Earth's Waters Section 1–1 Review and Reinforce (p. 17) 1

Inside Earth
Chapter 1
Plate Tectonics
Review and Reinforce Worksheet
Answer Keys
Section 1-1 Review and Reinforce (p. 17)
1. Crust
2. Mantle
3. Outer core
4. Inner core
5. A geologist studies the processes that create Earth’s features and
searches for clues about Earth’s history.
6. The asthenosphere is a part of the upper mantle whose material can
bend like plastic. The lithosphere is a rigid layer that includes the crust
and the top of the mantle.
7. i
8. h
9. f
10. c
11. d
12. e
13. b
14. a
15. g
Section 1-2 Review and Reinforce (p. 21)
1. convection
2. radiation
3. conduction
4. The flow that transfers heat within a fluid is called a
convection current. The heating and cooling of the fluid,
changes in the fluid’s density, and the force of gravity
combine to cause convection currents.
5. Heat from Earth’s core and mantle causes convection
currents in Earth’s mantle.
6. radiation
7. true
8. true
9. convection
10. mass
Section 1-3 Review and Reinforce (p. 25)
1. Landforms
2. Africa
3. Glossopteris
4. Climate
5. glaciers
6. Continental drift is the hypothesis that all the continents
had once been joined together in a single landmass and
have since drifted apart.
7. Wegener could not provide a satisfactory explanation for
the force that pushes or pulls the continents.
8. Pangaea
9. fossil
10. continental drift
Section 1-4 Review and Reinforce (p. 29)
1. That is the mid-ocean ridge, which extends along the sea floor into
all of Earth’s oceans.
2. The process is sea-floor spreading. It continually adds new material
to the ocean floor.
3. The new material splits apart the old material and pushes it aside.
4. Evidence from molten material, evidence from magnetic stripes, and
evidence from drilling samples
5. Subduction at a deep-ocean trench is occurring at C. It occurs
because oceanic crust becomes denser the farther it moves away from
the midocean ridge. Gravity eventually pulls this dense oceanic crust
down beneath the trench.
6. sonar
7. deep-ocean trench
8. sea-floor spreading
9. subduction
10. mid-ocean ridge
Section 1-5 Review and Reinforce (p. 33)
1. divergent boundary
2. convergent boundary
3. transform boundary
4. a. The denser plate subducts below the other at a deepocean trench. b. The collision squeezes the crust into
mountain ranges. c. The denser oceanic plate subducts
below the continental plate.
5. The force of convection currents in the mantle caused
the movements of the plates that carry the continents.
6. theory
7. faults
8. plates
9. rift valley
10. plate tectonics