
7th Grade CST Review Task List
Impact on
-King & Nobles: most
important people in
empire. Palace
contained 3,000
slaves. Had tax
collectors and nobles
help with his job.
-Priests and Warriors:
warriors fought in
wars, conquered new
lands for money,
found sacrifices to
perform. Priests kept
calendar for
ceremonies, passed
down history and
stories, performed
sacrifices and
-Craftsmen and
Artisans: became rich
by selling and trading
their objects to other
people and leaders
and priests.
-Farmers and Slaves:
Mayans & Aztecs
were polytheistic.
Had sacrifices and
bleeding to please
gods. Sacrifices
heart to rain god.
Over 10,000
people were
sacrifices each
Based on trade and
services. Used crops
as taxes and pay.
Sent crops to king.
Teamwork was
important. Farmed
and mined. Most
valuable trading item
was cloth. Hard to
produce. Also traded
ropes, llamas, pots,
gold and silver. No
money system. Gave
2/3 of food supply to
nobles and gods.
Had to do research
Gods influenced
daily life. Most
infamous was sun
god. Needed to
give blood to
accidents. Gave
more blood on
special occasions.
Slaves used as
sacrifice and give
their hearts to
gods. Believed in
underworld and
godly place.
Based on agriculture.
No money, instead,
traded. Traded
cacao, seeds, salt,
and gold.
Based on agriculture
and trade. Used all
Key people
Had to do
research myself
In the Aztec civilization, There
were the king, nobles, priests,
warriors, craftsmen, artisans,
farmers, and then slaves. They
were polytheistic and
sacrificed people and blood to
please their gods. Over 10,000
people were sacrificed every
year. The trade in the Aztec
civilization was based on
agriculture and trade. They
tried to use all the land that
was available. They used the
Chi Nampa farming system.
There was no money, and
instead, they traded cacao
beans, cotton clothing items,
jewelry, and rubber. Some
achievements include
The Mayan civilization
consisted of a upper class
level and lower class level.
The upper class had priests,
merchants, and warriors. The
lower class had farmers and
slaves. The leader was the
king. The religion was
polytheistic. They gave blood
to the gods to prevent
Most citizens were
farmers. Lived in mud
and stick houses. Paid
rough taxes. Prime
contestant for
-Higher class: priests
(led and helped in
religious ceremonies.
Used math and
astrology). Merchants
(directed trade and
supplies between
cities). Warriors (wore
elaborate clothing to
-Lower class: farmers
(served in army and
gave crops to
government. Worked
on temples and
construction projects)
-Leader: lead religious
ceremonies, military,
and wore fancy
clothes from gold.
Considered a god.
-Higher: run empire.
Owned servants. Had
no taxes. Higher class
women had duties on
other women.
-Lower: no slaves.
Most were farmers
Everyone had
companion. Kings
had jaguars.
Never forces
conquered people
to worship their
religion. Have
ceremonies for
sun god. Try to tie
the sun down to
keep it from
disappearing in
winter. Kings
related to sun
god, so they can’t
land available. Used
Chi Nampa farming
system. No money.
Traded cacao beans
(most important
item), cotton,
clothing items (from
feather, and jaguar
skins), jewelry and
accidents from happening.
They gave even more blood
for special occasion and
ceremonies as well. They had
slaves be sacrificed and give
their hearts to the sun god.
They also believed in an
underworld and godly place.
The Mayan economy was
based on agriculture. There
wasn’t any money; so instead,
they traded cacao, seeds, salt,
and gold.
The Incan civilization had
upper and lower classes. The
upper ran the empire, owned
servants and had no taxes.
The upper class women even
had duties on other women.
The lower class didn’t have
slaves. Most of them were
farmers and artisans. They
had to be in the army, pay
taxes, and were selfeducated.
