Name: _Daniel Caregnato_______________________
Sex: __Male_____
Do you have any history of injuries resulting from physical activity?
No noted injuries
Are you a smoker or have recently quit?
Non smoker
Do you have any of the following conditions? Check if apply
(High blood pressure, Diabetes, bone/joint conditions- specify)
Does anyone in your family, have heart conditions or problems?
Does anyone in your immediate family have any kind of disease? (Parents or siblings) (ACSM)
Did your father or brother die suddenly before the age 55 or mother or sister before 65? (ACSM)
Have you had your blood pressure tested?
I have not had it taken
Have you had your Cholesterol checked? (ACSM)
I do not know my cholesterol levels at this time.
Do you have diabetes or know your glucose levels? (ACSM)
No I do not know my glucose levels
Do you accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days per week? Example
would be a faster paced walk or a light jog (ACSM)
Yes I am physically active
Have you had any recent illnesses, have been hospitalized or surgeries? (ACSM)
Have you ever been diagnosed with a medical condition? (ACSM)
Do you have a history of symptoms such as: Shortness of breath (SOB), pain when moving a limb or
things of that nature? (ACSM)
Are you prescribed any medicated drugs or have any medical allergies? (ACSM)
I have seasonal allergies such as nasal congestion and headaches.
I am low risk according to ACSM
Questions from the Par-Q test: Put Yes or No
_n____ Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical
activity recommended by a doctor?
_n____ Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
_n____ In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
_n_____ Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
_n_____ Do you have a bone or joint problem that could be made worse by a change in your physical
_n_____ Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs for your blood pressure or heart condition?
_n_____ Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
Lifestyle Questionnaire
Do you have any experience with exercise? If so what are your favorite exercises? What do you not
I played sports my whole life, I lifted weights throughout high school and currently do. I like most
exercises; I do not have a favorite and do not dislike any particular exercise as well.
Do you belong to a gym? If so where, and if not do you have equipment available to you?
I belong to the Firm for Health and Fitness.
What do you do at your job? (Desk work, construction, waiter/waitress, etc.) (Biren 2013)
I work at a produce block, stacking crates of produce. So I would consider it a physically active job.
How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
On average I get from about 7-8 hours per night.
What are some of your nutritional habits? (Eat breakfast every day, 3 meals per day, a lot of “junk”
food, etc.)
I eat breakfast every morning, I could eat healthier, but I get 3 meals per day. I ultimately would like to
have a better diet.
What is stopping you from being in your ideal physical state? (Biren 2013)
Sometimes work and school becomes a factor so I would say time is a barrier.
What is your motivating factor? (Biren 2013)
Would like to increase hypertrophy in muscles and look great
Physical components of fitness
Score after
Sit & reach test
Score before
1 Mile run
Muscular Strength
1 RM Bench Press
275 lbs
285 lbs
Advanced category
Muscular Endurance
Curl up test (1
Body Composition
(Norms taken from Exrx.net except for cardio-respiratory runningfreeonline.com)
40 yard dash
Score before
Score after
4.6-4.9 (college
Reaction time
Reaction timer
Vertical Jump
Illinois Agility Test
Stork Balance
Stand Test
Alternate Hand
Wall Toss Test
(Tests take from Topendsports.com)
26 seconds
25 seconds
22% of test takers
scored .25-.30
>28 excellent for
<16.1-15.2 Good
25-39 Average
30-35 Good
Summarizing all the previously stated information before, I am not a risk to work out and seem
to be in fair condition. Health-wise I am a pretty healthy individual with no family cases having severe or
life-threatening conditions. A key area of concern is availability. A big chunk of my schedule is either at
work or class, so balancing them with a vivid workout regimen. I already like to work out so that is not a
problem that I have to face. My scores for the physical components of fitness are scoring average-good
scores among males my age, although I could improve my mile run score and my sit and reach test.
What is working towards me is that, I have been lifting since high school and know my way around a
gym. I am excited to start this work out plan and hope to see improvements physically and emotionally
as well.
Good background and history with working out
Highly motivated to where I need to know what has to be done to achieve my goals
Not a health risk
Scored well on the 5 fitness components of health
Not always going to have a clear schedule when I am able to work out
I do not like doing cardio
I do not eat as much protein as I would like to
Short term
Strength: I want to increase my 1 RM on bench press by at least 15 lbs.
Body Composition: I would like to gain, at the minimum, 5 lbs. (can always be more)
Flexibility: I would like to improve my sit & reach score by 5.
Muscular endurance: I would like to do at least 70 curl-ups in 60 seconds.
