Welcome to SWGfL Merlin


Welcome to SWGfL Merlin

The future of learning is here!

What is SWGfL Merlin?



Big Day Out uLearn

Audio Networks





Sam Learning

Knowledge Box

Inter-operability data interchange

Space Tools






Forums etc.

Virtual Desktop



Your MIS


Your VLE


Simplified Sign On Service

SWGfL Merlin -

A starting point


Single Sign




Building your school’s platform – plugging in your choice of tools

An extended learning platform

Reporting systems



Transfer of accounts between schools Chat

Personal online space

Wikis Search


Assessment tools

Pupil record systems


Communication and collaboration between all schools in the SW

Filtering and e-safety

Blogs Calendar Bulletin board

Targeted News Website creation

Surveys Discussions


Upload a range of file types

Interest groups

Parental password access

Collaborative projects

CV builder


Simplified sign-on

E-portfolio Target specific users

Integration of MIS

Integration of a range


Range of themes and interfaces

Storage of resources

Sharing resources

Whole school pupil tracking systems

Timetables linked to VLE

Structured course builder

Resources linked to

Business systems timetables

Structured target setting

Off-line learning

Learning Platform

What will SWGfL Merlin look like?

•Bespoke Early Years interface with full integration into SWGfL Merlin

•Simple access to tools and resources

•Age appropriate tools including simple word processor, online scribble tool, online diary

•Creation of e-books for sharing with class

•Functionality, tools and sharing controlled and managed by teacher

Screen shots

Moving On…

• Additional tools and interfaces as pupils migrate to full

SWGfL Merlin

• Customisable virtual desktop enabling personalisation of interface with themes, images, widgets

• E-portfolio can be shared with other users

• Collaboration spaces to share and communicate information

Demo site Scenarios

What will SWGfL Merlin do?

Targeted news - publish and push news to specific users

Shared calendars - share events with members

Multiple calendars - overlay on to personal calendar to provide complete picture of events

Alerts – opt to receive alerts when documents are added or changed

Surveys – collect responses and feedback and display instantly as graphs

• Personal Online Learning Space

• Compatibility with Mobile Technologies (AKS)

• E-safety

Benefits For Teachers

• Single access to a range of resources that can be customised for the exact needs of pupils

• Create and share teaching materials which can be accessed by students and colleagues anywhere and at anytime

• Support supply teachers with access to cover work and lesson plans

• Receive submissions of work from pupils

• Manage your diary, personal file space and receive targeted news within your personalised desktop space

• Opportunities to collaborate and share across departments, schools, LA and SW region.

Benefits For Pupils

• Access learning materials outside lesson time and from a variety of locations

• Store work and notes online for use in assignments, homework and revision, outside normal school hours

• Work at own pace with the potential to access a wider choice of learning styles and tools in a more personalised work space

• Create and share an online portfolio, including digital photos and videos of performance as well as text

• Submit work and assignments for marking or discussion

• Communicate, collaborate and participate in live discussions and forums with other students and teachers within a moderated, e-safe environment

Benefits For Parents

• Play a greater part in children's learning, where they have access to SWGfL Merlin from home

• Support children in learning which takes place outside school

• Share their child's online portfolio and view a showcase of their best work

• Communicate more effectively with teachers, school administrators and others supporting their child's learning

• Engage with wider school issues through online communication and shared spaces

• Become active partners with the school.

• Be reassured that their child is working within an e-safe environment

Benefits for Admin/Managers

• Simplified creation and management of accounts, user names and passwords through MIS system

• Ability to share up-to-date management information such as attendance and attainment

• Reduce the administrative burden on teachers by using transferable data

• Enable communication within school and beyond, on a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many basis

• Increase communication with parents.

• Forge closer links with other schools and agencies both locally and regionally

Benefits for LA officers

• Create and share materials which can be accessed by colleagues anywhere and at anytime

• Support colleagues with targeted access to confidential documents and information

• Receive submissions of work from schools and colleagues

• Manage your diary, personal file space and receive targeted news within your personalised desktop space

• Opportunities to collaborate and share across departments, schools, LA and SW region

Points to consider

Do you have a sufficient hardware for easy access to SWGfL Merlin from various locations within the school and home?

Do you have a AUP written into your school improvement plan that would cover SWGfL


Is your connectivity reliable and fast enough for an

Internet-based system?

Do you have a budget to buy more equipment if needed?

How will you ensure the security and safety of the users of the learning platform and their data?

Can your staff demonstrate an awareness and confidence in the embedded use of ICT to support teaching and learning ?

Finding out more

For further formation and updates regarding SWGfL Merlin

• Visit the SWGfL website www.swgfl.org.uk/services/learning_platforms

• Subscribe to the SWGfL mailing list www.swgfl.org.uk/news_and_events/mailinglist.asp

• Contact your LA SWGfL Merlin key contact

Linda Duffy l.duffy@dorsetcc.gov.uk

Ph 01929 401812

Mob: 07881 802889
