š Some Things You Ought to Know - Plymouth Congregational Church

 Some Things You Ought to Know 
NEW Bible Study! You are invited to join a weekly examination of the following
week’s preaching text(s). Grab a cup of coffee (but don’t worry about a Bible; we’ll
provide those!) and join us downstairs in the Scout Room Sundays at 11:15 am.
Facilitated by Quinn Caldwell and friends.
Got an extra car? In March, Plymouth will welcome an intern from our partner church
in Germany for a year. Anneke’s home church will pay her salary, but Plymouth is
responsible for providing a good car and housing. We’ve signed a lease on a great flat in
Eastwood, so now we’re looking for a good, safe car. If you have any ideas, please be in
touch with Joan Fogarty and Michelle Bell at 315-652-3612 or
Got Furniture? We’ll soon be collecting donations of housewares and furniture for the
home we’re preparing for Anneke and her family. There will be a brief meeting
immediately following church on February 9th in the Sanctuary for those willing to sign
up to purchase or donate housewares. Please see the February Plymouth Story for a list
of furniture we need. Please be in touch with Joan Fogarty or Michelle Bell at 315-6623612 or twowomenonfire@aol.com with offers or questions.
Mission Trip Stockholders’ Luncheon TODAY at noon in Kirtland Hall, the Board of
Christian Education and those who went on last year’s mission trip are hosting a special
Red Door Luncheon to thank those who invested in the trip. Please join us!
Be sure to join us at Adult Forum next Sunday at 11:15 am. In celebration of AfricanAmerican History Month, we will enjoy a special presentation of Mama Said There’s Be
Days Like This, a one-man show written and performed by Omanii Abdullah. A native
Syracusan, Omanii received his undergraduate degree from historically-Black Lane
College in Tennessee and his Master’s from the University of Tennessee. He has taught
in the African-American Studies Department at Syracuse University since 1990. This is
a show filled with laughter, pathos, and thought-provoking memories of growing up
Black in Syracuse. Be sure to invite your friends to join you for this memorable
Hussein, Dadah and Ali are settling in. They have needs for transportation for
shopping, medical care, etc. They are also in need of a regulation car seat for a 20pound toddler and they will also need a baby car seat in late April when the new baby is
due. Please contact PV George at 446-7673 if you can help with these needs.
Please consider donating TOOTHBRUSHES to the Food Pantry during February.
Joe Downing and Will Doswell will be hosting a Valentine’s Cabaret at their home
(The Bear Garden) on Friday and Saturday, February 14 and 15 with 6:30 and 8:30 pm
shows both days. “Bésame mucho” (Kiss me a lot) is a benefit for the Friends of
Dorothy House, featuring well-known singer Colleen Kattau. The Friends of Dorothy
House is an amazing hospice-tality place of hope and healing for people with AIDS.
The Bear Garden may well be the sweetest little stage in CNY. Both hot and cold hors
d’ouevres are served and everything is donated, so that your full freewill donation goes
to the Friends of Dorothy House and is tax deductible. Reservations required. Just call
424-0783 to reserve and get directions.
10:00 am
10:00 am
Chapel Time/Pre-K/K Class
11:00 am
Learning Community Classes
11:15 am
Bible Study, Scout Room
11:15 am
Meeting with Ministerial Intern Welcome Team, Sanctuary
Red Door Mission Trip Luncheon, Kirtland Hall
Tue. Feb. 11 Board of Deacons, 5:30 pm, Parlor
All Boards Meeting, 6:30 pm
Trustees/CE Board Meetings, 7:00 pm
Wed. Feb. 12 Living the Questions, 12:30 pm, home of Mernie Swift
Thur. Feb. 13 Food Pantry, 10:00 am to noon, Parlor
Handbell Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 pm, Sanctuary
Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 pm, Memorial Hall
NEXT SUNDAY – February 16 –Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
10:00 am
10:00 am
Chapel Time/Pre-K/K Class
11:00 am
Learning Community Classes
11:15 am
Bible Study, Scout Room
11:15 am
Forum, Memorial Hall