

The American Revolution


• American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won

Loyalists (Tories)

• Colonists who chose to side with the British

• Did not think unfair taxes were a good reason for rebellion

• Strongest loyalist support was in the Carolinas and Georgia

• Weakest loyalist support was in New England

• Many fled the colonies for England


• Taking no side in a conflict

British Advantages

• Most powerful Navy in the world

• Huge population advantage

• More experienced military

• Plenty of financial support

American Advantages

• Fighting on land they knew very well

• Were eager to defend their land

• British had to ship soldiers and supplies thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean

• British depended heavily on mercenaries

• Hired soldiers



• What the Americans called the British mercenaries.

• Name comes from the region in Germany most of them were from

• Main goal for winning the war was money

• Enlist


Margaret Corbin

• Followed husband when he joined the

Continental Army.

• Took his place on the battlefield when he was killed

Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley

“Molly Pitcher”

• Followed husband when he joined the

Continental Army

• Became known as “Molly Pitcher” for carrying water pitchers around the battlefield for soldiers

Deborah Sampson

• Disguised herself as a man and joined the army to fight

Thomas Paine

• Wrote Common Sense prior to the war

– The issue was freedom not taxes

• Wrote The American Crisis early in the war

– “These are the times that try men’s souls”

– “The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph”

Nathan Hale

• Teacher from Connecticut

• Hero at the battle of Long Island despite the

American defeat

• Spied on the British as a Dutch schoolteacher

• Discovered by British and hung

• Last words were “I only regret that I have one life to lose for my country”

African Americans in the War

• Many fought with the British after being offered freedom to fight against the Patriots

• General George Washington asked to have free

African Americans enlisted

• Southern states feared a revolt from armed

African Americans because of their large slave population

• Rhode Island was the first state to have an all

African American regiment

• Every state eventually state enlisted African

Americans except South Carolina

Christmas Night 1776

• British soldiers were taking a break from fighting because of the harsh winter.

• Washington led his men across an icy

Delaware River and attacked a group of

Hessian soldiers.

• Americans used momentum from this victory to defeat the British again at Princeton

Benedict Arnold

• Led the Americans to victory in Albany


• Americans, led by General Horatio Gates, defeated the British, led by General John

Burgoyne, forcing them to surrender

• Showed European powers that the Americans might win and led to support from other nations who hated Britain


• Originally only gave money secretly to the


• After the Battle of Saratoga they officially supported the Americans.

• Began to send money as well as equipment to assist the Americans.


• Did not officially recognize America as a nation until after the Revolutionary War.

• Sent troops to fight the British

• Forced the British to pay attention to two enemies.

• Defeated the British in the Mississippi Valley and along the Gulf of Mexico


• Declared war with Britain

• Loaned money to the Americans

Valley Forge

• Winter camp for George Washington and the

Continental Army in the winter of 1778

• Army suffered because of a lack of food, clothing, blankets, shelter and shoes

• Washington’s wife Martha helped by making clothes for the troops and caring for the sick

• Greatest challenge was keeping the army together

• Many men deserted the army


• To leave without permission

Marquis de Lafayette

• French nobleman who joined the Continental

Army after reading the Declaration of


• Spent the winter at Valley Forge with the

Continental Army

• Became a trusted advisor to General


Friedrich von Steuben

• Former German officer who helped turn the

Continental Army into an effective fighting unit.

• Drilled the Continental Army in proper military technique during the winter at Valley Forge

Causes of French-American Alliance

• Longstanding hostility between Britain and


• Conflict between Britain and France during the French and Indian War

• Victory at Saratoga boosts French confidence in Patriots

Effects of French-American Alliance

• France signed a treaty of alliance with the

United States in 1778

• France lends money to the Continental


• France sends soldiers and ships to help

American forces

• Americans win indepedence


• A continuous rise in the price of goods and services

• Caused Congress to stop issuing paper money

Francis Marion

• The British called him the Swamp Fox

• Led a small group of expert fighters from

South Carolina

• They lived off the land and continually surprised attack the British

• Him and his men hid in the swamps between attacks

Guerrilla Warfare

• Hit and run technique of fighting

Native Americans

• Mostly fought against the Americans

• Felt the British were less of a threat to their land


• to cut off an area by means of troops or warships to stop supplies or people from coming in or going out

• British blockade prevented supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Continental



• Privately owned warships

• Captured several British ships to assist the weak American Navy

John Paul Jones

• Successful American privateer commander

• Famously said “I have not yet begun to fight.”

• Captured the British ship Serapis despite his ship the Bonhomme Richard’s severe damage

• The Bonhomme Richard sank shortly after the battle

Charleston, South Carolina

• Location of the worst defeat for Americans during the American Revolution

• British captured thousands of prisoners

General Charles Cornwallis

• Commanded the British forces in the south

• Won the Battle of Camden

• Surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown after being defeated by American and French forces

General Horatio Gates

• Commanded American forces in the south

• Lost the battle of Camden due to several bad decisions

Guerilla Warfare

• a hit and run technique used in fighting a war, using small bands of warriors using tactics such as sudden ambushes

Comte De Rochambeau

• Led a unit of French soldiers, who were originally trapped by the British in Newport,

Rhode Island, to Yorktown to assist General

Washington and his men.

Francois Joseph De Grasse

• French admiral who prevented the British from escaping at the battle of Yorktown

Battle of Yorktown

• Battle that finally showed the British that the war was to costly.

Treaty of Paris

• Officially ended the American Revolutionary

War on September 3, 1783

• American representatives at the meetings were Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and

John Jay

• Britain promised to withdraw all troops from

American territory

• Great Britain officially recognized the United

States as a nation


• A fixed amount of money paid at regular intervals for past services.

Newburgh Conspiracy

• Potential revolt by the soldiers of the

Continental Army over Congress’ original refusal to pay their pension.

George Washington

• Resigned his command of the Continental

Army on December 4, 1783

• Returned to his home in Mount Vernon in time for Christmas
