Name: Solar System Quiz Review 2 List the order of the planets from

Solar System Quiz Review 2
1. List the order of the planets from closest to the sun to the
planet farthest away. Mercury , Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
2. List the planets that have rings. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and
3. Why is Pluto is not considered a regular planet in our solar
system? Pluto does not always have its own orbit. It sometimes
shares Neptune’s.
4. What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter
5. What does the term Perihelion mean? Perihelion means closest to
the sun when a planet is revolving around the sun in an elliptical
6. What does the term aphelion mean? Aphelion means farthest
from the sun when a planet is revolving around the sun in an
elliptical orbit.
7. What does making a model to scale mean when we refer to
making a model of the solar system? It means the size of the
model is greatly reduced but still remains in proportion to each
other so they may be compared or visualized in relative size(they
shrink down to a manageable size)
8. What planet orbits the greatest distance from the sun and why?
Neptune orbits the greatest distance because it is farthest from
the sun.
9. Why do we have seasons please explain? We have seasons
because the earth is on its axis at an angle as the earth revolves
around the sun.
Which planet has the shortest year and why? Mercury has
the shortest year because it is closest to the sun and it has a
shorter distance to revolve around the sun.
11. How many days are in earth’s year and why? On earth our year is
365 days because it takes 365 days for the earth to complete
one revolution in its orbit around the sun.
How do we on earth have day and night? Our earth rotates
on its axis as it revolves around the sun. It takes approximately
24 hours to complete a rotation on its axis. When we are facing
the sun it is daylight as we rotate away from the sun it becomes
Does the sun really set and rise every day? No, the sun
rotates away from and toward the sun creating the illusion of
setting and rising.
What do we mean by moon phases? The moon is revolving
around us like we revolve around the sun. The phases of the moon
mean the part of the moon that we can see.
How many moon phases are there? There are 8 phases of
the moon
Can you draw a picture of each moon phase, in order and
label them.