
The Politics of the Gilded Age, 1876-1892
Political Overview, 1876-1892
a. Responsibilities of government
i. Deliver the _________
ii. Collect taxes
1. Taxes on . . .
2. Tariff
3. No ________________________
iii. Provide for a national defense
iv. Carry out . . .
b. Why not do more?
i. Little to no …
ii. No _______________________ to do more =>
c. Republican, Democratic parties very similar
i. Both supported the following
1. Growth of ____________________
2. Stable ______________________
3. Hostile to . . .
ii. How did people identify to a party?
1. Who can …
2. Who can …
iii. Major difference between parties = _______________________
1. GOP =>
2. Democrats saw …
iv. Voting blocs
1. Democratic bloc
a. White____________________ =>
b. Catholics
c. Recent ____________________ =>
d. Urban . . .
e. Most farmers
2. Republican bloc
a. Northern ______________
b. African Americans =>
c. Northern Protestants
d. Older WASPs =>
e. Most of the . . .
v. Voter turnout
1. Intense voter loyalty, turnout during this period =>
2. Two party “balance” . . .
Rutherford B. Hayes, 1876-1880
a. Promised to serve …
b. Domestic policy
i. Civil service reform, due to . . .
ii. Sent in the troops in response . . .
1. Angered workers =>
2. Angered owners =>
Election of 1880
a. GOP considered Grant for third term =>
b. Dems considered dozens of candidates …
c. Minor parties
i. Greenbacks =>
ii. American Party =>
d. Result =>
James A. Garfield
a. Born in OH
b. Attorney, then fought in . . .
c. Elected congressman =>
d. Assassinated July 2, 1881 =>
Chester A. Arthur
a. Attorney, before becoming ___________
b. Got stated in politics . . .
i. Ironically, became “______________________________________” upon becoming
ii. Felt he should . . .
iii. Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act
1. Established …
2. (Eventually) ended spoils system, for Federal Government
a. 1883 =>
b. 1900 =>
Election of 1884
a. Campaign of . . .
i. GOP Blaine was . . .
ii. D Cleveland had . . .
b. In last week of campaign, GOP (protestant) preacher . . .
i. “Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion”
ii. Cost Blaine NY =>
c. Result =>
Grover Cleveland
a. Born in NJ =>
b. Elected …
c. First Democrat elected …
d. Married Frances Folsom =>
e. Reforms
i. Kept R government employees …
ii. Signed Interstate Commerce Act =>
iii. Forced RR companies to …
iv. Silver Standard
1. Should US currency be made with . . .
2. Problem: citizens paid with ________________, foreign creditors demanded
3. This resulted in a …
v. Tariffs
1. Cleveland wanted . . .
2. Tariff at ______________!!!
3. Resulted in a . . .
VIII. Election of 1888
a. Candidates =>
b. Main issue = Tariff
i. Protectionists (mainly _______ ) argued for . . .
ii. Free traders (mainly ____________________) wanted ...
iii. Tariff issue took on . . .
c. Lowlights of campaign
i. Widespread corruption =>
ii. British Ambassador story =>
d. Results =>
Benjamin Harrison
a. Born in _______ moved to _______
b. Fought in CW, then . . .
c. Economic issues dominated presidency
i. Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) =>
ii. McKinley Tariff (1890)
1. Raised tariff . . .
2. Hurt . . .
3. Helped …
iii. Sherman Silver Purchase Act
1. Government required to purchase . . .
2. Silver bought with notes that …
3. Caused Panic of 1893 =>
iv. GOP lost big in 1890 congressional elections
Election of 1892
a. ________________ (D) nominated, again!
b. Harrison (GOP) nominated
c. Weaver nominated by _________________________
d. Main issues =>
e. Populists championed . . .
f. Results: Cleveland kept South =>
Cleveland’s Second Term
a. Economic Panic of 1893
i. Stock market crashed =>
ii. Congress repealed . . .
iii. Silver as basis of ________________________ ended
b. Tariff reform
i. Cleveland reduced tariff
ii. Income tax introduced =>
c. Labor unrest
i. Coxey’s Army =>
ii. Pullman Strike
1. Cleveland ordered . . .
2. Sent in the troops when . . .