12 Angry Men Test Review Sheet

12 Angry Men Review Sheet
The 80 point test you will be taking over 12 Angry Men and Persuasion will be made up of the following
questions: Multiple Choice, Matching, Fill in the blank, True/False, Short answer.
“12 Angry Men”
 Know the characters, their positions in life, their stances on the verdict, and how their stances change.
 Know the evidence that was submitted by the prosecution and witnesses.
o Woman who said she saw the murder through the el train.
o “Rare knife” that was bought in the neighborhood and used in the murder.
o Downstairs neighbor who said he heard the murder and saw the boy running down the stairs.
 Know the arguments provided by juror eight that refutes the evidence.
o The timing of the el train.
o The noise of the el train.
o The knife isn’t as rare as presented during the trial.
o The distance from the old man’s bedroom to his front door and his inability to walk quickly.
o The woman wore glasses but was in bed when the murder occurred.
 Know the conflicts that occur between characters.
 The first verdict and the final verdict.
 What happens at the end of the play.
Persuasion and Propaganda
 Know what persuasion is.
 Know the four things you must do in order to persuade your audience.
 Know the four types of audiences.
 Know Aristotle’s Appeals (Logos, Ethos, Pathos) & why it is important to use them when trying to persuade.
 Know this for Logos: Inductive vs. Deductive reasoning. (Make sure you look over the examples of each and
would be able to identify the examples as inductive or deductive)
 Know what propaganda is and what forms it comes in.
 Know the types of faulty logic propaganda, what they mean and examples of each.
o Transfer
o Name-calling
o Bandwagon
o Card-Stacking
o Either-or
o Unrelated Testimonials
o Hasty Generalization
o Non-Sequitur
o Loaded Words and Emotional Appeals
 Know what Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is and its parts.
o Physiological
o Safety and Security
o Love and Belonging
Self Actualization
Courtroom and Legal Terminology
1. Miranda Rights
2. Felony vs. Misdemeanor
3. Plaintiff
4. Prosecutor vs. The
5. Defendant
Reasonable doubt
Hung Jury
Fifth Amendment
12 Angry Men Vocabulary
1. belligerently
2. monopoly
3. proposition
4. unanimous
5. el
breeding ground
Possible Essay Questions
o Explain how Juror Eight successfully utilizes the three pillars of Aristotle’s Appeals (logos, ethos
and pathos) to convince the other jury members that the defendant might be innocent.
o What is propaganda and how does it appear in the play? Give at least three examples to support
your answer and identify which type of illogical fallacy is being used. You may not use any
examples that have already appeared on this test.
o What does Ten’s following comment reveal about himself? “How can you believe him, knowing what
he is? I lived among ’em all my life. You can’t believe a word they say.” ALSO, why might it be
dangerous to have more than one person like this in a group of jurors?
o How does persuasion play a key role in the outcome of this play?
o Using your best persuasive skills, put together an argument supporting one side of the following issue:
At the end, did Juror Three finally believe the boy was not guilty, or did he vote that way just to get it
over with? Support your answer fully.
Test Break-Down
o 25 Multiple Choice Questions: (1 pt) These questions may concern the play, legal terms or
o 14 Vocabulary Questions: (1 pt) The vocabulary words will be in matching format.
o 15 Legal Terms: (1 pt) The legal terms will be in fill-in-the-blank and true/false format.
o 9 Logical Fallacies: (1 pt) You will be presented with a situation or a statement concerning an
issue and you will need to identify which of the 9 logical fallacies it falls under.
o 12 Jury Members: (1 pt) Jury members will be in matching format.
o 1 Essay Questions: (5 points each) You must compose one coherent 4-5 sentence paragraph
explaining your answer. I will be looking for complete sentences, spelling, grammar and good
organization of thoughts.
Name: _______________________________________________
12 Angry Men Test Review
Jury Members: Identify which characters fit the following descriptions. When labeling, use F for Foreman
and numbers 2-12 for the rest of the jurors.
1) ______ This jury member was chosen to be in charge, but was clearly the wrong person for the
position due to his inability to take charge and make decisions.
2) _______ This jury member had problems with his own son and now has a negative view of most
young men. He is extremely opinionated and at times displays a violent temper.
3) _______ This jury member introduced the possibility of the young man’s innocence to the other
jurors and remained calm and level-headed throughout the play while explaining his position.
4) _______ This juror was a wealthy man who seems to look down on the other jurors for trying to
disprove the evidence provided during the case. He is one of the last jurors to change his mind.
5) _______ This juror was a refugee from Europe who expressed his appreciation for the rights granted
by the United States government and his desire to take part in a fair trial.
6) _______ This juror was an older gentleman who sympathized with the witness that claimed to hear
the murder and see the boy running down the stairs. He understood what it was like to feel old
and unimportant and why the witness might have made up his testimony.
