Beginning of the Modern World - Mr. Morris's AP European History

Beginning of the Modern World
The Enlightenment
The Enlightenment grew out of the Scientific Revolution that
swept through Europe in the 1600s
Analyze the major themes of
the Enlightenment, who made
its greatest contributions and
how they were enacted prior to
the French Revolution.
Beginnings of the
Modern Thinking
started during the
Ideas began modestly with
grew out of
with important thinkers
-Isaac Newton
-Laws of nature
-John Locke
protect citizens
- Voltairetolerance/speech
- Denis Diderot
- Cesare Beccaria
-Adam Smith- Wealth of
- Charles-Louis
three branches of
- Jean-Jacques
Had Three Major Monarchs
such as
-Replaces faith (use reason to
-Frederick the
understand nature, not faith to
understand God
-Becomes God (nature and its laws are
-1st servant of
-Human happiness is the highest aim
-Catherine the
(no more heaven, only here is certain)
-Talked much,
-Understanding nature will leads us to
did little
-Joseph II
-Many reforms,
-For people to reason about nature
none lasting
and to ultimately progress, man needs
to be free
In 1215 King John I
signs the Magna
Carta, agreeing to
share power with
nobles and respect
rights of citizens.
North Sea
William and Mary replace James II
Amsterdam in the Glorious Revolution in 1688.
NETHERLANDS They make the English Bill of
ideas spread to
the Americas and
inspire Simon
French go
Bolivar and the
monarchy to
to monarchy.
Rights in 1689.
EUROPE After Scientific
Revolution, thinkers
started to study human
behavior to improve
Mediterranean Sea
10.2 Beginnings of the Modern World
10.2 Beginnings of the Modern World
1. The Enlightenment
A. 18th-century European movement where
thinkers used reason and science to try to
improve society
B. ideas inspire revolutions around the world
The Enlightenment had many different
thinkers who tried to use scientific ways of
looking at the world to try to understand
…some of the most famous were…
10.2 Beginnings of the Modern World
1. The Enlightenment
A. 18th-century European movement where
thinkers used reason and science to try to
improve society
B. ideas inspire revolutions around the world
2. Ideas of Philosophers that Inspired Revolutions
Isaac Newton
•Put the nail in the coffin to the Church as an
intellectual force
•Science separates from religion
•All questions of nature are attainable
through the scientific method
•Understanding natures underlying laws will
allow man to progress out of ignorance and
•Newton uncovered the Universal laws that
hold the universe together through both
reason, mathematics and empiricism
•Man should also use these tools to
understand all aspects of nature
including man’s nature
•Birth of the social sciences
I. The Enlightenment
A. 18th-century European movement where
thinkers used reason and science to try to
improve society
B. ideas inspire revolutions around the world
II. Ideas of Philosophers that Inspired Revolutions
A. Isaac Newton– laid foundation for Enlightenment
i. Used rationalism & empiricism– proved the
Universe had rational & natural laws that
could be measured with mathematics and
proved through observation.
ii. This must be the method to uncover all truths
iii. Church dogma (truths) could not stand up to
these standards of truth.
a. Science is the path to truth
John Locke
• born in England in 1632
• left England for individual freedom
• returned to England after the bloodless
Glorious Revolution - a new king agreed to
share power with Parliament and accept a Bill
of Rights
•he said that governments are formed to
protect the rights of the citizens (these
were life, liberty, and property)
• he said that the power to rule must come
from the consent (agreement) of the ruled
I. The Enlightenment
A. 18th-century European movement where
thinkers used reason and science to try to
improve society
B. ideas inspire revolutions around the world
2. Pre-Enlightenment Figures that influences period
A. Isaac Newton– laid foundation for Enlightenment
i. Used rationalism & empiricism– proved the
Universe had rational & natural laws that
could be measured with mathematics and
proved through observation.
ii. This must be the method to uncover all truths
iii. Church dogma could not stand up to these
standards of truth.
