Cyclone Nargis: A Reason or An Alibi for Humanitarian Intervention?

Cyclone Nargis & Humanitarian
Jenny & Steve
Introductory video
Cyclone Nargis & humanitarian intervention
R2P+ ??
NGO: an alternative to R2P
Aung San Suu Kyi @Oxford
Source: BBC
From Yangoon to Naypyidaw:
Problems along the story
Myanmar has been with violation of human rights, ethnic
conflicts since its formation in 1948
As of 2011, about 800,000 Muslim refugees coming from
Myanmar, most of them reside in borders with Thailand and
in South-east Myanmar
Under President Thein Sein, Myanmar has improved its
freedom (overall) by at least 4 points
The release of Aung San Suu Kyi
NLD managed to secure seats at the parliament
Cyclone Nargis-1
According to Haacke:
Myanmar’s junta, no capacity to respond to the humanitarian
Govt blocking international relief, rejecting the use of foreign
military assets to deliver aids
Myanmar is the first country within SE Asia that has become a
target for explicit discussion about applying R2P principle.
War crimes
Ethnic cleansing
Crimes against humanity
Cyclone Nargis-2
UN Charter Art 39
Dynamics of the post-cyclone situation and R2P?
Invocation of the R2P principle and the response to Nargis?
International reaction towards Nargis and armed conflict?
Implications and conclusions follow from the Myanmar case in
relation to R2P more generally?
Cyclone Nargis-3
Myanmar’s malign neglect
Bernard Couhner
Kevin Rudd
Khalizad (former US
ambassador to the UN)
ASEAN member states
Government of USA
French Foreign Ministry:
Not in the category
Gordon Brown: even
without help, UK will
Gareth Evans: true essence
of R2P and the suspection
from the junta
Cyclone Nargis – Diplomatic
solutions 1
Visas to international staff working for the UN and humanitarian
agencies and granting of access to more remote parts of the delta
Agreement to receive an emergency assessment team from the
The hosting of EU Commissioner for Development and
Humanitarian Aid
WFP using ten helicopters to ferry supplies from warehouse
facilities in Yangon directly to remote locations the delta
ASEAN Disaster Management and Emergency Response
mechanism not fully ratified as of 2005, so help has been on
bilateral basis
ASEAN + ERAT + Govt of Myanmar relief efforts
Cyclone Nargis – Diplomatic
solution 2
Singapore Foreign Minister, George Yeo:
“Many western countries feel that much more should be done
and perhaps it should be forced to them, but I don’t see how
this can be done, because if you try to do that, you make the
situation worse and will only increase the suffering of the
people in Myanmar”
ASEAN foreign ministerial meeting: open a way
7th ASEAN Security Summit:
The responsibility of disaster-hit countries to quickly and
effectively bring humanitarian relief
Countries concerned should provide entry for humanitarian
Consent and supervision from the affected countries
Cyclone Nargis and Ongoing
Armed conflict
Outflow of refugees, ethnic group vs govt
Eastern Myanmar: local govt vs Karen National Union  refugees
in northwest Thailand
 Myanmar: highest IDP rate in SE Asia
In 2006, there was a shared idea of Myanmar potentially being a
stumbling block to the international peace
 1100 political prisoners (including Aung San Suu Kyi), outflow of
refugees (problems with Thailand), drugs, HIV-AIDS and
 Objection from Russia, China, Congo and Qatar
 China and Russia argue that Myanmar’s problem is far from
disturbance to the international peace and stability
Cyclone Nargis and Ongoing
Obstacles of applying RtoP to Myanmar
There is no genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes
against humanity which disturb international peace and/or stability
There is no clear picture on problems related to refugees in Northwest Thailand and Eastern Myanmar.