7) _______ This juror had a hard time maintaining any opinions of his own. He was easily swayed and
often adopted the opinion of the last person to speak.
8) _______ This juror was not easy to convince, but he was open to hearing the opinions of others. He
wasn’t the smartest of the jurors, but he took in all of the opinions and went with the side that
appealed to him the most.
9) _______ This juror was in advertising and thought of humans in terms of numbers and percentages;
he showed very little regard for human life. He came off as snobby but tried to act like he was one
of the good guys.
10)_______ This juror expresses openly that he has better things to do then to sit around and talk about
whether the boy on trial is innocent or guilty. He is loud, quick to form opinions and tends to bully
the other jurors.
11)_______ This juror is a young man who took his obligations in the case very seriously. At first he had
a hard time speaking up, but later gained courage and spoke his mind.
12)_______ This juror was angry and bitter and expressed his prejudice attitude openly more than once
during the play. In fact, at one point all of the other jurors began walking away from him in disgust
as he spoke.
Evidence: For each piece of evidence listed in the left column, explain how it was disproved by the jurors
in the right column. There might be more than one argument against the evidence provided.
Evidence of Guilt Against Defendant
The woman across the street saw the murder
through the windows of the last two el train cars.
The old man downstairs heard the murder.
Seconds after the murder, the old man downstairs
ran to his front door and saw the young man
running away from the apartment.
The knife that was used in the murder was rare.
The boy’s father was stabbed in the chest at a
downward angle.
Possibility of Innocence
Logical Fallacies in 12 Angry Men: The following statements are either direct quotes or are at least
related to the reasoning used by the jurors in the play. Identify which logical fallacy best fits each
Loaded Words and
Emotional Appeals
1. ________________________________ (Juror 3) “All right. There's your angle. Take a look at it. Down and in.
That's how I'd stab a taller man in the chest, and that's how it was done. Take a look at it and tell me I'm
(Juror 8) “Did you ever stab a man?”
(Juror 3) “No, I didn’t!”
2. ________________________________ (Juror 7) “Listen, there are still eleven of us who think he's guilty. You're
alone. What do you think you're gonna accomplish? If you want to be stubborn and hang this jury, he'll
be tried again and found guilty, sure as he's born.”
3. ________________________________ (Juror 3) “You sat right in court and heard the same thing I did. The
man's a dangerous killer.”
4. ________________________________ (Juror 4) “The children who come out of slum backgrounds are potential
menaces to society.”
5. ________________________________ Many murders occur in slums, so the defendant, who is from the
slums, is obviously guilty of murder.
6. ________________________________ (Referring to Juror 3) His son hit him in the face three years ago, so he
thinks the young man on trial is guilty of killing his father.
7. ________________________________ (Juror 8) “Look, this boy's been kicked around all his life. You know,
living in a slum, his mother dead since he was nine. That's not a very good head start. He's a tough,
angry kid. You know why slum kids get that way? Because we knock 'em on the head once a day,
8. ________________________________ (Juror 7) “We can talk all day about this thing, but I think we’re wasting
our time. Look at the kid's record. At fifteen he was in reform school. He stole a car. He's been arrested
for mugging. He was picked up for knife-fighting. I think they said he stabbed somebody in the arm.”
9. ________________________________ We are going to all vote guilty or walk out of here a hung jury.
12 Angry Men Vocabulary: Write out all of the definitions to the vocabulary words.
1. belligerently
2. monopoly
3. proposition
4. unanimous
5. el
6. refugee
7. breeding ground
8. sadist
9. ensuing
Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs
Define Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs: _________________________________________________________
List the 5 levels of need and give an example of each:
1. ________________________________
2. ________________________________ _______________________________
3. ________________________________ _______________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________
Persuasion: Answer the following questions about persuasion.
1) Define persuasion: ______________________________________________________________________
2) What are the four things you have to do in order to persuade someone of something?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
d. ____________________________________________________________________________
3) What are the four types of audiences you might have while giving a speech?
a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________
d. ________________________
4) What are Aristotles Appeals and what do they mean?
a. ____________________________________________________________________________
b. ____________________________________________________________________________
c. ____________________________________________________________________________
5) Define inductive reasoning. ________________________________________________________________
6) Define deductive reasoning. _______________________________________________________________
7) Define propaganda. ______________________________________________________________________
8) Explain the difference between persuasion and propaganda. ______________________________________
Legal Terms: In your own words, define the following legal terms.
1. Miranda Rights
2. Felony vs. Misdemeanor
3. Plaintiff
4. Prosecutor vs. The Defense
5. Defendant
6. Witness
7. Evidence
8. Reasonable doubt
9. Verdict
Hung Jury
Fifth Amendment