a. Science is the path to truth
B. John Locke – (Social Contract theorist)
i. governments made to protect natural rights
a. Life, Liberty & Property
ii. governments get their power from agreement
(consent) of the people
iii. people can overthrow unjust governments
(Francois Marie Arouet)
• brilliant French philosopher
•Popularized Enlightenment
•Reason, Nature, Liberty,
Progress, Happiness
• lived in many countries
• called for tolerance (especially
• criticized Christianity
I. The Enlightenment
II. Ideas of Philosophers that Inspired Revolutions
A. Isaac Newton – Theory of gravity
i. Nature laws guide all things
ii. Need to understand laws through empiricism
and mathematics- all things can be
B. John Locke – (Social Contract theorist)
i. governments made to protect natural rights
a. Life, Liberty & Property
ii. governments get their power from agreement
(consent) of the people
iii. people can overthrow unjust governments
C. Voltaire – called for freedom of speech & religion
i. Admired English for their freedom & tolerance
ii. Works included Letters on the English;
Candide; and Treaty on Tolerance
a. attacked the Church as purvayors of
supersitition and ignorance
b. ended all of his letters and essays- “Crush
the infamous thing”
Baron de Montesquieu
• de Montesquieu believed that people were not naturally equal (he
thought women were inferior and that slavery was acceptable), but
that most people were essentially good
• he thought that all differences should be tolerated (especially
religious ones)
• political power should be divided between three branches of
government with separate but equal powers
• each branch would check that the other branches did not abuse
their power
1. The Enlightenment
A. 18th-century European movement where
thinkers used reason and science to try to
improve society
B. ideas inspire revolutions around the world
2. Ideas of Philosophers that Inspired Revolutions
A. Isaac Newton-theory of gravity
B. John Locke – life, liberty, property
C. Voltaire – toleration
D. Montesquieu – separation of powers
i. called for three branches of government
ii. said the branches would balance each other.
iii. environment influenced political structures
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
• believed people are good, free, and
• people would be happy and peaceful without
a government
• thought that society’s institutions (like
school, arts, the media, and government)
brought out the worst in people
• believed in the Swiss model of small villages
making decisions through direct democracy
• believed in a “social contract” where people
came together and ruled themselves with
direct democracy
II. Ideas of Philosophers that Inspired Revolutions
A. Isaac Newton-theory of gravity
B. John Locke – life, liberty, property
C. Voltaire – toleration
D. Montesquieu – separation of powers
E. Jean-Jacques Rousseau – Champion of Freedom
i. Critic of modern society- has led man to be
miserable and corrupt
ii. Believed man is inherently “good” but “society” is
inherently “evil”
a. inspired the words “man was born free, but
everywhere he is in chains”
iii. Man to be happy which is the key to human
existence- he must return to his nature state
which is free and equal- like hunters & gatherer
societies- admires the qualities of the noble-savage
iv. new social contract – people give over their rights &
freedoms to themselves- obedient to the laws
made for oneselves
v. Direct Democracy & rule of the General Will
The Enlightenment & Religion
• John Toland
•Christianity Not Mysterious (1696)
•Regarded God as a divine watchmaker
•Did not intervene in human affairs
• Joseph Addison-
The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heav’n, a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim:
Th’ unwearied Sun, from day to day,
Does his Creator’s power display,
And publishes to every land
The work of an Almighty hand
William Blake
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
A. Deism- Inspired by a new rationalist & empirical
B. Christianity Not Mysterious- John Toland
i. regarded God as a “divine watchmaker”
• Treatise on Tolerance
•Attacked fanatical Catholicism
•Defended a French Huguenot
accused of murder and convicted
because of his faith
•In Philosophical Dictionary – he
pointed out Biblical inconsistencies
•Crush the Infamous Thing
•ended every essay or letter with
slogan above
•Believed the Church and the
State were institutions of
ignorance and superstition
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
A. Deism- Inspired by a new rationalist & empirical
