week - Central New Brighton School

Working Together to be the Best We Can Be
Children’s Edition September 2012
Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou (a warm greeting to everyone)
This week we thought we would put together a special edition celebrating our
children and sharing their work.
Room 1- year 2 and 3 children
Teeth On Friday night I lost a tooth. Now I have four teeth
missing. Can you believe it? I cannot believe it. It’s
unbelievable. It’s like I’m the only person in the world
with that many teeth missing. It happened at my house.
I wiggled it and jiggled it and then it fell out but it was
sitting on my lip . By Hayley
Minus Minus is a way to take away and one is, 10 – 5 =5. Minus is not an easy
thing to do and it means a number is taken away from another number. Minusing
is cool because you can learn to take away. By Kaltan
What is Subtraction? Subtraction is when you take away a number from another
number, for example, eight minus four equals four. I need to think, how am I
going to take away this number? I think, what am I going to do? By Kade
Jelly Crystals Jelly crystals are sugar with colour and flavouring (and gelatine).
Today my class and I did experiments about jelly crystals. What we did was… look
through the magnifying glass and we saw that the crystals looked bigger. By Kade
Room 8- Year 4 and 5 children
One Soul, One Story By Zoe Hampton
“Twelve o’clock, you’re kidding.” We arrived at Woodend camp at 12am. We
raced into our cabins. I heard a strange noise. I felt as if I was being watched. Oh
where here because it was our boring junior scout camp. My name is Zoe, sorry I
didn’t say before. Now about that noise …
I flicked on the rusty light. I saw a misty cloud of smoke in the room. Something
stank. The smell was coming from the cloud, it was really bad. Behind the cloud
was an old photograph hanging on the wall, It was cracked. It had a photo of a
young girl, she had golden blonde hair, big brown eyes just like me EXCEPT she
had a terrified look on her face.. A sign behind her said, “Watch your back”. I
quickly turned around; one of my friends was gone. Another photo appeared it
was my friend, staring at me. There was a hand in the background of the photo
coming towards her. At the bottom of the photo it said someone is coming! It
sent a shiver down my spine and I screamed out, “Please don’t take me!”
I turned around to check on my other friends …..
Woodend Adventure. By Quinn
On our way to Woodend Camp one dark scary night our rusty bus conked out. It
was so dark I couldn’t see in front of me. Suddenly a raging howling wind started
and scared everyone on the bus. I looked around at the scared face. I saw the
frightening thunderstorm flashing before my eyes. It was huge, with smokey dark
clouds and lightening zipping and zapping across the sky. I tried to look at my
watch but it was no use I couldn’t see. In the distance I saw a flaming red fire in
the middle of nowhere heading towards us …
My Wonderful Beach.
By Jayda Roberts
My wonderful beach.
I hear the waves
Crashing into
Each other.
I feel the wind
Blowing through
My hair.
I smell the seaweed
Drying on
The beach.
I taste the salt air
On my
My wonderful beach.
Out On the Beach By Pita
I’m out on the beach, as I walk along I feel the warm golden sand between my
toes. I can smell the fresh salty air. As I run to catch my naughty brown dog I taste
the gritty air flying into my mouth. After I caught him I stared glaringly at the
sunset and suddenly a beautiful dolphin flies out of the sea then back in like an
I said to myself, “I think I’ll come back to the beach tomorrow, yes I shall come
The Fireworks by Quinn
Crash! Boom! Bang! Crash! Zooming across the sky was red, purple and green
sparkles all over the place; in a dazzling rage was the smoky gas coming from the
fireworks. The sea lit up like the sun going down. This was the best day of my life I
thought until it ended – I walked sadly back. I could smell the smoke then more
and more fireworks erupted like a volcano. All the children were having so much
Room 5 – New entrant and year 1 children
Fishing by Jack
I went fishing with mum abd Kyle. We got no fish but we saw seals.
Room 7 -year 6 and 7 students
Poetry based on a poem by James K. Baxter
The Beach-- Levi Collins
The beach was usual enough; it had
People, waves, shells, And even
A pier to fish off. My mum, my friend and I
Did what you do at the beach – playing tag
In the sand dunes, searched for shells, went fishing
Off the pier, surfing, creating sandcastles, sun
Bathed, sat down and gobbled a healthy lunch.
Doing nothing much.
The Amazing Forest- by Briar-Rose Stott
The forest was usual enough; it had
Birds singing at the top of their lungs, grass
That smelled like fungus, trees as big as Big Foot,
Biggest, bluest sky ever and creeks the size of a
Pool. My Mum and I do what we do – swimming
With the fish, jump from tree to tree like spider monkies,
Eat a nutritious lunch, jump from lily pad to lily pad,
Made a tree hut, look at rainbows curving over the trees
And played tag.
Doing nothing much.
The Beach - Savannah Amies
The beach was usual enough; it had
Sand, water, shells, boats sailing across
The waves and a secret cave I
Hide my treasures in. My cousins, my aunty and I
Did what we do – sunbath
Just out of the water’s reach, listen to
Gulls squawk, build sandcastles in
The wet sand, chase each other, playing
In the waves, sitting in the donut behind the boat, eating
An ice cream and begging to stay longer.
Doing nothing important.
Room 6 – Year 7 and 8 children
A moment in time - Written by Henry Beeby-Zeier
The salty air drifts up my nose with that distinctive smell of wet dogs playing next
to me in the water mingled in with it. While I’m peacefully walking along with wet
sand squelching through my toes and water lapping at my feet, the dogs are
splashing around having the time of their lives.
