Realist Theory


Unit Two: Realist Theory and IPE

Dr. Russell Williams

Required Reading:

 Cohn, Global Political Economy, Ch. 3.

Class Discussion Reading:

 Susan Strange, “ The Future of the American

Empire, ” Journal of International Affairs, Fall 1988,

Vol. 42 Issue 1, pp. 1-17.



Realism – the Basics






Implications of Realism for State Behavior

Realist Approaches to IPE

Modern Realism and IPE - Hegemonic Stability



Further Reading

1) Realism – the Basics:

 Dominant approach to the study of IR, but less important in


 States are key actor

 E.g. IO ’ s and MNC ’ s often only “ extensions ” of state power

 States are:

“ Unitary ” - Domestic politics and interests less important

“ Rational ” - States pursue predictable strategies based on calculations of self interest

“ Survival ”

“ Power ”

“ Sovereignty ” - Internal and external

Global politics is a “ self help ” system – states must look after themselves

“ Politics ” more important than economics

 Economics only important topic when it relates to state power

 Skepticism about international law, rules, regimes and values

 Rules are for the “ weak ” . . . .

 Skepticism about cooperation

 States only cooperate when then they gain more than others

= little cooperation under normal circumstances?

 Realism “ parsimonious ”

 Has few variables and leads to clear predictions

Realist Theories of International Relations


 Avoid overgeneralization – not one single theory i) Classical Realism: (Machiavelli to Morgenthau)

Human nature is bad - hard to trust others

Reject liberal views of human nature

 Therefore, other states are an inherent threat

 E.g. Hobbes ’ “ State of nature ”

Makes a virtue of pursuit of power

Other theories seen as “ idealism ” (E.H.


ii) Structural Realism (1970-Present)

 Waltz, Grieco and Mearsheimer

 More scientific - explored where threats came from

 Three “ images ”

Human nature?

Domestic Politics?

International Structure – lack of

Government ?

= International Structure matters!!!

 Global anarchy means states have to be amoral in the pursuit of power

 Only two independent variables:


Distribution of power in the interstate system

Large impact on policymakers in US

More role for economics . . . (E.g. Thucydides)


Implications for State Behavior:

a) The “ Security Dilemma ” : Security and pursuit of power is a “ zero sum ” game

 Any increase in my security or power means a decrease for others . . .

= Cooperation unlikely b) “ Relative gains ” more important then

“ absolute gains ”

 States only cooperate to pursue relative advantages over others

=E.g. IO ’ s seen as tools of powerful states which hurt the interests of weaker states

c) State policy driven by international structure and position in the global “ balance ” of power

 Powerful states will pursue different strategies from weak – try to ensure the status quo

=E.g. Only economically powerful support free trade

Bottom Line :

 Cooperation difficult

 States unlikely to expose themselves to interdependence


Realist Approaches to IPE

a) Proto-realism and economics:

 Most classical realists integrated international economics in their analysis.

 Economics seen as a source of conflict and war

 E.g. Imperialism

 Economy important to state power

 E.g. Thucydides and the Athenians

 E.g. Machievelli

b) “ Mercantilism ” (16th to 18th Century)

Classical mercantilism:

 States ’ power dependent on “treasure”

 Gold is key to power of emerging sovereign states

 States seek to increase their holdings of gold and silver through:

 Conquest and colonies

 Increase exports, decrease imports

 Problems?

c) Economic Nationalism and Neo


 19th and 20th century and beyond . . .

 Industrialization seen as key economic goal

 Necessary to independence (sovereignty)

 Essential to military power (security)

 States need industrial development to survive

( Friedrich List)

 States should:

 Adopt high tariffs (protectionism)

 Encourage development of national industries

4) Modern Realism and IPE:

Post War Period:

 Liberal free trade collapsed prior to WWII  “ Economic nationalism ”

 Post War Realists believed economic cooperation had to be enforced by dominant states

 Could reduce threats and conflict

 Breton Woods system and free trade possible because:

 US military and economic dominance

 Threat of the Soviet Union = other states had no choice but to cooperate

1970 ’ s - Post War System under stress:

 Economic crises = Post War liberal economic order under threat????

 US decline?

 US economy relatively smaller

 Economic success of Germany and Japan


 Global economic slowdown

 Financial instability = end of dollar standard

“ Détente ” – decline of the cold war

 Result : Realists begin to pay more attention to economics

=Declining economic cooperation in north and era of the “ new protectionism ”

“ Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) ” :

 1980s realists argue, “ politics ” still dominant over economics

=Economic “ cooperation ” becoming more difficult because of declining US power

“ Hegemony ” (in Realism): Leadership, or dominance, of international system by single state

HST assumes:

 Like liberalism, free trade and globalization good in theory , but unlikely to occur because states mistrust one another under conditions of anarchy

 “ Free trade ” and economic cooperation seen as “ public goods ”

 Non excludible and non rival

= “ Free riders ” = collective action problems

“ Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) ” :

 Hegemonic state can either:

Provide public goods itself - So dominant economically that it is in its interest to do so . . . .

Force “ free riders ” to “ pay ” for public goods

 Key claim: Hegemony = Liberal economic order

 Problems:

 What is hegemony????

Economic or military?

“ Soft Power ” or ideology?

 How do we know when a state is hegemonic, or the world is uni-polar?

“ Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) ” :

 Problems:

1) Risk of tautology

 “ Reading off the “ dependent variable ”

2) Empirical record?

 If US had declined by 1980s, why globalisation?

Contemporary Realism:

 Retreat to “ High Politics ” ?

Post 9/11 return to emphasis on security and military conflict

Economic issues have been “ securitized ”

Conclusions :

a) Strengths of Realism:

“Parsimony’ (?)

 Focus on distributional outcomes – who gains what . . . .

 Rejection of idealistic prescriptions of how the world should be

b) Weaknesses of Realism:

 Domestic politics?

 Under emphasis of importance of wealth and economics?

 Empirical problems?

 There seems to be a lot more economic cooperation then realists assumed likely . . . .

 Does HST overcome this problem?

Further Reading:

 Samuel P. Huntington, “ The Lonely Superpower, ”

Foreign Affairs , 78-2 (March/April 1999), pp. 35-49.

 Example of realist analysis of contemporary US challenges.

Joseph M. Grieco, “ Anarchy and the Limits of

Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal

Institutionalism, ” International Organization , 42-3

(Summer 1988), pp. 485-507.

John J. Mearsheimer, “ The False Promise of

International Institutions, ” International Security, 19-3

(Winter 1994/95), pp. 5-49.

 Examples of realism ’ s critiques of liberal challengers

For Next Time:

Unit Three: Thinking Liberally - Diversity and Hegemony in IPE

 Required Reading:

 Cohn, Ch. 4.

 Class Discussion Reading:

 Eric Helleiner, “ Economic Liberalism and Its

Critics: The Past as Prologue?, ” Review of

International Political Economy, 10-4

(November 2003), pp. 685-696.
