Safe Guarding Children Policy


Safeguarding Children

Within our setting we have a procedure that is followed by all members of staff for the identification and referral of a child we believe to be being abused. This is as follows.

If through conversation, or any form of communication, with the child you have cause to suspect physical, sexual, emotional abuse, or neglect of a child within your care the following guidelines/ procedures should be followed.

Listen to what the child says. Be comforting and sympathetic; ensure that the child feels as little responsibility for /to the situation as possible.

It is particularly important not to make suggestions to the child regarding how the incident may have happened. Therefore it is our policy that we do not question the child except to clarify what they are saying.

Write down exactly what the child says or what actions concern you. Further to this, write down what you have said in response. Sign and date. You must not put in your personal feelings

We do not make assumptions about whom, the allegations might concern. If a member of staff should be involved, appropriate steps must be taken to ensure the safety of the child and other children.

Within your role it is your responsibility to forward your concerns to either your

Room Leader or your manager

Observations of the child will then be made if appropriate to identify if any action needs to be taken. It is not always appropriate for this to happen hence why it is so important to share this information with your Room Leader or the Manager

 The Mangers next course of action will then be to contact the Social Services.

Once a child is referred to the Social Services they and the child protection committee will make an assessment of the child’s needs

It is stressed that this procedure must be adhered to at all times. No one member of staff should take it upon themselves to confront a parent or the person they suspect of child abuse-

Nor, at any time any should they take it upon themselves to contact the Social Service with out having gone through the Nursery’s procedures, only then, should they still be concerned would this be a route they should go.

Subsequent Action that will follow a referral:

Following a referral enquires will be undertaken by the social services and possibly the police.

Staff may be required to provide statements and attend the initial child protection conference.

Documentation will be required and any reports you have presented.


The nursery has a legal obligation to share information regarding child protection with other

Childcare professionals. However beyond this confidentiality will be maintained.

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In the event of an allegation made against a member of staff

All allegations of this nature are treated very seriously and in the strictest of confidence.

A full investigation will take place to establish the full facts and a meeting will be held between the Manager and Nursery owner to decide what course of action is to be taken. If we are unable to establish conclusively that the allegations are unfounded we will suspend the member of staff until further investigations have been made. OFSTED will be informed of the matter and we will work with them to establish our next course of action.

Please see Whistle Blowing Policy for further details.

The Nursery’s Designated Child Protection Liaison Officer is: Becky Andrews- Nursery


The Common Assessment Framework (CAF)

In some cases it may not be appropriate to proceed down the Child Protection route and therefore a ‘CAF Pre- Assessment Form’ might be used. The CAF is a shared assessment tool for use across all children’s services and all local areas in England. It aims to help early identification of need and promote co-ordinated service provision.

The Nursery has a clear procedure for using the CAF Pre-Assessment Form and all staff will receive training. Further details are provided in the ‘Common Assessment Policy’

We recognise that, in order to achieve all of our aims to keep children safe, it is of fundamental importance to attract, recruit and retain staff who share our commitment. Please see our Recruitment Policy for further details.

Contact Details

Surrey Police HQ Surrey Childcare Services

Mount Browne

Sandy Lane




Tel: 01483 571212

South West Surrey Assessment Team

Grosvenor House

Cross Lane




Contact Centre

Children’s Team

Conquest House



Tel: 08456 009 009

LADO- Local Authority Designated Officer

Safeguarding children Adviser

Managing allegations against adults

01372 833826

Sue Monk

Tel: 01483 517777

Surrey Safeguarding Children Board Manual Available at

Revisited every 6 months

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