[Note: this needs editing beyond authors beginning with “B,” and it

[Note: this needs editing beyond authors beginning with “B,” and it also needs a table of acronyms
and the completion of some references which were longer than the output from my database
"A War Labor Board," New York Times, 31 Dec. 1941, p. 16
"A War Issue," editorial, Christian Science Monitor, 27 April 1944.
"ABC's of the New Labor Law," Modern Industry, 14:2 (15 Aug. 1947), 54-64.
"Act Management!" (editorial), Supervision 7:2 (Feb. 1945): 3.
"Am I My Brother's Keeper?" (editorial) Supervision 8:10 (Oct. 1946): 3.
"Answers to the Foreman Problem," Modern Industry 15:6 (June 1948), 40-44.
"Are You Headed for a Sales Collapse?" Modern Industry 13:1 (July 1946): 50-51.
"Avery Says Policies He Fights Mean 'Dictator Government'," New York Herald-Tribune, 28 Apr.
"BAC--Membership of Committees, May, 1946," Box 17, Alfred Schindler papers, Harry S. Truman
Library, Independence, Missouri (via Kim McQuaid).
"Billy Rose of Labor Relations," Modern Industry 14:6 (Dec. 1947), 67-74.
"Business, Labor Frame Peace Code," New York Times, 29 March 1945.
"Chrysler's Hundred Days," Fortune 41:6 (June 1950): 70-72.
"Clearing the Decks for Competition," Modern Industry 11:2 (Feb. 1946): 40- 43.
"Detroit Labor Debate: Auto Firms Will Warn Mead Group: Unions Try to Manage Our Business,"
Wall Street Journal, 6 March 1945.
"Detroit's Labor," Wall Street Journal, 16 Dec. 1944.
"Developing the Man for Executive Management," Manage, 1:3 (Nov.1948),40-41.
"Do We Want a Wave of Postwar Strikes?" (Editorial), Chicago Sun, 24 Apr. 1944.
"Employers' Standing With WLB Improves," New York World Telegram, 22 Jan. 1945.
"Eric Johnston's Code Gets Cool Reception," Industrial Relations 2:12 (Apr. 1945): 11.
"Extent of Collective Bargaining and Union Recognition in 1945," Monthly Labor Review 62 (1946):
"Film Kicks Off Admen's PR Plan for Industry," Modern Industry 15:3 (March 1948): 97-8.
"Firing of Strikers Is Upheld by WLB," New York Times, 17 May 1944.
"Ford, UAW Argue On Slowdown," Detroit Free Press, 24 Jan. 1944.
"Foremen Are Management," Supervision 9:5 (May 1947): 4-7.
"Foremen's Compensation," Industrial Relations 2:9 (Jan. 1945): 11-12, 32-33.
"General Motors Offers Us Five Cents for the Union," GM National Strike Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 13 (13
Feb. 1946), in WPR PPM Box 2, Fo1der 12, AALH.
"GM Proposals to Strike Out of Contract Provisions Inserted by NDMB/NWLB," 13 Feb. 1946, in
WPR Collection, Box 8, Folder 10, AALH.
"Government Spending Is No Substitute for the Exercize of Capitalistic Imagination," Fortune 18:3
(September 1938): 63.
"Guns and Butter: the Paradox of Collective Dealing," Personnel 18 (1942): 322-38.
"Head of NAM Pledges to Carry Out New Liberalized Labor Program," New York Times, 7 Dec.
1946, p. 5.
"Here's Industry's Target," editorial, Modern Industry 15:1 (15 Jan. 1947): 156.
"Here's Your Modern Foreman," Modern Industry 14:1 (15 July 1945): 54-64.
"How Foremen Function in Management," Supervision 9:3 (Mar. 1947): 5-8.
"How Management in a Hundred Plants Gets Information to Workers," Factory Management &
Maintenance 104:7 (July 1946):114-7.
"How One Union Swept Out the Communists," Factory Management & Maintenance 106:11 (Nov.
1948): 66-69.
"How Practical Personnel Men Think the Labor Law Will Work," Factory Management &
Maintenance 105:8 (Aug. 1947): 81-96 and 105:9 (Sept. 1947): 84-96.
"How Southern Plants Are Meeting Operation Dixie," Modern Industry 12:2 (Aug. 1946): 51-64. "
"How to Find Out What Your Workers Think About You," Factory Management & Maintenance
106:8 (Aug. 1948): 81-91.
"How the Auto Workers Are Needled Into Striking," PM, 27 Feb. 1945.
"Improving Management's Score at the Bargaining Table: Report of a Panel Sesssion," in [AMA]
Personnel Series No. 91 (New York: AMA, 1945), pp. 49-63.
"In-Plant Feeding Is Here to Stay," Industrial Relations 2:6 (Oct. 1944): 20-22.
"Industry's Position on Labor Legislation," NAM Labor Relations Bulletin No. 29 (Jan. 1939), 3.
