Norse Mythology - Mrs. Barnes' Bronchos

By: Rachel Wild, Alex Drye, Matt Watkins
 Burning Ice, and Biting Flame; That is
how life began. In the south was a fire
realm. In the north was an ice realm.
In between those realms once stretched
a huge and seeming emptiness; this
was Ginnugagap. The rivers that sprang
up from Hvergelmir (a spring in the
north) streamed into the void.
 The yeasty venom in them thickened and
congealed like slag or metal waste, and the
rivers turned into ice. That venom also spat
out drizzle- an unending dismal hagger
that, as soon as it settled, turned into rime.
So it went on until all the northern part of
Ginnungagap. Was heavy with layers of ice
and hoar frost, a desolate place haunted by
gusts and skuthers of wind.
 Just as it the northern part was frozen, the
southern was molten, but the middle of
Ginnugagap was as mild as hanging air on a
summer evening. There, the warm breath
drifting north from Muspell met the rime
from Niflheim; it touched it and played with
over it, and the ice began to thaw and chip.
Life quickened in those drops, and the took
the form of a giant named Ymir.
 Ymir was evil from the first. While he slept,
he began to sweat. A man and woman grew
out of the ooze under his left armpit, and
one of his legs fathered a son on the other
leg. Ymir was the father of all the frost giants
and they called him Aurgelmir.
 More of the ice in Ginnugagap melted and took
the form of a cow. They called her Audumla. Ymir
fed off the milk fed off the four rivers of milk that
coursed from her teats. Audumla fed off the ice.
She licked the salty blocks and by the the first
evening a man’s hair had come out of the ice.
 After 3 days a man was licked out of the ice, his name
was Buri. Buri was the father of Bor who married a
frost giant Bestla. Bor and Bestla were the parents of
the gods. First came Odin, then Villi, then Ve.
 The 3 gods hated the frost giants. Over time they
eventually killed Ymir and made the earth from his
 The 3 gods walked next to the sea when they found 2
fallen trees; one was ash, the other was elm. The 3 gods
raised them and made them into the first man and
woman. Odin breathed in the spirit of life, Vili gave
them sharp wits and feeling hearts, and Ve gave them
hearing and sight.
 Ymir – father of all frost giants; he was evil from he
 Odin, Vili, Ve – they were the 3 first gods, sons of
Bestla and Buri; they were kind and made the earth
and first humans
 Through the story it seemed that they really focused
around nature
 This myth was unusual through the whole thing
 Yet the most unusual in my opinion was the part where
a cow grew from Ymir’s armpit ooze
 Both Norse and Greek have the 3 main brother gods
 Both Norse and Greek have the main god fight the
current ruler. In Greek mythology Zeus and Chronus
and in Norse Odin and Ymir