I want to be able to do 60 strict push-ups.
Long term
I would like to continue my gym regimen 3-4 days a week.
Maintain my body fat %.
I would also like to eat more vegetables. (Celery sticks and carrots as snacks instead of cookies)
The plan to accomplish all of these wonderful goals for myself is the key now. I need to be able to
be available for my body’s needs and my health. I am going to break down my week such as this:
Monday I am going to do lifts focusing on the back & biceps muscles. A couple of exercises noted are
pull-ups, bicep curls, lat-pulls, chin-ups, and rows. Tuesday I am going to do chest and triceps. Bench
presses, overhead extensions, dips, and pec-decs will be a primary focus on this day. Wednesday I am
going to make it a focus on my flexibility, core work, and cardio. Because I do not like cardio, I am going
to make sure I go with someone on this day, to motivate me through it. It can range from anywhere to
yoga, the rowing machine, abdominal workouts, pedaling on the bike, or band stretches. Thursday will
be leg day. A lot of squats while mixing in calf-raises and quadriceps-curls. Friday I will finish my week
with shoulders and traps. Shrugs and presses will be a focus on this day. Saturday and Sunday will be
rest days. These should help me meet my lifting numbers I would like to by the end of the program. For
eating more vegetable I would like to eat at least celery and carrots twice a week and eat a lot more
peanut butter to get more protein in my diet. For overcoming my time barrier I am going to lift at night
when I have work and class and when I do not have work I am going to lift after class which is the
To start out, I think that my overall 8 week program was a success. I hit the gym and exercised
how I said I would from day 1. It is very difficult to try and plan things out because anything could come
up at any time and alter your plans in a flash. I didn’t lose anything training wise doing this project
though. I played college baseball for two years and had to lift throughout high school for sports so I
didn’t think that doing a project on working out, training would be difficult. I thing I was surprised about
is logging everything, looking at my numbers and trying to improve my scores and times on a weekly
basis. I have put that on a back burner and it was an eye opener to me to start training like that again. I
like motivation and logging your exercise definitely helps do so.
One of the things that worked for me during this program was when I said I was going to go to
the gym, I went. I didn’t put it off until the next day or simply skip. I may have altered the time but that
happens to everyone. I think I worked out all of my body parts, focusing on the goals I wanted to
accomplish and train specifically to obtain those goals. One of my goals was to improve my bench,
which I did by 10 lbs. Although I said I wanted to improve it by 15 lbs., I am still not disappointed and
hope to achieve that goal in the near future and use it as motivation to try and get it. I started to do
things to lower my mile run time as well. Although I didn’t go on many runs, I was on the rowing
machine which helps cardio-vascular fitness. I think running is boring at times and was a good variation
to doing cardio for me.
One thing that didn’t work for me was I did not go with a partner too many times, which could
have been avoided if I simply had asked someone. I think when I go with someone else I push myself
even further than I would if I went alone. On the days I went with a partner, I saw myself doing more
reps or more weight than anticipated. When I would train on a team, I lifted with the team so there
were always guys you were working out with. I lost that aspect of competition in training since it isn’t
mandatory for me to train anymore. I think I could’ve done more flexibility exercises. I put off
stretching after training and lose that aspect of trying to become more flexible. I improved my sit and
reach score but I do not think it was as significant as I wanted to. After each lift I am going to try and get
a good stretch in before I leave the gym.
Overall I thought this was a good project to do. I would love to keep trying to get my goals I
didn’t achieve, and for the ones I did achieve, improve them even more. I think fitness is nothing that
can be stopped and there is always room for improvement so I am going to strive for that in the future.
I think I am going to keep up this program and see how far I can push myself to becoming more fit and
becoming a more elite athlete. I am going to attempt to log my workouts and try to better my scores on
a weekly basis. I think it’s a great method because it’s on paper and you cannot rationalize the numbers
or slack off. That would be something I take from this project considering I always set goals for myself,
even though I never had to write them out. This project was awesome to complete though to put
together the whole spectrum of a workout plan.
ACSM. Medical/lifestyle questionnaire. Retrieved from power point provided by Dr. Biren.
Dr. Biren. (2013). Medical Questionnaires ACSM Classifications and Components of Fitness. Retrieved
from Blackboard PowerPoint.
ExRx. (2012). Fitness Testing. Retrieved from http://www.exrx.net/Testing.html
Par-Q. (2011). Retrieved from
Running Free. (2010) Age Target Times. Retrieved from
Top end Sports Fitness Tests. Retrieved from http://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests.htm.