Some achievements include
hieroglyphics, ball courts,
floating gardens, judges and
written laws, and freeze dried
foods. Some important people
include K'inich Yax K'uk' Mo',
the first leader of the Mayan
civilization. Montezuma II was
the second ruler of the Aztec
civilization and was highly
respected and powerful. He
helped increase the Aztec’s
wealth. Manco Cápac is
believed to be the founder of
the Incan civilization.
and artisans. In army,
paid taxes, wore
plains clothes, selfeducated.
China in
Had to do research
Shinto and
believed in after
life. Most temples
built by priests.
World’s largest
Buddha statue
located in Todaiji
temple. Teaches
peace, selfcontrol, and lead
a better life by
meditating. Had
Pure land
(believed in
Amida, Buddha of
love and mercy)
Had to do research
-Women were taught
to write in Japanese
-science, art, and
Had to do
research myself
In Medieval Japan, the
Emperor and Shogun were at
the top of the feudal system.
The Shogun really had all the
power while the Emperor was
like a puppet figure. The
Daimyo were powerful
warlords under the Shogun.
The Samurai fought in the
Daimyo’s army. The Peasants
consisted of farmers,
craftsmen, artisans, and
merchants. The two main
religions at the time were
Shinto and Buddhism.
Buddhism believed in
afterlife. Most temples were
built by priests. Buddhism
focused on peace, selfcontrol, and leading a better
life. They traded pottery,
armor, weapons, cloth,
carvings, daggers, jade,
combs, household items, and
clay figures. People had taxes
and they were collected more
efficiently than before. Many
achievements in ancient japan
were in science, art, and
literature. Also, women were
finally taught to write in
Japanese, but not Chinese like
the men. Some key people
include Queen Himiko, who
Fall of
Had to do research
Polytheistic, much
like Greeks.
Greeks highly
Romans, even
though enemies.
Believed that
Greek and Roman
god and
goddesses were
the same.
Different names
and harsher
Had to do research
Military, aqueducts
(took water to crops
and bathhouses,
roads (allowed
people and carts to
get to places), the
dome (used on
churches, theaters,
and coliseums),
arching bridges,
theaters, and cities.
System of morals
called 12 tablets
(engraved in 12
plates of bronze)
-Diocletian: Roman
emperor who
divided Roman
Empire into
eastern and
western halves.
Roman emperor
who was first to
become a
Christian. Moved
capital from Rome
to Constantinople
and removed bans
on Christianity.
-Clovis: King of the
Franks. Christian
leader who was
one of the most
powerful rulers of
-Attila: Leader of
the Huns. Led
invasions of
Greece, Gaul, and
northern Italy.
Greatly feared by
-Augustus: first
emperor of Rome
The Fall of Rome had
Emperor, the royal class, the
upper class and patrician,
middle class, lower class, and
then slaves. The main religion
in Rome was polytheistic and
was similar to the Greeks’.
Greek culture highly
influenced Romans, even
though they were enemies. It
is believed that the Greek and
Roman gods and goddesses
were the same, but had
different names and harsher
personalities. People in Rome
grew wheat, barley, olives,
grapes, apples, onions, and
celery. Sold grown products in
markets. Farmers paid taxes
in money and crops. Rich
people rented out land to
poorer farmers. Slaves farmed
on rich’s land. Traders traded
internationally. Bought
papyrus, glass, pork sausage,
salt, tin, fish sauce, cooking
pots, dishes, and olive oil from
across Mediterranean. Some
achievements include
aqueducts (to transport
water), roads (for traveling
ease), domes (used on
churches, theatres, and
coliseums), arching bridges,
and theaters. Some key
people include Diocletian, an
emperor of Rome who split
the empire into 4 parts and
assigned leaders to rule over
each part. Constantine was a
Had to do research
Islams and
Ghanaian had
freedom to
choose religion.
Empire ended up
splitting into two
(Islam vs. NonIslam).
Religion in Mali
was Islam. Spread
of Islam blended
with traditional
and local
practices (mixing
phase). Mansa
Musa preached
Islam faith on
journey to and
from Mecca.
