WEO - He Hawai'i au mau a mau

He Hawaiʻi Au - Brown Bag Speech
WEO - He Hawai’i au mau a mau – I am a Hawaiian
now and forever.
To embrace your identity as a Hawaiian.
To communicate your plans and potential for your future
To emphasize, enhance, and empower effective speaking skills, focusing on
delivery styles.
To practice critiques in the evaluation process, and recognize its effectiveness
for performance.
To emphasize the importance of professionalism in public speaking.
To emphasize the importance of developing effective listening skills.
To discuss experiences with stage fright and develop effective tools to combat
performance anxiety.
2.5 minutes (minimum) to 3.5 minutes (maximum)
There is a grade drop for every 30 seconds under or over time.
1 sandwich sized brown bag/ or a same-sized small bag or box
pictures, cut-outs, stickers (for the outside of the bag)
3D objects (to put in the bag) – photos ARE NOT 3-D objects
glue (NO SCOTCH TAPE to tape the items to the bag)
4 X6 notecard may be used
A visual aid (which is your paper bag/ box, and the contents)
Outside of Bag: LABEL EACH SIDE
One side must represent how you view yourself as a Hawaiian. For example, how
does you or your family define what it means to be Hawaiian. How do you
connect your interests to being a Hawaiian. How do you embrace your identity
as being Hawaiian? Think about language, culture, values, interests, history –
you may make connections to anything about being Hawaiian.
One side must represent your past. What got you to this point, what experiences
molded you?
One side must represent you in the present. What are some things that are really
important to you, skills you have, etc.
The final side should represent your goals for the future. What do you want to
achieve, what dreams do you have, how can you get there?
Each side must be thoroughly covered (not just one picture).
Inside of Bag: 3-D objects (not just pictures in frames).
Items which represent things NOT known about you (At least 3 items).
Items which represent the way you view yourself but is unknown to others.
“Brown Bag” Speech – 60 pts. (Goes toward Speech Grade)
Outline – (Goes toward HW grade)
Structuring your Speech: Please write everything in complete sentences!!
A. Attention-GetterAttention-getter type My past experience affects my future.
 My present actions affect my culture.
B. Short background information-(full name; nickname; age/grade;
birthplace; siblings, etc.)
 My name is Jameson Lamaikai Mahiai.
 Nickname: JJ
 I am 14 years old and in the 9th grade.
 I have 4 siblings 3 brothers and 1 sister.
Body (main points and interesting facts or experiences about yourself
using the visual aide)
A. Main point(s) #1 What is well-known about you.
a. Subpoint 1: (He Hawai’i au mau a mau)
 I am Hawaiian now and forever.
 Why I am proud to be Hawaiian.
 How much Hawaiian am I.
 How I perpetuate my culture.
b. Subpoint 2: (Past) –
 What I thought about my culture when I was little.
 How my brother influenced me to get into this school.
c. Subpoint 3: (Present) –
 How my life is different because of my culture.
 How this school is helping me embrace my culture.
d. Subpoint 4: (Future) –
 In 20-30 years I see…
 Giving back to the school and my culture
 Carrying my and my family’s name with pride (Mahiai)
B. Main point (s) #2 What other people might not know about you.
a. Subpoint 1: Item #1
 My siblings
 How they influence me to do better.
 How they push me to my limits.
b. Subpoint 2: Item # 2
 My friends
 Keenan and eli push me to strive for my goals
 They keep me going and keep me on the top of my
A. Concluding Statement- Concluding statement type- You may want to
review what you have said or leave us with a lasting thought or
quotation- in English or Hawaiian, which we can remember you by. Use
your attention-getter/ closing statement handouts. You need more than
just a “Pau,” or “Thank You,” for this conclusion.
 Recap on speech
 Main points
 Go deep into the culture
 He Hawaii au mau a mau
 Meaning and how strong words are.
 Pau
Ms. Kauhane
Speech Communications
Revised 8/14