Healthy Eating

A Guide
healthy and delicious foods
Milk is good for…?
Why do people drink coffee?
Hot chocolate is best at what
time of day?
What ingredients are usually
found in soda?
Does beer have nutritious value? Why or
why not?
Does anyone in your family drink wine? If yes, who?
For what occasion?
What, if any, are the benefits of
drinking lemonade?
What is the recommended amount of water you
should drink every day?
What are the positive and
negative factors for eating eggs?
What nutrition does butter
provide our bodies?
What are the positives and
negatives of eating cheese?
Name two main food ingredients in
ice cream. Positives? Negatives?
Which dairy product has the most
positive value: Milk? Cream? Cheese?
Butter? Ice cream?
How many servings of fruit should you eat
every day? One? Three? Five?
What vitamin do lemons provide? What
disease does this vitamin prevent?
What mineral do bananas provide?
Have you ever eaten a banana and peanut-butter
sandwich? Very good!
Strawberries provide the same
mineral as bananas.
Cherries have many health benefits.
Eating orange-colored vegetables is
good for your eyes!
Nutitionists recommend eating yellow or
orange-colored vegetables every day.
Which of these do you eat the
most often?
Grapes are a wonderful source of antioxidants, so good for your circulatory system!
Cucumbers help to remove
waste and toxins from our body.
Rich in iron, green beans serve
as a very good source of energy.
Mushrooms are an excellent source of potassium,
a mineral that helps lower elevated blood pressure.
Eating more seafood is one way that most of
us can help improve our diets—and our health.
Healthy ways to enjoy fish include baked,
poached, grilled and steamed.
Shrimp is a good source of vitamin D. which helps our body use
calcium and phosphorus, essential for strong teeth and bones.
Sushi, like other fish, is both a
brain and a heart food.
Grass-fed beef is a major source
of Omega 3 fats.
Which is healthier, baked or fried chicken?
Is there such a thing as a healthy hamburger?
Why? Or…Why not?
Prepared meats are filled with
toxic chemicals. Stay away!
As a source of protein, chicken is one of
the best.
Bacon is dangerous! Full of
cholesterol and carcinogens!
Sugar and butter can be killers!
Do you eat fresh bread every day?
Why or why not?
Wheat is the most important
cereal crop in the world.
Which is better for you, fresh
apples or apple pie? Why?
Can pie crust meet your body’s
need for benefits of wheat?
What is unhealthy about this
What is the best food in this
picture? Why?
A balance of color means a good
balance of nutrition.
What’s good about this picture?
What kind of nutrition value do you see?
What nutrition can you see here?
And here?
Describe the positives and
negatives here?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Positives? Negatives?
Are you hungry? Why? Why not?