Assigning Training t..


Assigning Training

Script Captivate View

I need to assign a class to my direct reports. I know this is possible in Cornerstone, but I’m not sure about the best way to do it.

Dapper Dan to Gadget Girl in front of the Welcome


Would you show me how to get this done so it doesn’t take me all day, Gadget Girl?

Of course! Cornerstone has some great tools to help managers assign training and manage their employees’ learning needs.

Gadget Girl to Dapper Dan.

A manager can assign learning in Cornerstone to one or more of his subordinates through the MY Team tab.

Welcome Page

Click My Team Tab

Show the Manager View under the My Team tab

To Assign Training to your Team:

_Click on your ID Card’s arrow.

_Click on Assign Training from the list.

Click ID Card Arrow

Click the Assign Training link

You can deselect training types to narrow down your search.

Screen shot of Select Training Pop-up

Type a portion of the name of the training type you want to assign and click Search.

Deselect Arrows

Type True Colors in the Search bar

Click Search

When you find the training item, click on the blue + sign to select it

Show this process – Select True Colors: Keys to

Navigating Through Change.

The training item’s details will display.

Simply scroll down to choose who will be assigned this item.

Show the training details

Scroll down to show the list of Direct Reports from which to select.

If the assigned training needs a due date, type in the date or simply use the Calendar button to select a date.

Select a due date

Select which employees you want to have the training.

Notice Cornerstone will let you know if the employee already has this specific training on his transcript.

Screen shot showing the list of employees with one employee who already has the training on the transcript.

You can also add shared subordinates to the training assignment.

Point out the link to direct reports

Check the box by the Name text to assign training to

ALL of the employees in the list at one time.

Screen shot pointing to where you need to click.

Point to the Name box, then check the box by the employee who needs the training.

Click Submit to complete your assigned training.

Click the submit button.

That seems easy enough, but how can I tell if the employee has the training on his transcript?

Dapper Dan to Gadget Girl

That’s easy too. It’s all under the MyTeam tab. Gadget Girl to Dapper Dan.

Each of your direct reports will have an ID card under your My Team tab. You can check your employee’s

Assigned Training in his ID card.

Screen shot pointing to employee ID Card

Demonstrate scrolling through the list of ID cards.

Click on the ID Card to view his Assigned Training.

You can also use the Search icon to find your employee in the list.

Screen shot pointing to the User Search icon.

Click on an employee ID Card and show the employee

Activities list

Here’s the course you just assigned this employee. Show the training item that you assigned the employee

Cornerstone will let you know when the employee is

Approved, Registered, In Progress, or Complete.

Point to the status of the registered item.

This is an easy way view an employee’s transcript.

Thanks, Gagdet Girl. I better go get those classes assigned. With these tips, I know I can get it done in no time!

Dapper Dan

Next time let’s talk about reports you can run from the

MyTeam tab. That will help you save time and effort too!

Gadget Girl
