation page in your WebCT class site.
• You're doing a Web site on your favorite cartoons. You include
your all-time favorites.
Fair use IF: It's in a password-protected class Web site where
only students enrolled in the class have access to it for the
duration of the class. It is a one-time use, then it is deleted.
Not fair use because: You have just made the cartoonist's
products freely available to the entire world. A cartoonist's
livelihood depends on people paying to see these in newspapers
and books. Do you feel lucky? Because you might just get a call
from the cartoonist's lawyers.
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