B. Christianity Not Mysterious- John Toland
i. regarded God as a “divine watchmaker”
C. Treatise on Toleration- Voltaire
i. inspired by the trial of Jean Calas (a Huguenot
accused of murder by Catholic political
ii. Ends all letters- “crush the infamous thing”
Baron de Holbach & David Hume
• Leading atheist thinkers of the time
• Baron de Holbach
•The System of Nature
• "no necessity to have recourse
to supernatural powers to
account for the formation of
Baron de Holbach
• David Hume
•Inquiry into Human Nature
•“Oh Miracles”- no empirical
evidence for miracles
David Hume
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
A. Deism- Inspired by a new rationalist & empirical
B. Christianity Not Mysterious- John Toland
i. regarded God as a “divine watchmaker”
C. Treatise on Toleration- Voltaire
i. inspired by the trial of Jean Calas (a Huguenot
accused of murder by Catholic political
ii. Ends all letters- “crush the infamous thing”
D. David Hume- “Inquiry into Human Behavior “&
“Of Miracles”- Rational Skepticism
Baruch Spinoza
•Ethics- Pantheism
•Excommunicated Jew
•Identified God with Nature
•All matter is nature and all of us
are a part of God
Baruch Spinoza
•Helped lead Enlightenment
thinkers to call for the liberation
of Jews
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
A. Deism- Inspired by a new rationalist & empirical
B. Christianity Not Mysterious- John Toland
i. regarded God as a “divine watchmaker”
C. Treatise on Toleration- Voltaire
i. inspired by the trial of Jean Calas (a Huguenot
accused of murder by Catholic political
ii. Ends all letters- “crush the infamous thing”
D. David Hume- “Inquiry into Human Behavior “&
“Of Miracles”- Rational Skepticism
E. Baruch Spinoza- Ethics- pantheism
Denis Diderot
• Attempted to secularize
• Organized a work called
the Encyclopedie
– Attempted to collect in a
comprehensive work of all
the new knowledge of the
– Every major Enlightenment
philosophe contributed
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
A. Denis Diderot
i. philosophe that attempted to put all the new
knowledge into one comprehensive set of books
called The Encyclopedia
a. banned by censors in France
b. attacked Christianity as irrational
Cesare Beccaria
• believed laws were made to keep
order in society
• laws NOT made to avenge crimes
• laws should try to make the most
amount of good for the greatest
number of people
• stop torture
• punishment should fit the crime
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
A. Denis Diderot
i. philosophe that attempted to put all the new
knowledge into one comprehensive set of books
called The Encyclopedia
a. banned by censors in France
b. attacked Christianity as irrational
B. Cesare Beccaria – due process of law
i. end cruel and unusual punishment (torture)
ii. listed steps to protect accused criminals
Francois Quesnay
• Among the early
group of economic
• Philosophers called
the physiocrats
• Agricultural
philosopher- get rid
of agricultural tariffs
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
A. Denis Diderot
i. philosophe that attempted to put all the new
knowledge into one comprehensive set of books
called The Encyclopedia
a. banned by censors in France
b. attacked Christianity as irrational
B. Cesare Beccaria – due process of law
i. end cruel and unusual punishment (torture)
ii. listed steps to protect accused criminals
C. Francios Quesnay- (physiocrat)
i. Among the early group of economic
philosophers called the physiocrats
ii. Agricultural philosopher- get rid of
agricultural tariffs
Adam Smith
• Father of modern
• Natural economy- no
artificial barriers
• Laizzez-Faire- Govt.
out of economy
• Criticized mercantilism
• The market is the
“invisible hand”
• The Wealth of Nations
Adam Smith
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
A. Denis Diderot
B. Cesare Beccaria – due process of law
C. Francios Quesnay- (physiocrat)
i. Among the early group of economic
philosophers called the physiocrats
ii. Agricultural philosopher- get rid of
agricultural tariffs
D. Adam Smith
i. Father of modern capitalism
ii. Natural economy- no artificial barriers
iii. Laizzez-Faire- Govt. out of economy
iv. Criticized mercantilism
v. The market is the invisible hand
A Parisian Salon
Madame Geoffrin’s Salon
The Salonnieres
Madame Geoffrin
Julie de Lespinasse
Suzanne Necker
Female Philosophes
► Emilie du Chatalet,
a French noblewoman
► Wrote extensively about
the mathematics and
physics of Gottfried
Wilhelm von Lebnitz and
Isaac Newton.
► Her lover, Voltaire, learned much of his
science from her.
