Cancer WebQuest


Name ______________________________________________________ Date ________________________

College Biology

Project 2 – Cancer WebQuest

Cancer has a major impact on every person. One out of every two men and one out of every three women will develop some form of cancer at some point in their lives. Chances are, you know someone who has cancer or has died from cancer. Some of you may have even had cancer yourselves.

Cancer is simply a group of cells that is reproducing when it should not be. The DNA within the cells that controls cell division has been mutated (changed) and the cells grow out of control. In this project, you are going to create a WebQuest about a specific type of cancer. You will then give your WebQuest to other students in the class for them to complete. It will be your responsibility to grade their answers. You will also complete other groups’ WebQuests as well.

Cancer type: ______________________________________________________________________________

Part 1 A: Website Search

You and your partner will spend one class period looking for reliable websites to pull information from for your WebQuest. You should have at least 4 websites.









Part 1 B: Question Brainstorming

You and your partner will spend one class period brainstorming questions to ask on the WebQuest. Your first question MUST BE


What is the normal function of the organ affected by this type of cancer?

Bounce other ideas for questions off your teacher and other groups. What should a person know about cancer?



















Part 2: Build Your WebQuest

You and your partner will have one class period to type up your WebQuest in Microsoft Word. Make sure you indicate which website will provide the correct answer for each question. You will also need to include directions on how to find the information on the website.

Once you have completed the questions for your WebQuest (make sure you leave spaces for answers), make an answer key complete with reasonable point values for each question (totaling 50 points). You and your partner should have a complete understanding of all vocabulary and terminology that could be used in the answers.

Part 3: Submit Your WebQuest

E-mail a copy of your WebQuest along with your answer key to your teacher at _______________________.

Your WebQuest must be received by ____________________________________.

Part 4: Taking the WebQuest

Your teacher will make copies of your WebQuest to distribute to ______ classmates. You will also be given

______ WebQuests to complete yourself. Submit your completed WebQuests to your teacher by


Part 5: Grading the WebQuests

You will score the copies of your WebQuest completed by your classmates using your answer key. Make sure that each student who took your WebQuest answered the question showing complete understanding of all vocabulary and terminology.

Part 6: Wrapping Up

Submit the corrected WebQuests to the teacher for evaluation. Then complete ONE of the following openended assignments. Each partner will complete this part individually. Assignments should be one typed page in length, single-spaced with 1-inch margins, and 12-point regular Calibri font. Following a 5-paragraph essay format would make your life significantly easier.

Option 1: By now you should have a better understanding of the various factors that can cause cancer. Explain, in detail, 3 ways a person can decrease their risks of getting cancer by making simple lifestyle changes.

Option 2: Explain, in detail, a personal cancer experience from your life. Explain what it felt like to learn the news, your thoughts on the entire situation, and how this project has affected your feelings.

Option 3: Write a letter to one of your State senators explaining why more funding (money) should go to cancer research. Make sure to give sufficient detail (3 examples) to support your reasoning.
