Molecule Transport Foldable Instructions

Bellwork: Answer the following questions for the picture.
Write the ANSWER only.
1. _________ is the
movement of water.
3. _________ moves
sugar/salt in the direction of
_______ to _______ .
2. _______ ________
requires energy to move from
low to ______
4. ________ ________ needs
a ______ to move through the
5. The cell membrane
is made up of what
three molecules?
• I.A.N. Check TODAY – Leave it in the
drawer by 7th Period.
• Notecards DUE TODAY – have them
• Buff Binder Check on Wednesday
• Next week is the last week of the
1st-Six Weeks.
• Make-Up Assignment
Project Re-do
3D Cell Model - Highest Possible Grade 70
• Make a Cell–Using household items make a three-dimensional model
of a plant or animal cell that meets the criteria listed below. (Sample
items: cereal, balloons, gummi worms, mints, fruit slices, dried fruit,
matches, gum balls, peanuts, rope licorice, jelly beans, sesame seeds,
other candies, toothpicks. Craft packages also may work: clay, beads,
• Choose what type of cell you will build, a typical PLANT or ANIMAL cell.
Include this label somewhere on your model.
• Include 10 organelles listed from your textbook/notes.
• Create a KEY or label in some way each part on your model and its
The Cell: 3D Model Rubric
Scoring Criteria
Model is creative, shows effort
The model is 3 dimensional
Model stays together, not too
messy or difficult to move around
Cell Parts
Key, legend, or labeling is easy to
use to identify parts on the model
10 organelles labeled accurately
Appropriate material is used so
that it looks like the cell part it is
Organelles organized within the
cell in their appropriate places
Written Word
Basic grammar, spelling on key and
any other writing used in model
Excellent (3 pts)
Satisfactory (2 pts)
Minimal (1 pt)
• Essential Question: What
are the 4 methods of
molecular transport?
Page 19: Molecule Transport Foldable
• With the Cell Membrane facing up, fold your
paper in half (Hot Dog Style)
• On the half facing up – Separate into 4
Segments and write the Diffusion, Osmosis,
Facilitated Diffusion and Active Transport (in
that order)
• Cut 3 slits on the segments ONLY of the half of
the paper facing you.
Page 19: Molecule Transport
• Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion,
Active Transport
• Does it use energy?
• What’s moving? Water OR Solutes
• Is it moving from High to Low OR Low to
• Does it move through the Phospholipid
Bilayer OR Protein Channel?
of particles