Activity 2: Creating a Program Overview

Activity 1: Envision the Ideal Graduate
Activity 2: Creating a Program Overview
Questions to guide the construction of your program overview:
1. What is your program about? (Define your discipline and how the study of it contributes to
society---great opportunity to convey your enthusiasm)
2. What is the primary focus of your program? What are the various tracks?
3. What are the unique qualities of your program in terms of student opportunities and
experiences? (Service Learning, UC Forward, Undergraduate Research, Study Abroad)?
4. What are the research strengths of your faculty and how this might enhance your students'
5. What kinds of skills and experiences will students acquire that will prepare them for
employment upon graduation?
6. What are examples of careers inside and outside of higher education that students might
pursue upon completion of your program?
7. What are example careers of some of your alumni?
Activity 3: Draft Program-Based Student Learning Outcomes
Program Outcome #1
Program Outcome #2
Program Outcome #3
Program Outcome #4
Program Outcome #5
Program Outcome #6
Program Outcome #7
Curriculum Mapping Matrix: Linking Program Outcomes to Curriculum
I/E: Introduced/Emerging
D: Developing
A: Achieved
Required Courses, Experiences & Artifacts*
* Do not list courses, experience & artifacts controlled by external academic units, since you can only assess program outcomes controlled by your program. If your program
requires courses outside of your control, moving forward the expectation is units will share assessment findings so the needs of all the programs are addressed.
* Experiences: Non-course based activities of your students such as a performance, a clinical, internships.
* Artifacts: Student-produced products used as evidence for assessment activity.
Assessment Measures Alignment Matrix
Assessment Measures
Course/ Experience
Time Line
Responsible Person
Assessment Infrastructure
1. First, identify personnel responsible for managing your program’s assessment plan as well as
those who will be involved in data collection and consultation. You may find the following
questions helpful to guide you through this process:
Who will chair/serve on the assessment committee? ______________________________________________
What is the responsibility of the committee? _______________________________________________________
How will data be collected, what will the submission process and form look like? _______________
When will review of data occur? (recommended annually) _______________________________________
Explain the process of making curricular changes based on assessment findings and what the
process of decimation/discussion of findings/recommendations will be.__________________________
Will the course syllabi be collected? Will there be discussions with individual faculty regarding
required courses in the curriculum? Explain. _______________________________________________________
What will the recognition of service-load look like? ________________________________________________
2. Next, describe the timeline or Assessment Schedule for your academic program.
How often will data be collected.
When will faculty be reminded that data will be collected (recommended beginning of term)?
How will faculty be reminded to submit data at end of term? _____________________________________
What will be the schedule of data compilation, summary and review by PC?_____________________
What will be the timeline for when these findings with be shared & discussed with department
Will there be follow-up discussion with faculty teaching required courses and/or overseeing
required experiences? Explain. ______________________________________________________________________
What will be the timeline for improvement strategies identified (both short and long-term)?
Score and Recommendations:
Program Learning Outcomes (POs):
It is possible to evaluate outcome measures by asking the three following questions. If faculty
and chairs are able to answer, “yes” to all of three questions, it is likely that a strong set of
measures has been developed.
1. Review your collogues drafted assessment measure proposed for evaluating each outcome
2. Answer the following questions to help provide peer feedback and recommendations to
improve it? Please write recommendations for improvements in the space below:
Does the measure provide sufficient data and information to analyze the learning outcome?
Does the measure require a reasonable amount of work to collect?
Does the measure establish performance standards to help guide the analysis?