Had to do research
-People came from
different places.
Rulers decided to
force taxes on new
people coming.
Traders had taxes on
goods they carried
goods they took with
them when they left.
-powerful army
helped conquer
many neighbors
(centers of trade).
Made kings richer.
Advanced trade
Sundiata had new
farmlands cleared for
beans, onions, rice,
and other crops, and
cotton (new crop).
Used cotton to make
clothing. Sold cotton
to other people.
-Almoravids: a
group that
attacked Ghana in
1060s. attacked to
make leaders
convert to Islam
-Tunka Manin:
helped Empire of
Ghana reach its
peak. King of
empire. Had great
court system.
Kingdom was
visited by Muslim
-Sundiata Keita:
founder of Empire
of Mali. Hero of
Mandinka people
of West Africa
-Mansa Musa:
tenth Mansa.
Means “King of
Kings” or
“Emperor” from
Mailan Empire.
Mali reached
Roman Emperor who moved
that capital to Constantinople.
He also made Christianity a
popular religion. Theodosius
divided the Roman Empire
into two parts known as
Roman and Byzantine.
Odoacer was a Germanic
leader who seized Rome and
overthrew Augustus and
ended Western Roman
In the Ghana civilization,
there was the king, his council
of elders, district leaders,
artists, farmers, and miners.
Most of the population was
made up of farmers and
miners. The two main
religions in Ghana were Islam
and Christianity. Their civilians
actually had the freedom to
choose their own religion.
Later on, the empire split in
two (Islam vs. Non-Islam). The
religion in Mali was Islam. The
Spread of Islam blended with
the traditional and local
practices, known as the
mixing phase. The economy
was very good in Ghana. They
controlled the trade routes
between the salt and gold
mines. The army would keep
the traders safe and got gold
nuggets in return, making the
people of Ghana rich. Some
achievements in Ghana
include the rulers’ tax on
foreigners coming into the
empire to trade. Another was
Ghana’s powerful army that
height of wealth,
power and fame in
-Maghan (Son of
Mansa Musa): took
over throne after
dad died. Weak
leader who ended
up causing trouble
for Mal.
Rise of
Had to do research
Had to do
research myself
One of fastest
growing religions in
the world.
Monotheistic religion
that developed in
Middle East in 7th
century. Like a
church school.
Founded by Prophet
Muhammad. Means
“surrender” and
“submission”. Two
divisions (Sunni and
-Medicine; one of the
best to heal
wounded people
-Scholars: Islamic
schools were one of
best for their
-Paper mail: used
mail route around
whole city
(sometimes took a
whole day)
-Art: very detailed
Prophet who
spread word of god
and helped turns
Mecca Islamic.
daughter. Married
his cousin Ali. Sons
began Fatimid
Dynasty. Ali was
origin of split
between Sunni and
helped conquer man
neighbors. They were also the
center of trade and very
advanced in it. In Mali,
Sundiata had new farmlands
cleared for beans, onions,
rice, cotton, and other crops.
They used the cotton to make
clothing and to sell them.
some important people
include Almoravids, a group
that attacked Ghana and
made the leaders convert to
Islam. Tunka Manin was a king
who helped the Empire of
Ghana reach its peak by
having a great court system.
Sundiata Keita was the
founder of the Empire of Mali.
Mansa Musa was a king of the
Malian Empire and helped the
Empire reach the height of its
wealth, power, and fame in
the 1300s. Maghan was the
son of Mansa Musa and
caused trouble for the Empire
of Mali because he was a
weak leader.
During the Rise of Islam,…
The Rise of Islam affects us
today because Islam is now
the most popular religion in
the world. It is also the fastest
growing religion. Islam
teaches to follow the Qur’an,
live a good life, and treating
other people fairly. Islam has
two divisions known as Sunni
and Shi’a. One achievement
was in medicine because they
would be the best to heal
wounded people. Another
Had to do research
Had to do
research myself
Shi’a). Had five pillars
and abraded by old
and young citizens
information that they
HAD to teach for
-Abu Bakr: Islamic
leader after
death. First caliph
(highest position in
Islam). Made
Arabia and unified
Muslim state.