There is no significant number of victims to be classified as ethnic
Lack of access to eastern Myanmar
China and the UNSC
Ties between Beijing and Naypidaw
Russia has always been against the idea of intervention
Indonesia has been abstain since Jan 2007 draft resolution on
Myanmar  ASEAN does not really agree on intervention
Limited applicability of current global demand (particularly
in addressing ‘natural catastrophe’) + suspicion that it could
be a tool of Western neo-imperialists ---- R2P-Plus
Focuses on preventive aspect of R2P + Removes the capacity
for aggression or armed interference (Omission of reactive
Responsive pillar (R2P) > Preventive pillar (R2P-Plus)
“benign preventive pillar”
Addressing the problem of Natural
catastrophe – R2P-plus
Strictly focuses on mass atrocity
Concentrate on natural
catastrophes + conflict situations
arguable of lighter scale, covers
situations of human suffering
Possible military intervention
Non-coercive , Non- aggressive
Responsive pillar
Preventive pillar
ASEAN – Crisis management
Relative success of ASEAN in crisis management
ASEAN’s involvement in the 1979 Vietnam-Cambodian War
Indonesia’s request for a peacekeeping force led by
ASEAN in the East Timor conflict in 1999
Recent inroads made by ASEAN and the Chinese govt in
persuading the Myanmar junta to allow humanitarian
organizations greater access to the disaster-stricken areas
following Cyclone Nargis
R2P-Plus for ASEAN: Prospects and
R2P-Plus fits strongly with
strategic interests of ASEAN
states and their traditional
ASEAN way of interaction
which revolves around
diplomacy and minimal
interference in each other’s
domestic affairs
R2P-Plus within ASEAN
Security community ( to foster
regional integration)
5 strategic priorities for SC
Non-coercive methods ->
response to humanitarian
problems + preserve core
national interests of member
Political development
Confict prevention
Conflict resolution
post-conflict peace building
essential conditions of conflict
prevention – 1. Early warning
ASEAN ->utilize the ASEAN Peoples’ Assembly (APA)
To establish a regional network of NGOs, think-tanks,
academics -> prevent a crisis from escalating
Strategic partners : China, South Korea, Australia, India ->
help to develop effective domestic early warning capability
through technical assistance
2. Preventive Toolbox
Could be composed of representative form gov. , academia, civil
society and expertise
Monitoring role (Investigation of specific human rights situations
that could potentially trigger crisis)
ASEAN envoys could be dispatched to mediate and monitor
under ASEAN Troika
Goal : to resolve conflicts through regional cooperation if
Natural catastrophe – Disaster response mechanism ( ASEAN
Emergency Rapid Assessment (ERAT), ASEAN Humanitarian
Task Force, Advisory group, UN, the Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, Nongovt. organizations
3. Generating Political Will
ASEAN and interested parties to convince states and affected state of the need to act
Strong leadership
Need to impress upon ASEAN states that ‘security of one’s neighbors impact its own’
3 most recent crisis in ASEAN
1. The Saffron Revolution 2. Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar 3. Thai-Cambodian border
: how the national interests of individual states are intertwined with the region and being
shaped by external forces
- ‘regional neighbors will naturally intervene in the affected state’s affairs’ but the question
is “how, when and to what ultimate end those regional interventions will occur” ‘
Characteristics of ASEAN and
ASEAN Charter
ASEAN charter (2007) : preserve traditional and
conservative norms and consensus
HLTF (High Level Task Force)
Composed only of 10 people from ASEAN member states
Only 9-10 months to draft ASEAN Charter
NGOS -> didn’t have access to the draft before it was
presented to and signed by the leaders during the 13th
summit in Singapore
Public : no opportunity to debate the document
Fails to put people at the center, much less empowered them
Lacks role of citizens and civil society organization in
regional community building
Adopt “ASEAN WAY” : “rule-based organization and remain
just that’s”
Consensual Decision Making
Article 20:
Decision-making in ASEAN shall be based on consultation
and consensus (provide each member state with veto power)
Consensus is needed in order to make non-consensus
decision and for these to be valid
No sanctions (not even have provisions for suspension of
ASEAN’s Traditional consensus
1. Thai Prime Minister Thanksin Shinawatra’s treat to walk out
of ASEAN Summit in 2005
: If the violence in Southern Thailand was raised
2. Prime Minister of Myanmar’s opposition to the planned
briefing, on the situation after the military junta’s crackdown
against protesting Buddihist monks
 Traditional
norms of state sovereignty and non-interference
- Promotion of R2P difficult
Regional Human Rights Body
Myanmar and Vietnam  opposed to the creation of a human
rights body
: Premium on State sovereignty and non-interference
Compromise : all members agreed to include a second
paragraph under Article 14
‘operate in accordance the terms of reference to be
determined at a later stage by the foreign ministers
High Level Panel (HLP) created in July 2008
What kind of regional human
rights body should be created
Member states with HR
Member states without HR
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar, Vietnam
Monitoring and enforcement
Only an advisory function + focus
on “promotion” rather than
protection of human rights
NGO: an alternative to R2P?