Kids are having fun building sand sculptures, sunbathing and
splashing about in the sea, while their parents are watching over
them while chatting with friends.
Dogs are playing to my right, kids having fun on every angle,
breakers breaking and beating the calm water below them with
their immense force.
When the salty spray lands on my tongue it’s nice and refreshing but
when the sand that has been blown up off the beach gets in my
mouth, I spit it out straight out!
It’s nice just walking along, but it would be really fun to join in with
the other beach goers.
The Farm - Written by Tyler Handley
The farm was usual enough; it had
Tall trees, a big house, a pool.
A tin shed and lots of cows.
Me, my Uncle and my Grandad did
What Handleys do- hid in the trees, swam
In the pool, jumped the river, shot the target,
Drove the bikes, fed the pigs, slept in
The grass.
Doing nothing important at all.
The Land- Written by Rain Turrall
The land was usual enough; it had
Some snow tipped mountains, a large lake, ancient
Burials, some forests and a castle.
Me and my friends did what friends do- chased
Wild pigs in the woods, threw
Stones at the city guards, took sips of ale when the inn keeper wasn’t Looking,
begged for scraps off the food stalls,
Went hunting with our fathers, lit the torches for
The troll hunt, teased the dogs with the dead rabbit carcasses.
Doing nothing important at all.
Room 4 – Year 2, 3 and 4 children
Dogs at the Beach Author: Lucy Handley
When I was at the beach I saw two dogs running into the sea. I felt my ice-cream
dribbing down onto my hand. I saw the pie from the café being left over as scraps
through the window. Then two little girls ran past me and I almost fell over. The
two dogs ran up and jumped up at one of them. The girl fell over, I giggled.
I could smell the dogs, they smelled like mouldy socks that hadn’t been washed in
a 100,000 years. I almost had to put on a gas mask. I could also smell the seaweed
lying on the beach and the smell of the food from the café. I think it smelled of
bacon and eggs, I love eggs.
I could hear the dogs splashing in the sea, they got me wet, I was soaking wet. I
heard the dogs howling at the ball as they were chasing it. I was thinking how
much fun the dogs were having down at the beach.
At the Beach Author: Grace Potroz
At the beach I see dogs running around and kids running out of the water. It is
awesome seeing how fast the dogs can run. At the beach I smell the mist coming
from the sea and the smelly dogs that have just come out of the water, yuck! I
smell ice-cream that people have bought, yum! Also I smell the sea salt water.
While I was at the beach I smelled the fresh grass on the bank.
When I am at the beach I hear the dogs barking as I walk past. I also hear kids
screaming in the water because the water is freezing so they are giggling and
laughing. I also hear the waves crashing higher and higher. It is so beautiful
because the rocks make the water crash into them and that is beautiful. I feel the
cold ice-cream in my mouth as it melts, delicious!
Longbeach Visit – Monday September 24th
Only a little over a week until we go down to Ashburton for the day. We are
expected at Longbeach school by 10:30 so the bus will be leaving here just after
9am. From 11 until 12:30 there will young farmer activities then lunch until 1:15.
After lunch the pet show will begin; we will depart at 2pm.
On the way back we will stop in Rakaia to visit a farm. We expect to be back at
school a little after 4pm. Only children who have consistently shown our school
values will be issued with an invitation. Invitations will be given out next Thursday
by class teachers. If you would like to join us for the day please let the class
teacher know as we need parent helpers.
Our Family Day – September 9
Thanks Derek and Jamie for organising our family day on Sunday afternoon. It was
fantastic to see mums and dads and siblings come along for an afternoon of
games and fun followed by shared kai – yum!
Jamie and Derek are organizing another afternoon on Sunday October 28th – so
keep an eye out for a reminder
Principals Challenge
This week the challenge was for children to show a pride in our school and keep it
litter free. All of the following children have earned TK cards and are invited to
have a chip buttie lunch with me: because there are SOOO many I will have lunch
with the seniors this Friday (14th) and lunch with the juniors next Friday
(September 21st)
Lunch this Friday 14th September: Taine Justin DD Georgia TylerH Amber Jesse
Ricki Makayla Leon Savannah Junior Kaija
Lunch next Friday 21st September: Shania Aesha PaigeT Jack AAliah Maska
Rachael Jamie Autumn Trinity Lilley Jack Leah Kyle Cory Kade Grace Kane
Marshall Taniella Amelia Angel
Upcoming Events Calendar
Kapahaka performance
Last Friday our kapahaka group performed in the CBS Arena. All the parents who
were there will attest to how strong our group was. We all felt incredibly proud of
Friday September 21
Monday September 24
Tuesday September 25
Friday September 28
Drumming workshop 3:15pm to 4:15pm
Visit to Ashburton –
Drumming workshop 3:15pm to 4:15pm
Term 3 finishes at 3:00pm
Term 4
Monday October 15
Monday October 22
Tuesday October 23
Term 4 starts
Labour day
Teacher only day
Hangaia te matapuna o te mohio
Create the special gift of knowledge
Wrist bands
The following children have earned their wrist bands. Congratulations for
displaying our school values.
Being responsible: Rain and Taine
Being respectful: Quinn and Taine
Being an active learner: Sean, Zoe, Paige T. and Tyson
Being caring: Taine
Community message
New Brighton Cricket club – junior registrations this Saturday September 15th
10am to 12pm -Contact Kym Thompson with queries 0211090185