American Dream Synthesis Essay Davenport

American Dream Synthesis Essay
Up until this point in Semester 1, we have been using a wide range
of texts to study the various experiences of people in pursuit of the
American Dream. Some people and/or groups achieve the
American Dream; some people are oppressed by the American
dream; and some people are sacrificed so that others can achieve the
American Dream. Regardless of which scenario, it cannot be argued
that there are tensions associated with the American Dream.
You are required to write a well-developed, organized essay that answers the following question:
What tensions are caused by or connected with the American Dream?
A proficient essay must include and develop thoroughly the following components:
 An introduction paragraph with a strong thesis statement
 A minimum of 3 body paragraphs that include:
o Topic sentences that introduce the main idea of the paragraph and link it back to the
o Supporting evidence (including quote(s) from the texts you are using to support your
o Explanation of how the evidence connects back to the main idea of the paragraph
 A concluding paragraph that summarizes the thesis statement
To develop your response to the prompt, you are encouraged to use a combination of any of the texts
we have studied so far. You also may find and include your own connected text if you so choose.
Either way, this is a text-based response; you are required to determine what is important from
what we have read and use it to support your thesis.
Tentative Calendar
Reading Plans
Writing Plans
Oct 1721
Oct 2428
Oct 31Nov 4
Nov 711
Nov 1418
Nov 2125
Nov 28Dec 2
Dec 5-9
African-American texts
Finishing Writing Portfolio
Hispanic texts
Developing Solid Thesis Statements
Other Marginalized Groups:
GLBT, women, soldiers, etc
Review and Prep for Socratic
Review and Prep for Synthesis
Review and Prep for Synthesis
Type and Workshop Synthesis
Workshop and Publish Synthesis
Developing Thorough Paragraphs
Developing Thorough Paragraphs
Socratic Seminar
Developing Thorough Paragraphs,
Structuring Essays
Structuring Essays, Revising/Editing
Rough Draft
Typed Draft
Final Draft
Your essay will be worth 100 points as an assessment grade.
There will also will many points dedicated to developing, workshopping, in-class assignments, and
homework. Please prepare to devote 100% effort to this!