"Industry's Communications System 1950," The Public Opinion Index for Industry, 8:10 (October
"Industry on WLB Asks a Court Test on Union Security," New York Times, 30 April 1944.
"Industry Group Seeks Law to Curb Strikers," Journal of Commerce, 29 March 1945.
"Industry to Fight Union of Foremen," New York Times, 10 April 1945, p. 15.
"Industrial Discipline Upheld," Journal of Commerce, 17 May 1944.
"International Harvester's Attack on Radical Labor Leadership," Factory Management &
Maintenance 105:12 (Dec. 1947): 66-73.
"Labor Leaders Go to School," Personnel 19 (1942): 517-8.
"Labor Reconversion," Wall Street Journal, 14 May 1945.
"Labor Output Check Now Available," Modern Industry 12:1 (15 July 1946): 174-76.
"Lower Costs: Will Break-Even Point Break You?" Modern Industry 14:3 (Sept. 1947): 54-64.
"Management Functions Recognized by the War Labor Board," Personnel 21 (1944): 242-56.
"Money and Real Weekly Earnings During Defense, War, and Reconversion Periods," Monthly Labor
Review 64 (1947): 983-96.
"More Specific Code Needed, NAM Says," New York Times, 29 March 1945, p. 16.
"NAM Backs the Aims of New Labor Code," New York Times, 7 April 1945, p. 18.
"NAM Group Seeks Labor Act's Repeal," New York Times, 23 Dec. 1946, p. 1.
"NAM Offers Aid on Labor Charter," New York Times, 24 April 1945, p. 26.
"NAM Policy Seeks Peace in Industry, Federal Economy," [New York Times?] 6 Dec. 1946. p. 1.
"Negotiating the Labor Agreement: An Open Forum," in Negotiating and Interpreting the Labor
Agreement: Personnel Series No. 110 (New York: AMA, 1947), pp. 17-30.
"New Emphasis on Personnel Ratings," Personnel 19 (1943): 702.
"New Trends in Labor Clauses," Modern Industry 11:5 (May 1946): 49-64.
"No-Strike Policy Adopted by AFL," New York Times, 16 Dec. 1941, p. 25.
"Plant Gives Company Facts in Local Ads," Factory Management & Maintenance 105:6 (June 1947):
"President Moves for Labor Peace," New York Times 11 Dec. 1941, p. 34.
"Reaction to Taft-Hartley Act," Management Record 9:8 (August 1947): 217-21.
"Reconversion Time is Cost-Cutting Time," Management Review 34 (1945): 122-4.
"Renovation in NAM," Fortune 38:1 (July 1948): 72 ff.
"Says Union Forces Men to Ease Off," Detroit Free Press 22 Jan. 1944.
"Selling Begins at Plant Home Town," Modern Industry 16:6 (Dec. 1948): 50-53.
"Sewell Avery Against the Government at War," Chicago Sun, 26 April 1944.
"Should Collective Bargaining Be Limited to Local Areas?" Modern Industry 12:5 (15 Nov. 1946):
"Should Management Waive Its Right to Sue Unions?" Modern Industry 14:4 (15 Oct. 1947): 11220.
"Should Special Machinery Be Set Up for Foremen's Grievances?" Industrial Relations 2:10 (Feb.
1945): 8-9.
"Solving the Shopping Problem," Personnel 21 (1944): 66-7.
"Stopping Grievances Before They Grow," Modern Industry 13:2 (Feb.1947): 49-62.
"Store Managers as 'Employes'," [New York] Journal of Commerce, 23 July 1946.
"Strikes and Lockouts in 1944," Monthly Labor Review 60 (1945): 957-73.
"Text of New Charter for Labor and Management," (New York) Journal of Commerce, 29 March
"The Auto Worker's Blues," Fortune 38:5 (Nov. 1948): 210-14.
"The Changing Position of Foremen in American Industry," Advanced Management 10 (1945): 1556.
"The Chrysler Operation," Fortune 38:4 (Oct. 1948): I03 ff.
"The Fortune Survey," Fortune 35:1 (Jan. 1947): 5-I6 and 35:5 (May 1947): 5-I2.
"The Industrial War," Fortune, 16:5 (Nov. 1937): 104-10.
"The Nine Hundred," Fortune 46:6 (November 1952): 132-5, 232-6.
"The Problem of Boredom," Management Record 10 (1948): 567-75.
"The Treaty of Detroit," Fortune, 42:1 (July 1950): 53-55.
"The Time for Low Production Costs Is Now," Factory Management & Maintenance 103:8 (August
1945): 81-172.
"The War Against Labor," PM, 14 Aug. 1944.
"The War Labor Board," Chicago Tribune, 28 Dec. 1942.
"Three-Ring Circus for Union Members," Modern Industry 13:3 (March 1941): 136.