-Mehmed II:
military leader of
Ottomans. Used
cannons to capture
Turned Hagia
Sophia (church)
into a mosque.
Akbar: emperor of
Mughals (Turkish
Muslims from Cen.
Asia). Began
tolerant religion
policy. Got rid of
taxes on other
religions. Invited
Hinduism to
empire. Helped
unify empire.
Had to do research
-Justinian’s code:
code that helped all
the laws by
refreshing old ones
-Marco Polo:
merchant traveler.
Traveled to Central
Asia and China.
achievement was that Islamic
schools were one of the best
for their religion. Also, paper
mail was used on a mail route
around the whole city.
Islamic art was very detailed
and abraded by old and young
citizens. Islamic people were
also very advanced in
literature as well. Some
important people include
Muhammad, a prophet who
spread the word of God and
helped turn the city of Mecca
Islamic. Fatimah was
Muhammad’s daughter and
married her cousin Ali. Her
sons started the Fatimid
Dynasty. Ali was the cause of
the split in Islam. Abu Bakr
was an Islamic leader after
Muhammad’s death and the
first caliph, the highest
position in Islam. He also
made Arabia a unified Muslim
state. Mehmed II was a
military leader of the
Ottomans and used cannons
to capture Constantinople. He
also turned Hagia Sophia into
a mosque. Akbar was an
emperor of the Mughals who
began a tolerant religion
policy that embraced other
religions instead of taxing
them like before. He also
helped unify the empire.
In Medieval Europe, there was
the king, bishops, barons,
lords and peasants. The main
religion at the time was
Christianity. Everyone’s life
and adding new
advancement: had
many tools. (i.e.
horse drawn plow)
-guilds: protected
people from
cathedrals, castles,
Extremely hard to
build (advanced)
-trade: advanced.
Spices, silk, soaps,
rugs and other stuff.
Wrote about things
to show Europeans
about Central Asia
and China. Man of
-William Tell: folk
hero (popular in
-Thomas Becket:
Archbishop of
Believed in “rights
and privileges of
Church”. Stood up
for what he
believed in (and
was murdered)
-Jack Cade: leader
of Jack Cade
Rebellion. Wasn’t
happy about King
Henry VI’s weak
rule. Kicked out
king. Captured
-Dante Alighieri:
Italian poet of
Divine Comedy.
“the greatest
literary work
composed in the
Italian language
and masterpiece of
was dominated by the
Church. Everything people did
was for religion or based on
religion. The economy during
the time Germanic tribes
were invading Europe was
poor because they took most
their food, money, and
shelter. Trading was difficult
and education decreased. Life
for everyone became harder
and harsher. This was the
cause of the Dark Ages.
However, some achievements
include Justinian’s code,
which helped all the laws by
refreshing the old ones and
adding new ones. They also
made agricultural
advancements by creating
many tools like a horse drawn
plow. Guilds protected people
from misfortune. Some
buildings like cathedrals and
castles were very advances
and extremely hard to build.
When trade was prosperous,
people would trade spices,
silk, soaps, rugs, and other
stuff. Some important people
include Marco Polo, a
merchant traveler who went
to Central Asian and China
and recorded things he saw
there. William Tell was a folk
hero and was popular in
books. Thomas Becket was an
archbishop who stood up for
his beliefs about the “rights
and privileges of the Church”
and was murdered for it. Jack
Cade was the leader of the
-King: governed his
entire kingdom. Tried
to get as much land
and money for
-Royal Advisors:
advised king, and got
lots of money for
helping king
-Land Owners: owned
a lot of land
-Merchants: sold
products and worked
mainly for money.