Quest ions
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
V. The Enlightenment & Women
A. Emile du Chatalet
i. Voltaire’s lover- taught him science & calculus
Marie-Therese Geoffrin & Marquise de Pompadour
Marie-Therese Geoffrin
• well connected woman who
organized the salon
• Marquise de Pompadour
• mistress of Louis XV
• Organized salons and
helped get Encyclopedie
published and protect
philosophes from censors
Marquise de Pompadour
Marie-Therese Geoffrin
Quest ions
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
V. The Enlightenment & Women
A. Emile du Chatalet
i. Voltaire’s lover- taught him science & calculus
B. Marie-Therese Geoffrin
i. well connected woman who organized the salon
C. Marquise de Pompadour
i. mistress of Louis XV
ii. Organized salons and helped get Encyclopedie
published and protect philosophes from
Mary Wollstonecraft
• called for equal rights for
• believed that women should be
educated like men
• called for women to enter jobs
that men traditionally held
• believed that women could be
useful in society
Quest ions
III.The Enlightenment & Religion
IV. The Enlightenment & Society
V. The Enlightenment & Women
A. Emile du Chatalet
i. Voltaire’s lover- taught him science & calculus
B. Marie-Therese Geoffrin
i. well connected woman who organized the salon
C. Marquise de Pompadour
i. mistress of Louis XV
ii. Organized salons and helped get Encyclopedie
published and protect philosophes from
D. Mary Wollstonecraft – Women’s Equality
i. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
ii. encourages education to make women useful
iii. Attacked Rousseau’s view of women from
his book- Emile
iv. Most philosophes felt women were naturally
inferior to men and held traditional views
Other Female Salons
► Wealthy Jewish women created nine
of the fourteen salons in Berlin.
► In Warsaw, Princess Zofia
Czartoryska gathered around her the
reform leaders of Poland-Lithuania.
► Middle-class women in London used
their salons to raise money to publish
women’s writings.
Reading During the Enlightenment
► Literacy:
 80%%% o/o for men; 60 o/o women.
► Books were expensive (one day’s wages).
► Many readers for each book (20 : 1)
 novels, plays & other literature.
 journals, memoirs, “private lives.”
 philosophy, history, theology.
 newspapers, political pamphlets.
An Increase in Reading
An Increase in Reading
“Must Read” Books of the Time
The Philosophes
In the 1700s Paris became the intellectual center of the
world. Wealthy people would have parties where thinkers,
writers, artists, and musicians would meet to talk about ideas.
Frederick the Great of Prussia (r. 1740-1786)
► 1712 -– 1786.
► Succeeded his father,
Frederick William I
(the “Soldier King”).
► He saw himself
as the “First
Servant of the State.”
Catherine the Great (r. 1762-1796)
► German Princess
Sophie Friederike
Auguste of
► 1729 -– 1796.
Reformer? OR Despot?
1767: Catherine summons the
1768-1774: Russo-Turkish War.
1771-1775: Pugachev Rebellion is
1772: First partition of Poland.
1785: Charter of Nobility.
1793: Second partition of Poland.
1795: Third partition of Poland.
Reformer? OR Despot?
Russian Expansionism in the Late 18c
Joseph II of Austria (r. 1765-1790)
► 1741 -– 1790.
► His mother was
Maria Theresa.
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor
1772: First partition of Poland.
1778-1779: He failed to annex Bavaria to Austrian
1781: Declared the Toleration Patent.
1781: Abolition of serfdom and feudal dues.
1785: He failed to exchange the Austria
Netherlands for Bavaria.
1787-1792: Austria joined Russia in the RussoTurkish War, but little was gained.
1795: Third partition of Poland.
Joseph II of Austria
The Legacy of the Enlightenment?
1. The democratic revolutions begun in America in
1776 and continued in Amsterdam, Brussels, and
especially in Paris in the late 1780s, put every
Western government on the defensive.
2. Reform, democracy, and republicanism had been
placed irrevocably on the Western agenda.
The Legacy of the Enlightenment?
3. New forms of civil society arose –-- clubs, salons,
fraternals, private academies, lending libraries, and
professional/scientific organizations.
4. 19c conservatives blamed it for the modern
“egalitarian disease” (once reformers began to
criticize established institutions, they didn’t know
where and when to stop!)