Period 5 Vocabulary 2015

Period 5 Vocabulary
For this unit: Write down information on each term as you come across it in your reading. Bring your notes and
book with you to class the day we are discussing that chapter. You will have a reading quiz the day the reading
is due.
Chapter 15 Key Terms –
1. peculiar institution
2. Cotton Kingdom
3. staple crop
4. black belt
5. planter
6. yeoman farmer
7. poor whites
8. lazy diseases
9. free persons of color
10. mulatto
11. Old Southwest
12. Denmark Vesey
13. Nat Turner
14. American Colonization Society
15. William Lloyd Garrison
16. gradual emancipation
17. New England Anti-Slavery Society
18. American Anti-Slavery Society
19. Sarah and Angelina Grimké
20. Frederick Douglass
21. Underground Railroad
22. Sojourner Truth
23. Elijah P. Lovejoy
24. “gag rule”
Chapter 16 Key Terms –
1. Wilmot Proviso
2. John C. Calhoun
3. popular sovereignty
4. Free Soil party
5. “Cotton” Whigs
6. “Conscience” Whigs
7. gold rush
8. forty-niners
9. Compromise of 1850
10. Great debate
11. Henry Clay
12. Millard Fillmore
13. Stephen A. Douglas
14. Fugitive Slave Act of 1850
15. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
16. Ostend Manifesto
17. Gadsden Purchase
18. transcontinental railroad
19. Kansas-Nebraska Act
20. Republican party
21. “Bleeding” Kansas
22. John Brown
23. Pottawatomie Massacre
24. Charles Summer
25. James Buchanan
26. Dred Scott
27. Roger B. Taney
28. Lecompton constitution
29. Panic of 1857
30. Lincoln-Douglas debates
31. Freeport Doctrine
32. Harpers Ferry, Virginia
33. John C. Breckinridge
34. Abraham Lincoln
35. John Bell
36. Ordinance of Secession
37. Jefferson Davis
38. Crittenden Compromise
Chapter 17 Key Terms –
Fort Sumter
writ of habeas corpus
Robert E. Lee
Winfield Scott
Battle of Bull Run
Anaconda strategy
7. Stonewall Jackson
8. Ulysses S. Grant
9. Battle of Antietam
10. Emancipation Proclamation
11. Dorothea Dix
12. Clara Barton
13. Morrill Tariff
14. Legal Tender Act
15. greenbacks
16. Radical Republican
17. Copperheads
18. Clement L. Vallandigham
19. George B. McClellan
20. Jefferson Davis
21. Battle of Vicksburg
22. Battle of Gettysburg
23. William T. Sherman
24. Appomattox
Chapter 18 Key Terms –
1. Radical Republicans
2. Freedmen’s Bureau
3. Proclamation of Amnesty and
4. Wade-Davis Bill
5. John Wilkes Booth
6. Andrew Johnson
7. Black Codes
8. Joint Committee on Reconstruction
9. Benjamin Wade
10. Thaddeus Stephens
11. Charles Summer
12. forfeited-rights theory
13. Civil Rights Act of 1866
14. Fourteenth Amendment
15. due-process clause
16. Military Reconstruction Act
17. Command of the Army Act
18. Tenure of Office Act
19. Edwin M. Stanton
20. Union League
21. black Reconstruction
22. carpetbagger
23. scalawag
24. Ku Klux Klan
25. Ulysses S. Grant
26. hard money
27. soft money
28. Jay Gould
29. Panic of 1873
30. Resumption Act of 1875
31. bloody shirt
32. Rutherford B. Hayes
33. Samuel J. Tilden
34. Compromise of 1877