Most were rich
-Farmers: made and
grew everyone’s food
-Peasants: largest
group (most of
Most people were
Catholic. Led up
to modern
religion. Inspired
most of man’s
Rulers learned to tax
people. Relied on
trade. Rivers affected
trade. Used rivers to
send goods back and
forth. Danube,
Rhone, and Rhine
rivers became great
trade routes. Family
fortunes were made
in Florence in
banking and industry.
-Mona Lisa: famous
painting by Leonardo
da Vinci
-Sistine Chapel:
famous chapel
designed by
-Theatrical plays: like
“Romeo and Juliet”
and “Macbeth”
-Medicine: first
woman’s body was
dissected. Learned
more about female
-Morgante: famous
poem by Luigi Pulci.
Was an epic poem.
-Leonardo Da
Vinci: famous
Created Mona Lisa
and Last Supper.
Created helicopter,
conveyor belt, and
Buonarotti: famous
painter. Painted
ceiling of Sistine
Chapel. Sculpted
Statue of David
and Sculpture of
Shakespeare: from
England. Wrote
Macbeth, Romeo
and Juliet, and A
Mid Summers
invented printing
Jack Cade rebellion. He wasn’t
happy about King Henry VI’s
weak rule, so kicked out the
king and captured London.
Dante Alighieri was an Italian
poet of Divine Comedy,
known as “the greatest
literary work composed in the
Italian language and
masterpiece of literature”.
In the Renaissance, a king
governed his kingdom, his
advisors helped him make
decisions, land owners owned
land, merchants sold and
traded products for money,
farmers grew everyone’s
food, and peasants were the
largest group of people. The
most popular religion was
Catholicism. It led up to
modern Christianity and
Catholicism and inspired
many great achievements.
The Renaissance was the time
when rulers learned to tax
people. The economy relied
on trade, which was helped by
rivers. They used the Danube,
Rhone, and Rhine rivers to
transport goods. Some
achievements include the
famous painting by Leonardo
Da Vinci, Mona Lisa, The
Sistine Chapel that was
designed by Michelangelo,
theatrical plays like “Romeo
and Juliet” and “Macbeth”
written by William
Shakespeare and “Morgante”
a famous poem by Luigi Pulci.
They also made
writer. Wrote : The
Book of Courtier”
(about ideal man
and woman)
Had to do research
People started to
switch from
Catholicism to
Focused on
reading bible.
Held sermons on
Sundays. Declared
by Henry VIII.
Queen Mary
brought back
Catholicism and
became the
State’s official
Had to do research
-Selling of
-Martin Luther:
changed way people
thought. Convinced
people that paying
their way to heaven
were wrong.
-Lutheran Church:
Martin Luther
founded it.
-people realized that
to get to heaven,
they had to be more
faithful and live
better lifestyles.
Had to do
research myself
advancements in medicine, by
dissecting the first female
body. Some important people
include Leonardo Da Vinci, a
famous artist and invetor,
Michelangelo, a famous
painter, William Shakespeare,
known for his plays and
dramas, Johann Gutenburg,
the inventor of the printing
press, and Baldassare
Castiglione, the author of the
book, The Book of Courtier.
During the time of the
Reformation people started to
switch from Catholicism to
Protestantism, which focused
on reading the Bible and
holding sermons on Sundays.
Protestantism was declared
by Henry VII. Later on, Queen
Mary brought back Roman
Catholicism and it became the
State’s official religion again…
Some achievements include
the Selling of Righteousness
method. Another one is when
Martin Luther changed the
way people thought and
convincing them that paying
their way to heaven was
wrong. The Lutheran Church
was founded by Martin Luther
when he created another
branch of Christianity that fit
his idea of an ideal way to
live. The last achievement was
when people realized that, in
order to get to heaven, they
needed to be more faithful
and live better lifestyles.
Some important people
Newton believed
everyone followed
same laws (everyone
was equal). Scientists
believed they could
improve society and
change government.
