3. Exploring Cardiorespiratory Fitness

Chapter 5 Exploring
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Health & Personal
Development 9
Chapter Objectives
Give alternate names for cardio. Endurance
 List benefits to be derived from participating
in a cardio conditioning program
 Describe VO2 and determine your
cardiorespiratory fitness
 Explain guidelines for safely beginning and
progressing in an aerobic fitness program
 Develop your own cardiorespiratory
conditioning program
Benefits of Cardiorespiratory
Cardiorespiratory fitness or endurance is
referred to by many names
Cardio endurance definition
Endurance definition
After training in the THR zone for several
weeks you will be able to exercise for longer
periods without experiencing prolonged
Benefits include:
Postponement or delay of HD and high BP
Less likely to develop cancer
More alert and less fatigued throughout day
Anaerobic Energy Systems
Immediate energy system
 Composed of ATP and CP
 Generally used for high intensity activities
lasting less than 30 sec.
 Lactic Acid system:
1. A second source of energy for anaerobic
2. Energy for activities that last 30 sec to 2-3
minutes. Speed and Power events rely
heavily on this system.
Overview and Analysis of
Aerobic Exercise Choices
 Aerobic
choices available
 The larger the amount of muscle mass,
the greater your level of endurance
(walking .vs. tennis)
 Variety
 Exercise with a partner or with a group
Maximal Oxygen
Consumption (VO2)
VO2 = volume of oxygen consumed by the
 Best indicator of cardio endurance or
aerobic fitness
 A high VO2 indicates a large capacity:
1. of the heart to pump blood
2. Of the lungs to fill with larger volumes of air
3. Muscle cells to use the oxygen and remove
the waste
 Two primary factors influencing VO2
VO2 Continued…
Aerobic metabolism uses oxygen
 What happens when you reach peak VO2?
(Anaerobic metabolism)
 Fat is the major energy source for sustained
physical activity
 VO2 influenced by age, sex, genetics, and
 Men higher level of aerobic power primarily
due to larger body size and > lean muscle
 Genetics = larger, stronger hearts; better
blood supply; more red blood cells; higher %
of slow-twitch muscle fibers
VO2 Continued…
VO2 expressed in volume (liters)per unit of
time (minutes).
 Average healthy individual who exercises 3-4
d/week = 3-4 liters per minute
 Highly trained individuals = 5-6 l/min
 Most accurate way = direct gas analysis in a
lab using computerize equipment, bicycle
ergometer, treadmill, and a mouthpiece.
 Most commonly used field tests: 4.8
kilometer walking test and the 12 minute run,
12 minute swim, and the YMCA bicycle test