Review on the situation in Myanmar
Human rights violation – no freedom of expression
Ongoing conflicts, stateless people & refugees
Poor public health facility
Governance, democracy and civil society problems
Economics and livelihoods
Education – only 1.3% of GDP for this sector
Why supporting NGOs?
International actor(s)
Interests in Myanmar
Policies Pursued
SPDC Relationship w/
ASEAN and its member
reputation; counter
China’s influence,
drugs, etc
engagement, historical
shifting to quiet urging
Provides legitimacy;
Helps SPDC in its desire
to avoid undue
influence of China
Its mandate
Humanitarian aid;
diplomatic engagement
Depends on specific UN
Counter China’s
Large amount of
economic assistance
Historically positive
Cheap energy,
geopolitically strategic
Political, economic, and
military support
SPDC’s lifeline,
intervention and UNSC
Counter China’s
influence in region;
cheap energy, c
Economic and military
SPDC 2nd lifeline, helps
SPDC in its desire to
avoid undue influence
of China
Democracy and
freedom promotion
Isolation, sanctions,
withdrawal of aid
Strong suspicion
towards each other
Sanctions and
humanitarian aid
Varies depends on
Multilateral Institutions
(World Bank, ADB, IMF)
Its mandate
Large amounts of
NGOs in Myanmar – Coordination
in the field
The importance of strong field-based governance structures
with mechanisms to hold NGO LO staff to account is
underestimated. Where he NGO LO has a responsibility to local
NGOS, governance structures must include them
Recognising the perceived and actual influence of location,
source of fudning, and language on effectiveness of NGO
NGO coordination must regularly consult with and anticipate the
rapidly changing demands of field-based stakeholders
While a good coordination is necessary … an NGO coordinator
should have experience working with different stakeholders
NGOs in Myanmar – Coordination
in the field
Without a commitment to the Principles of Partnership and a
means to evaluate whether or not they are being met, lip
service to endeavouring to build on local capacity remains
just that
Facilitating LNGO participation in the mainstream
coordination is not necessarily the only or the most effective
way to support local response and/or improve coordination
and collaboration
A mutual recognition of the role and relationship between
NGO coordination mechanism, HAP and Sphere can result in
the benefits of networking, peer-learning and peerevaluation, and sound technical advice
What can we do with Myanmar and
Increase funding levels
Improving local capacity
Opening up the humanitarian space
Improving reliable data
Changing western donor policies
Donor harmonization
Myanmar, UN and ASEAN
The three actors
Humanitarian aid should take precedence over political
ASEAN and UN should be at the forefront of humanitarian
actions in Myanmar
Efforts to extend the TCG’s operations to other crises in
Myanmar should be, and remain, completely apolitical
IF!! Intervetion does happen?
Supreme humanitarian emergency ×
Last resort ×
Proportionality ?
Positive humanitarian outcome ▲
Humanitarian motives ▲・×
Humanitarian justification ?
Legality ×
Selectivity ?
Main references
“Cyclones and Humanitarian Crises: Pushing the Limits of
R2P in SE. Asia” by Caballero – Chang
“The ASEAN Charter and the Promotion of R2P in SE. Asia:
Challenges and Constraints” by Noel M. Morada
“Myanmar, the Responsibility to Protect, and the Need for
Practical Assistance” by Jurgen Haacke
“Working Through Ambiguity: International NGOs in
Myanmar” by Soubhik Ronnie Saha
Additional references
Information on Tripartite Core Group: ASEAN-Myanmar-UN
Information on Cyclone Nargis Chronology
Breakdown of international actors’ interests
The Case Study 2008-2010: NGOs in Myanmar