"Tighter Discipline for More Output," Modern Industry 15:2 (Feb. 1948): 46-8.
"To Hunt Yardstick for Productivity," Modern Industry 12:4 (15 Oct. 1946): 118.
"Trends in Employee Thinking on Simple Economics," The Public Opinion Index for Industry 8:2
"Trends in Union Contract Clauses," in The New Pattern of Labor Relations: Personnel Series No.
79 (New York: AMA, 1944), pp. 27-34.
"Trimming the Fat from Indirect Labor Costs," Modern Industry 13:2 (Feb. 1947): 34-39.
"Truman Names Twelve to Taft Act Panel," New York Times, 19 Dec. 1947, p. 22.
"Turning Point," Fortune 39:4 (April 1949): 189-91.
"Two Back Union Security," New York Times, 19 June 1942.
"UAW Adopts Drastic Strike Ban; Provocation No Excuse for Men," New York Times, 27 Feb. 1944.
"Union Wins Fight Against Corporation Demands," in WPR PPM, Box 2, Folder 9, AALH.
"What Foremen's Unions Want," Factory Management & Maintenance 105:4 (Apr. 1947): 62.
"What Employees Say About Management's Leadership," The Public Opinion Index for Industry,
12:7 (July 1954).
"What the Factory Worker Really Thinks About Union Behavior and Industry Earnings," Factory
Management & Maintenance 104:1 (Nov. 1946): 81-8.
"What Has Become of Discipline?" Factory Management & Maintenance 103:6 (June 1945): 82-7.
"What the Factory Worker Really Thinks About Productivity, Nationalization of Industry, and Labor
in Politics," Factory Management & Maintenance 104:1 (Jan. 1946): 82-8.
"What the Factory Worker Really Thinks -- About His Job; Unemployment; and Industry's Profits,"
Factory Management & Maintenance 105:12 (Dec. 1947): 86-92.
"What Will Happen to Wages?" Factory Management & Maintenance 103:6 (June 1945): 82-7. [??]
"What's Itching Labor?" Fortune 26:5 (November 1942): 101-2, 228-36.
"What's Happening to Productivity," Modern Industry 12:5 (15 Nov. 1946): 49-64.
"What's Happening to Productivity," Factory Management & Maintenance 105:9 (Sept., 1947): 6669.
"When Foremen Organize, Here's What They Demand," Factory Management & Maintenance 105:4
(Apr. 1947): 62-4.
"Where to Trim Those War-Swollen Costs," Modern Industry 12:4 (15 Oct. 1945): 82-4.
"Work Stoppages Caused by Labor-Management Disputes in 1945," Monthly Labor Review 62
(1946): 718-35.
"Yes! Foremen Are Management Men," Supervision 9:2 (Feb. 1947): 4-7.
"`Plan for Action' Helps Industry With Its Public Relations," Factory Management & Maintenance
106:10 (Oct. 1948): 108-110.
Clipping on 1947 Ford foremen's strike, from 28 May 1947 Detroit Free Press, in AALH vertical files,
under "Foremen and Supervisors".
Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, Public Law 101: 80th Congress, printed as Appendix to
Hartley, Our New National Labor Policy.
Press Release of March 1945 on UAW-GM Contract ordered by NWLB, in WPR PPM, Box 9, AALH.
Summary of Changes in 1945 UAW Agreement Indicated by Corporation Proposals of 2-12-46,
WPR-PPM, Box 2, Folder 12, AALH.
Supplemental United Steelworkers - Carnegie-Illinois Agreement of 15 Feb. 1946 in WPR PPM Box
2, Folder 12, AALH.
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Arbogust, Oren, Advertisement, Industrial Relations (Dartnell Corp., Chicago) 2:3 (July 1944), 44.
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Automotive Council for War Production, Manpower Division, Automotive Company Practices With
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but not earlier than 1945).
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Management & Maintenance, 104:3 (March 1946), 90-94.
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Breech, Ernest F., "The Ford Spirit," address at Ford Motor Co.'s 50th Anniversary Management
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Fisher, Burton R. and Wiley, Stephen B., Big Business as the People See It : A Study of a SocioEconomic Institution (Ann Arbor: Survey Research Center - Univ. of Michigan Pr., 1951).
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Lasswell, Harold D., Harold D. Lasswell, quoted in J.A.R. Pimlott, Public Relations and American
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Hardman, J.B.S. and Neufeld, M.F., eds., The House of Labor: Internal 0perations of American
Unions (New York: Prentice-Hall, 1951) -- all worthwhile and helpful, but Chs. 1-4, 13-17, 22-29
Collyer, John Lyon, "America's Decade of Decision," remarks at 25th Anniversary of Industrial
Relations Counselors, Inc., New York City, 22 May 1951 (privately printed). (Location: LMDC)
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Richards, Allan R., Allan R. Richards, "Tripartism and Regional War Labor Boards," Journal of
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