USI.7 Review Study Guide

USI. 7 Creating a New Nation Study Guide
Student Name___________________________
7a Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
1. The ______________________________ was the first constitution of the United States.
2. The Articles of Confederation was written during the ________________________ War.
3. The Articles of Confederation was written to ______________________________________________
4. The Articles of Confederation provided for a ___________________________________ government.
5. The Articles of Confederation gave Congress no __________________________________________________________
6. The Articles of Confederation provided for no common _________________________________.
7. Each state received one _______________ in Congress regardless of _________________________.
8. There was no ______________________ or _____________________________ branch of government.
9. Define: commerce
10. Define: currency
11. Define regulate
USI.7b The Development of the US Constitution
12. The Constitution of the United States of America established a ___________________-system of government.
13. In a federal system of government power is shared between the ______________- and ________________ governments.
14. State delegates met in _________________________ to decide what to do about the Articles of Confederation.
15. What did the delegates in Philadelphia decide to do about the Articles of Confederation? Why?
16. _____________________________ was elected the leader of the Constitutional Convention.
17. What was a major issue (concern) of the delegates during the Constitutional Convention as far as states being represented?
18. The structure of the new government included ____________________ branches of government.
19. The ___________________ branch makes the laws.
20. The legislative branch is made up of the ________________________ and the ______________________________________________.
21. In the Legislative Branch of government each state gets ________ senators.
22. How is the number of representatives determined for each state? ________________________
23. Who is head of the Executive Branch of government? __________________________________
24. What is the responsibility of the Executive Branch of government?
25. What does the Judicial Branch of government do? _______________________________________
26. The fact that representation in the House of Representatives is based on state population and that each state receives 2 senators is called
the _______________________________.
27. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to guarantee ___________________________.
28. The Bill of Rights is the first ____________ amendments to the Constitution.
29. Amendment 1 of the Bill of Rights include freedom of __________________________________
30. The Bill of Rights was written based on what two famous documents?
31. The Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by _________________________________.
32. The Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom was written by __________________________________.
33.The “introduction” to the constitution begins “We the People…”. What this this called? ___________________________________
34. A system of checks and balances in the government was established for what purpose?
35. Name the first 5 presidents of the United States.
36. Four of the first 5 presidents were from Virginia. Which one of the 5 was NOT from Virginia?
37. Name the President who………
-established the Federal Court System
- was president when the Bill of rights was added
-2 political parties were formed while he was president
-president during the War of 1812
-introduced the Monroe Doctrine
-bought the Louisiana Territory
A two party system emerged during his presidency
38. What were the two political parties formed during Washington’s presidency?
39. Who did Jefferson buy Louisiana from?
40. Who explored the Louisiana Territory?
41. What river did Lewis and Clark start their exploration from?
42. What direction did Lewis and Clark travel?
43. What ocean did Lewis and Clark reach at the end of their trip westward?
44. What was the result of the War of 1812?
45. What did the Monroe Doctrine warn?