People discovered
laws governed nature,
and can govern
humans, too.
challenged power
of Church.
superstition, and
fear were
replaced by
reason and
knowledge. Many
new ideas
precious ideas by
Traded between
Europe, Africa, and
Americas. Europe to
Africa- cotton,
weapons, liquor.
Africa to Americasslaves. Americas to
Europe- cotton,
tobacco, sugar, and
Coins had fixed value
for first time.
international trade
and banking. Jointstock owners made $
by selling stocks.
-Idea that Earth was
not the center of
universe (by
-Scientific Method:
step by step
procedures to
perform experiments
-Discovery of North
America (by
-Telescope: allowed
Galileo to make
discoveries in space
measured air
Copernicus: first to
propose that Earth
was not center of
-Johannes Kepler:
founder of celestial
mechanics and first
to explain
planetary motion.
-Galileo Gelilei:
invented the
Disproved that
Earth was center of
-Rene Descartes:
first to describe
world in terms of
matter and motion
include Theodore Beza, a
lawyer who helped translate
and give his own versions of
the Greek and Latin New
Testaments. John Calvin was a
lawyer who wrote the
Institutes of the Christian
Religion. Martin Luther
disagreed with the Church’s
system of “paying their way to
heaven”. He was the founder
of the Lutheran Church and
his teachings started the
Reformation. William Tyndale
took advantage of the printing
press and printed the New
Testament in English. His
commentaries on his Bible
translations had him burnt at
the stake by King Henry VIII.
The Scientific Revolution was
a time when the new ideas
challenged the powers of the
Church. They learned that if
nature has laws that govern
them, so should humans. The
new scientific ideas
contradicted the ideas of the
Church. At the time, Europe,
Africa, and the Americas
traded cotton, weapons,
liquor, tobacco, sugar,
molasses, and even slaves
between each other. They
also made joint stocks. Some
important achievements
include the idea that Earth
wasn’t the center of the
universe, which was proposed
by Copernicus. The Scientific
Method was a step by stop
procedure to perform
-Isaac Newton:
proposed universal
gravitation and
laws of motion.
Age of
Had to do research
Had to do
research myself
Had to do research
Had to do research
Had to do
research myself
experiments. The discovery of
North America was another
one, which was discovered by
Columbus. The telescope
allowed Galileo to make new
discoveries about space. The
barometer measured air
pressure. Some important
people include Nicolas
Copernicus, who was the first
to propose that Earth wasn’t
the center of the universe.
Johannes Kepler was the first
to explain planetary motion.
Galileo invented the telescope
and disproved that Earth was
the center of the universe.
Rene Descartes was the first
to describe the world in terms
of motion and matter. Isaac
Newton proposed universal
gravitation and laws of
During the Age of Exploration,
the traders and merchants
were more powerful than the
feudal landowners…
The impact the Age of
Exploration has on us today is
that America was discovered
thanks to Columbus. Without
this discovery, we wouldn’t be
living where we do today and
our lives would have never
been the same. During this
age, European explorers
exchanged plants, animals,
and ideas between the
Americas. This was known as
the Columbian Exchange.
They began growing new
plants and crops in Europe as
well as raising new animals in
their farms. Some important
achievements include the
discovery of the Americas by
Christopher Columbus in
1492. Another achievement
was their advancements in
technology. Sailor used
astrolabes and compasses to
help them travel to places far
away. More advanced maps
were made to avoid open sea
and make more accurate
routes to get to places.
Caravels helped sailors have
an easier time while traveling
because the triangular sails
helped them sail against the
wind and rudders helped
them steer easier. Some
important people include
Christopher Columbus, the
first European to sail west
searching for a water route to
Asia. Vasco da Gama was the
first European to sail around
south Africa and reach India.
Magelian led the first
expedition to sail around the
world. Ptolemy was an
astronomer who states that
the the sun and planets
moved around the earth in
circular paths called
geocentric theory.